Chapter 30:"What do you think you're doing?!"

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*From where continued*

They were....Penny. And Charlie. Together on a bench and on a full out snog session. (tries not to barf...)

"Penny?"calls Fred.

"Charlie?"calls Hermione after him.

The two adults jumped at the sound of their voice.

"Arya."says Charlie.

"Fred."says Penny next. The two adults tried to walk toward the shocked youngsters,who backed away in a second.

"What. The actual hell are you two thinking?!"

"You only had your wedding a few weeks ago!"says Fred.

"We can explain."says Penny holding Hermione's hand. Who jolts it away and backs up to Fred.

"I can't believe you. He's the father isn't he?"says Fred looking at Charlie in a dangerous way.

"I'm done here. Let's go Fred. We have no more business here."says Hermione moving away from Fred and walking to the direction of the party. Fred looks at the two one last time,and moves to the direction where Hermione went.

"Arya. You okay?"asks Daphne seeing Hermione's face masked red. Her hair started growing red,then blue,then purple. Without her hair turning back to normal,she answered.


"What are you angry and sad about?"asks Percy joining in.

"It's nothing. Don't worry." Her hair turned a darker shade of purple. Which meant fear,sadness and anger had taken her over. She started to fall backwards and Fred and Percy caught her before completely falling down.

"Dear. What has happened to her?"asks Molly coming over to the group.

"I'm fine Molly."Hermione says finding hard to speak.

"That happened to Tonks once. It should never happen. You never know what might happen next." Hermione sat down on a bench and Fred sits next to her.

"Something happening between you two?"asks Astoria raising her brows.

"No." They just sat down for a couple minutes. Until Fred feels Hermione's head get heavier. He looked down at her and saw that she was asleep. Although,there was no change in her hair.

"She's out cold. But her hair still hasn't changed. Meda. What should we do?"

"That is based on,if she still has the emotions even if she is asleep. You should get her to bed."

"See you guys later." He holds Hermione's shoulders still,then disappears into thin air.

They got back to her room. He laid her down and put the covers on her.

"Good night. I love you."he says before apparating back to the Burrow.

At around midnight,she woke up. Still in the same hair colour. She went to the bathroom and got changed.

After finishing,she went back outside and just read her book. 'Before I Fall ' by Lauren Oliver. She loved the book. She set her book down for a second,not closing it,and took out the other two lockets.

She studied both the lockets. She opened the one from Draco and opened it. From inside,a note fell.

Dear Hermione,

I am so happy to be with you. I do hope for our relationship to last long enough until our death. Yes. Until our death. I want you to be my future love. I know it is too soon for this. Seeing as you are 3 years older than me. No offence hun. But no matter how old you are,I still will be ready to love you. Forever and always.

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