the night just gets worse by the minute huh?

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Roc: hey babe
Sasha: oh……hey
Roc: why u in here all alone were about to have a lil party and then leave out to get in the tour bus.
Sasha: i juss wanted to be alone for a lil bit.
(i thought about myself even more and tears came to my eyes and started running down my face… back was turned to him so he couldnt really see me.)
Roc: whats wrong?
Sasha: ummm nothing
Roc: sasha dont lie.
Sasha: nothings wrong
(he came and stood in front of me, my head was down so he picked my head up and seen me crying.)
Roc: whats wrong sasha?…….why are you- is it cause people know your pregnant?
(i nodded)
Roc: babe thats nothing
Sasha: but roc you said your the father
Roc: i am aint i?
Sasha: yes but……..Roc all the fans are gonna know when this is published and i dont want them to hate you or me. people are gonna be lookin for me tryna fight me.
Roc: baby it dont matter about them…. the only thing that i truly care about is you and our baby ok? themm fans aint nun but haters that keep us motivated. so what if they mad sasha! so what if they hate you. them hating you is supposed to make you WANT to continue to do what your doing. its supposed to make you WANT to show off that baby bump. its supposed to make you WANT to let everyone know that im the father and no one can say other wise. and if they gonna try to fight you then we will have body guards everywhere. and where ever you go they will follow. and i you dont want them all up on you they can keep a disguised distance. but baby please dont let them faze you or get to your head cause thats only gonna bring you down and if you go down imma go down with you.
Sasha: but Roc-
Roc: no buts…… now dry them tears…. insted of partying im taking you out.
Sasha: i was just about to get out this dress.
Roc: well keep it on cause we going out.
(i put my shoes on and we walked out the room hand in hand)
Prod: hey where yall going??
Ray: we bout to start the party and diggy,his girl and jacob and his girl are down the hall they said they was gonna come party wit us.
Roc: were going out.
Jae: oooooooo ok den!!
Prince:…….you got money?
Roc: yes i do unlike you..
Prince: HEY its hard to choose 1 so why dont u juss buy both.
Roc: G-SHOCKS!!!! 
Sasha: ARE YOU CEREAL PRINCE….. you spend ya money on g-shocks. them things aint that important.
Prince: i can go in my bank account when i need money so it aint that serious.
Roc and sasha: w.e!!
Roc: well guys we bout to head out tell keisha i left fa me….we gonna have to leave now if we wanna see amovie and make it back on time.
Lexy: yall sure you gonna watch the movie?
Sasha: shut up lexy.
Shaniece: watch yall gonna go to the back and start sucking on each others face.
Prod: hey i wouldnt be surprised if they came home and said they got kicked out cause sasha was moaning too loud.
(everyone except me and roc busted out laughing and gave prod a high five.)
Roc: HA…HA…HA your sooooo funny!!
Sasha: lets go Roc.
(we left to them still laughing and joking around….we walked the streets hand in hand it was about 6 or 7 o’clock. we finally got to the movie theaters and as they said went to the back….. i hope roc dosent start messing around with me cause im not feeling too well D has been too calm lately and i really need to go see a doctor. we started watching the movie we didnt wanna see anything scary or anything chick flicky so we decided to watch a childrens movie….. happy feet 2 we heard puss in boots was wack so we didnt wanna watch it. it was funny so far then Roc started talking to me.)
Roc:(wispering) babe………babe?
Sasha: hmmmmmm?
Roc: you alright?
Sasha: yea
(he slide over some more and started kissing under my neck….. i knew he was gonna try to start something.)
Sasha: Roc no we came here to see a movie.
(i kind slide him off of me then after about 2 minutes he tried again.)
Sasha: Roc stop….
Roc: come on please.
Sasha: no Roc
(we were deep in the back and there wasnt much people in this movie so there wouldnt be people telling us to shush and no one would pay much attention to us. Roc knew that and thats why he was trying.)
Roc: come on babe no ones gonna see.
(he started kissing my lips and rubbing my leg…… does this child not understand no?? i pulled away from him.)
Roc: whats wrong with you?
Sasha: Roc i said no like 3 times and your still trying i just wanted to come out here and relax with you and spend time with you.
Roc: im trying to do the same.
Sasha: no Roc your trying to get in my pants at a movie theater….. theres a difference…ugh i need a walk.
(i got up and started ,to walk away then he grabbed my hand.)
Roc: where u going?
Sasha: im going for a walk.
Roc: w.e
(i walked away and walked around the movie theater jus trying to relax…when i was walking out i seen a girl go in. she looked at me up and down and then gave me a stank look…. i guess she knows. i finally relaxed and went back in…… it wasnt so dark so i could see perfectly….. at this moment i wish i couldnt really see at all cause when i got to the top i seen Roc making out with the same girl that gave me a dirty look. there was no anger in this just pain.)
Sasha: R-Roc?
(he pulled away from the girl and looked up at me……)
Roc: Sasha i…
Sasha: save it………… i was right…. you tried to proove me wrong but you didnt and even worse….you had me fooled….. well i guess your happy Roc im the fool.
