Chapter 2:What a night....

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Hermione walks side by side along her best friend Ginny Weasley.Over the break,they had become friends with some other slytherins.Even the dumbest ferret cluck became friends with them.

"Hey guys."says Daphne who caught up with them.

"Hey. What's  up?"

"Blaise got out of the hospital wing yesterday night. Just came to our common room scaring us."

"Well......that dude needs serious medical treatments."Hermione says jokingly. The other two stuck their tongue out at their bestfriend and ended up laughing.

"Watcha laughing about?"asks a famous italian accent.

"Guys?"asks Hermikne looking at the girls."I forgot. I was supposed to meet McGonagall.For extra classes for racing.Gotta go."she says running off.

What's it with her?,asks Blaise.They learned how to mind communicate.

Trust me,no idea. She did feel bad when she heard you were in the hospital wing.


Cool it Mione.

Yeah. There's nothing wrong with being worried.


Whatever. I'm going to the ROR for karaoke party tonight.You guys coming?



"Please stop mind communicating and pay attention. "Says Slughorn.

"Sorry,Professor. "

They spent one hour of learning about Amortentia and their effects.For the next class,they will be making  it.That is where the gang freaked out. They will have to test it out on each other. Some of Ron's older brothers will also be in the class. More annoyance for Ron,Harry thought.

"Class dismissed." The professor said when the bell rang.

While walking to their class,Hermione started humming the song 'What the Hell' by artist Avril Lavigne. The other girls started humming along until they ended up singing it.

All my life,I've been good,But now,Ohhhhhh
I'm thinking"What the hell?"

All I want is to mess around I don't care about
If you love me,If you hate me
You can't save me,baby,baby
All my life I've been good but woah "What the hell?"

What,what,what,what the hell?

" Woah.Cool it there. Who's gorgeous voice is that?"asks Draco. Hermione walked off knowing it was her who sang really good.

"Was that you,Mione?"asks George.

"Yes and don't tell them."

"Okay. But why?"

"No one heard me sing before other than Gin and Luna."


"Do you have a date tonight?"

"Not really. You?"

"Nope. No one at all."



They sat together at the class.They were taught how to transfigure themselves. Hermione turned into a lovebird and so did George. On the way out,the whole gang teased them.

Fast forward to end of classes

Hermione wore her usual black jeans,white top and leather jacket.

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