Happily NEVER After.. >:)

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Hey Guys.. Amina here.. New Chappiee coming.... NOW!.. :D

(Lexy's POV)

I wake up with a large gasp and I was coughing. The heart monitors picked up and all the doctors rushed in the room. I looked up into the nearest light and I see and light pink heart. I'm pretty sure no one else saw it or else they would say something. 

Doctor: Lexy?? Are you okay? How do you feel?? 

Me: *cough* I'm okaee. *cough* Just thirsty. Where are my friends??

Doctor: In the lobby. I can go get them. 

(Jae's POV) 

Doctor: Is this he family of Lexy??

Me: Yes.

Doctor: Lexy is now breathing on her own and she actually recovered. She came back from the dead which is actually miraculous. This has never happened in all my years of being a doctor. Congratulations.

Me: *tearing up* So she's okaee?? Can I go see her??

Doctor: Yess.

Me: Prod,Prince,Shaunice, one of ya'll. Call Roc and Saha. Call Ray. Lexy is ALIVE!! *runs to see Lexy*

(I run into the room and Lexy was laying down. I run over to her.)

Me: Oh my gosh Lexy!.. You're ALIVE!.. I thought you were going to be gone forever. I love you so much girl you don't even know. I was crying and Prince was crying and Sasha was going ballistic!.. And Ray.. I gotta call Ray.. Wait.. He left.. 

(Ray, Prod,Roc,Sasha, Shaunice, and Prince came into the room. )

Ray:Baby I missed you. How are you doing?

Lexy:Baby. I'm fine

(Ray sat next to Lexy on my hospital bed)

Lexy:Sasha. What happened to your face??

(Everyone turns their head towards Princeton)

Princeton: I-I-I'm so sorry. I never meAnt to hurt you. I never ment to punch you in the face I'm just so sorry. (He starts crying)

Sasha: (Runs to Princeton and hugs him) Prince. It's ok. Don't cry. Everything is going to be alright.It was just an accident.(She starts crying with him)

Ray: (just starts confessing random things while crying) One time when I was younger I pushed this girl down the slide. I always wanted to tell her that I was sorry. I'm sorry Savanah.

Shanice :(Goes over to stand by Ray and hug him and confess things) When I went to cheerleading camp, I forgot to wear a spank under my shirt and the boys were my bases and they kept staring under my skirt at my thong. (starts crying and throws arms up in the air like she was surrendering) Lord knows what they were thinking?

Me: (walks to Ray and Shanice and starts crying and confessing) A few years ago I use to c-c-cutt myself.

(Princeton walks over to me )Me too. I use to cut myself as well. I know how you feel.

(Ray,Sasha,Shanice,Me,and Princeton are hugging each other and crying.)

Roc,Prod, and Lexy: What the h**l is going on here?.. 

Prince: I can't say sorry enough Sasha. I will never forget how sorry I am.. You can't do anything to change my mind. I'm still so sorry. I'm just going through some things. 

Sasha: What's up Prince?? You can tell us anything.

Prince: My mom has cancer. The doctors gave her 2 years to live. I know I won't be able to go home to my mom for a while. I don't know what I'm going to do. *starts crying*

(Everyone except Lexy hugs Prince)

Lexy: I'm sorry Prince.. I wish I could get up and hug you. 

(Prince walks over to me and gives me a big hugs. I rub his head and whisper to him "Everything will be alright baby boy. Keep your head up." I kiss him on his forehead and rub his head)

Prince: Thanks Lexy.

(The doctor walks in and says Lexy can come home.. YAYY!.. We all get into a cab and went home. We opened the door and everyone pilled into the house. Ray carried Lexy into the living room and put her on the couch. Sasha and Roc went into their room with Gabe. Prince and Shaunice were cuddled up on the couch. Prod was digging in the fridge to find us something to eat.)

(Sasha's POV)

(I was laying on the bed with Gabe laying on my chest.. I was burping him and putting him to sleep at the same time. My phone was ringing. )

Me: Roc baby.. Can you answer my phone please?..

(Roc picks up my phone)

(Roc's POV)

*Phone Convo*

Me: Hello..

??: Can I talk to Sasha?.. 

Me: Who tf is this?..

??: Uhh.. This is Mario.. Is Sasha there?..

Me: Well.. I'm Sasha's boyfriend and you can't talk to her..

Mario: N***a.. i need to talk to Sasha that's it.. D**n. Why the h**l you gettin in your d**n feelings??

Me: Okaee.. Since you want to be disrespectful get tf off my girl phone..

*End of phone convo*

(I turn around and Sasha was putting Gabe in his crib.. She wasn't looking at me..)

Me: Who the h**l is Mario?..

Sasha: Who?? Mario?

Me: Do NOT play dumb.. You know who I'm talkin about..

Sasha: *turns around* No I don't.. *bites lips and looks down*

Me: So you want to lie now??

(I back her up into a corner.. I punch the wall next to her head and she shrieks.. I glared at her..)

Me: Tell me who Mario is..

Sasha: My ex boyfriend..

Me: Why the h**l is he calling you?!

Sasha: I asked him did he want to go out for some drinks and catch up..

Me: Catch up?? Ohh.. Okaee.. Catch up with this.. 

(I stormed out of the room with Sasha on my heels..)


Me: Don't worry about it.. Go call MARIO!!

(I ran out the house and slammed the door.. I'm about to do something dangerous and sneaky.. Two can play at this game)

WOAHH!.. What the HECK?!.. Where is Roc going??

Who is Mario??

Was Sasha lyng??

What about Prince's moms??

Tune in next chapter for Runaway love-MB LOVE STORY


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