Chapter 36:"Why does it always have to be me?"

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(Listen to My Happy Ending for the whole chapter)

Hermione woke up with a start. She softly sat up preventing herself from getting a headache and realised someone was holding her right hand. She looked at the head beside her bed and saw a curly red hair.

What the frick? Percy? Charles?

"Perce?" The red sat up rubbing his eyes.



"It's fine."

"You stayed here all night?"

"Sort of,yes. You were screaming from here at about 3 in the morning and all the adults got worried. So I went here to check in on you."

"Thanks Perce."

"Of course. So,our broken friendship from your 5th year is fixed?"

"Definately. Better than fixed. It's now one of the things that will stop me from leaving."

"What do you mean 'leaving'?"

"I might've got an offer for a job in the ministry for the minister himself."she says laughing nervously. Percy jumped up from his sitting position and hugged her.

"Congrats! So,did you accept it?"

"Yeah. But they said I can finish my school first if I want."

"Which you are gonna be doing."

"Yes. Thanks for the support,Perce. It means a lot."

"For my second sister." She got up and changed her hair to match the original Weasley hair.

"Now do I look like your sister?"

"Definately. Get changed. We're meeting them in the Great Hall."



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"Yah." The two walked side by side to the hall.

"Hey! We've been waiting for the both of you."

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