(i felt so much pain…. i walked away and he walked after me… that point all i wanted to do was run. so i took off my heels held them in my hand and Ran…. before i got pregnant i was captain of the track team… running like this was nothing for me…..even if i was pregnant so i ran, ran all the way back to the hotel barefoot with tears comming down my face.Roc was no where near the hotel so i had time to get up stairs and just hide from him until he decided to leave me alone. i bolted into the hotel room we were in. everyone stopped partying and just looked at me i dropped my heels ran into my room and chaged as fast as i could and when i got out the Room Roc was standing there in the living room.)
Roc: Sasha please
Sasha: Roc theres nothing more you can say……. i didnt give you what you wanted and thats that. im not gonna let you treat me like a h03 or a toy im a human Fu*king being Roc i have feelings what you thought i wasnt gonna come back.?? that b!tch you was making out with i already seen her i was standing outside the door and she was walking in and before the stepped in she looked at me up and down and then walked in.
Roc: she seen me and came over to me sasha.
Roc: i did.
Sasha: exactly
Prince: woah woah woah Roc who did ,you kiss.
Sasha: not me i sure is hell know that!!
Everyone: awwwwwhhh man……..
( i started crying and i dropped to the floor. i didnt feel well at all.)
Sasha: why……why does every guy i date do this to me? 
Lexy: Sasha its gonna be ok…. come on get up.
Sasha:………..take me to the doctor…….now
Shaniece: why??
Sasha: D…… hes too calm….. something is wrong.
Jae: is he been this calm?
Sasha: yea i havent felt him since yesterday……he dont move as much.
Keisha: did i hear what i juss heard………why yall asking her questions yall supposed to call me and rush down stairs TF lets go come on!!!!
(we took a taxi cause the tour bus wasnt here yet and diggy and Jacob said they was gonna stay when we got there we had to fill out papers. everyone had split up but Roc sat next to me. keisha went to go get me food and the rest went exploring acting like they neva been in a hospital before.)
Doctor(DR): Sasha?
(i got up and went into the room with a tall women who was the doctor and Roc followed……he also texted keisha to let her kno where i am.)
Dr: ok so whats going on sasha?
Sasha: i havnt felt my baby move since yesterday night and im worried that something is wrong.
Dr:ok…..umm who is he?(pointing to Roc)
Sasha: hes the father.
Dr: hi father.
Roc: hi you can call me roc.
Dr: ok Roc umm did you know about this?
Roc: no she didnt tell me anything about it.
Dr: ok did you notice anything in her facial expressions or anything?
Roc: nope. ummm doc can you please help us out…..well help me out.
Dr: what do you mean?
Roc: i screwed up and i dont know what to do.
Dr: what did you do?
Roc: i kissed another girl.
Dr: Sasha just forgive him he made a mistake and he will never do it again and if he does you need to leave him cause he dosent seem like the right father for your son cause hes gonna be teaching him how to be a pimp and what not and you can be having that around your child.
Sasha: ok…..
Roc: please sasha im really sorry. i was just angry. i didnt respect your wishes and i was moving to fast. i fu*ked up and im seriously sorry. please give me another chance.
Sasha: ok fine.
Dr: ok back to this now……. so im gonna do an ultra sound and were gonna look around and see if there is anything wrong.
(they hooked up the machine put the gel on my stomach and put the camera on it and rubbed it around. usually when you did this you were supposed to hear the babies heart beat and see him in a certain spot……but i heard nothin and all i seen was my baby just there…..not moving or anything. i didnt want to think he was dead but it seemed that he was.)
Dr: thats strange……
Sasha: what?
Dr: theres no heart beat…….maybe the sound is low or off.
(he turned up the sound and no sound came…….. lord please dont tell me my baby is dead.)
Dr: sasha have you been to the bathroom lately?
Sasha:ummm no why?
Dr: cause you please remove your underwear please.
(since i was wearing a dress it wasnt hard so i took it off and seen blood she took a small sample of it and left and had me wait. i had to underwear and Roc and i were silent. even though i was still kind of heart broken about that kiss i needed someones hand to hold and i needed someone to comfort me and that person who was there with me was Roc. 10 minutes of our silence later the doctor came back in she had a sad face on.)
Dr: Sasha im sorry to say this but……..your baby is dead.
Sasha:……………… ok
(my emotions LEFT me i couldnt cry i wasnt angry and i sure is hell wasnt happy or excited. i was just there blank…..Roc had a shocked face on. and he couldnt say anything. she told me that soon D would just be flushed out of me in a few hours or 2 so just wait…..i put my underwear in a bag and put on a new one. we walked out the doctors office and i still couldnt say anything…. when we got out there everyone was there curious and ready for news…….i still couldnt speak so roc decided to speak for me.)
Roc: ………D………
Keisha: what about him?? is he ok?
Roc: hes Dead.
(the girls broke down and cried while i just stood there still in shock. the doctor spoke to keisha and we all left…. when we got to the hotel i still had a blank face on……… the tour bus was there some of the girls were still crying while others were just quiet…..we moved our stuff into the tour bus come to find out that diggy,rae rae,jacob, and Cece was gonna be with us on that tour bus too. the boys told them the news and they were sad for me too….. i didnt know what to feel and what to do all i knew was………my baby was gone.)

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