Chapter 33:Lies

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"Mr. Wood and you two."McGonagall says looking at the three. "Ghanks for burning all of it. Although,we sent one to the minister himself for better investigation."

"I still don't get it. Why would anyone tell that lie? Those lies."

"Maybe someone who is jealous of her?"

"Wait a minute. Where were you,in the morning. On Hogsmeade visit?"asks Alicia.

"Hun,all of us were in the Gryffindor common room. We were waiting for her there because we want to think of ideas for Daphne's birthday next week. "

"You weren't at the Three Broomsticks, by any chance?"

"No. We were not. We were planning to,but Arya was not there. So we decided not to go."

"Then who were there on the pub that looks like all of you?"

"Polyjuice potion!"


"That's it! That's probably why there were people there that looked like us!"

"Of course! But how did they get hairs?"

"Probably few stray hairs fell. Luna also has a long hair."

"Good thing they didn't involve Fred in this."

"Yeah. She and Fred would suffer worse than they do now."

"Speaking of Fred,where is he?"

"In his dorm. Probably crying his eyeballs out."

"Well,you should all get sleep."

"When can she come back?"

"Around Tuesday."

"But my birthday is on Tuesday. . Does that mean,she won't be there?"

"We'll try to get her here. Goodnight."

Hospital Wing

"Where am I?"Hermione asks stirring.

"Arya! You're awake!"says Fleur rushing to her.

"How do you feel now?"

"A bit warm. What happened?"

"Well,there was this article in the Daily Prophet. Which were lies. And they made everyone think your friends gave those lies so that you will never talk to them. You stormed in the hall,yelled and went in your room."

"And Fleur found you there out cold with ice around your hands."

"The points is,they were not given by them. "

"Then who gave those stuff?"

"Someone who is probably jealous of you. "

"You three can go back now."says McGonagall entering the wing.

"Okay Headmistress. Get well soon Rea."

"Ms. Granger. Are you sure you are alright now?"

"Yes. What day is it?"

"Tuesday,5:00 in the morning."

"It's Daphne's birthday."

"Yes. It is."

"None of the people and staff close to you have been sleeping. Not even Mr. Weasley. "

"Well,I am worried of her. Here are the notes you missed."

"You wrote them for me?"


"Thanks Perce. How's Fred?"

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