Chapter 20:It's All Over...

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"I can't remember anything. Nothing. Like it got drained out of me.."she says. Draco couldn't believe what he was hearing. He removed his hand from hers and walked out.

The others along with Ginny were coming to visit her when they saw Draco walking away with tears falling down from his face. Harry and Ron went after him while the others came to Hermione.


"Ginny. What happened to me? I can't remember anything."

"What? Like nothing?"

"Nothing at all." All of them looked ar each other.

"What do you remember? "

"Only blurry images. They're all not clear."

"You can go now Ms. Granger. "

"Thank you."she got out of bed and walked. Really fast.

"All I remember is being Head Girl. Nothing else."

"You need rest,Herms,"

"Okay. See you all later then." She got to the Common room. She entered their room and slammed the door.


Hermione was getting images of what happened. All the things. The race, quidditch with the gang,her birthday,the ball,her first kiss.....Draco. Then she woke up panting. Ginny and Blaise bursted from the other room.

"Hermione? What is it?"

"I remember.."she whispers.


"I remember! The memory loss was only temporary! Oh my god. Draco. Where is he?"

"In our room. Broken on the couch."

"It's all her fault!"

"We have to tell McGonagall. Fast." They all ran out of the room to go to the fireplace. She called McGonagall over and waited.


"The memory loss. It's only temporary."

"We'll sort this out then. Later in the morning. You should all get some sleep."

"Thank you professor. "

"I can't believe it! I've broken him." Hermione had her head in her hands.

"I'm sure he will understand."

"You're right."


Hermione woke up not finding Draco beside her. But there was a note.

Dear Hermione,

You obviously can't remember me. You lost all your memory. You lost all the good times we had. The year you punched me. The day you got hit by the Sectumsempra curse stopping other people from offending me. The night Ginny and Blaise first kissed and we spied on Ron and Pansy. The night we sang for Percy and Penny's wedding. A lot of those good memories.

When you said you couldn't remember anything, it broke me. A lot. We were in a relationship. But now it's over. I know I will not be able to take thise days back. All of these good memories. I secretly have a small Polaroid. I took a picture of everything and combinde them to make a video. Maybe it will help a little.

I've loved you,Hermione. I never wanted this to happen. It's all thanks to you we all changed into great peple. All I wanted was for us to be together for the rest of our lives. No barriers at all. But it's now ruined and rusted. What once was a beautiful pure heart of gold,is now ruined. Rusted. Broken. I really wish this never happened. At least can we please,be friends? In some way,I never really lose you forever? If you don't want to answer it's fine.

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