Runaway love-MB LOVE STORY

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Meet Shanice...

Hi my name is shanice, im a 14 year old girl who gets raped and beaten by father and my mother is a drug addict. i have 3 friends but they don't know what i'm going through. They have the easy life,but me..... i suffer. i cant take anymore pain. one more day and i'm gonna pack runaway and never look back.

Meet Jaela...

sup,see this bruse on my back? my father gave it to me last night cause he was drunk. I only live with him and im always scared. One day he's gonna do more then beat me. he might just kill me. I have 3 friends and they have no absolute idea what I go through. They always come to me all happy. i dont think im pretty and i dont think anyone likes me. i guess im just gonna have to play along but one day imma be gone and i aint coming back.

Meet Sasha...

Hey, im sasha a 13 year old girl turning 14 on the second of august and on that day my baby will be born too. i got pregnant trying escape my lonely world. i used to pop pills and come home late at night. my mother hates me. thinks im a whore. i told the father im pregnant and he said it aint his. i got my friends on my side i made them think i got raped but its time i leave... im not wanted here. its time for me to run away and never come back.

Meet Lexy

hi, my name is lexy im a girl who lives in a shelter with my drug addict of a mother and little sister. i cant live here no more. its too much. i almost got shot. and the guy who works here tried to rape me. i screamed to loud and he punched me in my face and then ran. i didnt want to tell cause i thought he would come and look for me. instead i said i got into a fight and the pain caused me to mother is gonna die soon and so am i. i cant live like this. my friends know only so little and i wish i could tell them more but i just cant. one night imma leave the person i call my mother and never turn back............... and im takin my sister wit me.

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