Ur life is crazy as F*ck

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(so we all go to the park and stand there waiting for someone to say something)
Roc: ok so the boys and i brought you here cause were tryna figure somethin out.
girls: what are you tryna figure out?
Prince: ok so when we are either next to yall or in a circle with yall or even just talking to yall we feel this weird bad vibe.
Roc: when i was sitting at the table wit yall today i felt really bad and i didnt even know why.
Prod: it felt really weird and i felt bad too.
Ray: so were tryna figure out what is wrong.
Girls: nothing is wrong though.
Roc: thats what you say. ok so what i want yall to do is hold hands and make a circle and juss think. think about the stuff your going through.
Prince: think about the ones you love and hate.
Ray: think about your hopes and dreams.
Prod: and think about the good and the bad times.
(we did what they said and since im the emotional one i started crying first, then came in jae, then lexy, then shaniece. we hugged each other and cried together. we cried for about 2 minutes)
Roc: ok now that you have let it out i want sasha to come with me,jae to go wit prod,shaniece to go wit prince and lexy to go wit ray and i want each of yall to juss talk and share why you were crying. dont be afraid to cause we dont judge were juss tryna help.
(we parted into the pairs and went to different parts of the park to talk)
Roc: ok sasha whats wrong?
Sasha: my life is a living hell.
Roc: explain.
Sasha: ok so in my house my mom is juss really mean to me and she is always saying that i can go anywhere i want since im the only child and she says she dosent really care what time i come home i juss have to call and let her know where im at and check in like every 2 hours.
Roc: ok
Sasha: so one ,day i was at my friends house and i forgot to call her and when i got home she was mad and saying that i was probubly out wit a boy having sexx so thats why i didnt call and she wouldnt let me explain anything. she dosent trust me and dosent care when i come home or anything. she made me depressed and one day i went to this boys house and he asked if i wanted some E and i took it and i was happy go lucky and at one point i feel that i asked to have sexx but at another point i feel like he raped me. so now im pregnant and my mom says that she wants me out her house and i have 2 weeks to find some place to live or else imma be living out in the streets.
Roc: are you serious!!
(i nodded)
Roc: would you like for me to talk to keisha and see if she can help you? maybe you can live and stay with us.
Sasha: ok….
Roc: wait so basically your momis ,saying that she dosent want you anymore. maybe keisha can be your legal gardian the only thing your mom has to do is sign some papers.
Sasha: she will sign them papers.
Roc: ok ill see what i can do.
Sasha: thanks roc.
Roc: your welcome……Sasha?
Sasha: yea?
Roc: since you dont have a boyfriend. can i be your boyfriend?
Sasha: are you serious?
Roc: im dead serious. i want to be with you sasha. i want to help you and i want to be the father of the child even if i wasnt the one who got you pregnant
(i started crying)
Sasha: really??
Roc: yes.
Sasha: ok.
(he kissed me and we kissed for a long while then we pulled apart.)
jae’s POV
Prod: ok jae wassup
Jae: my father……….
Prod: what about him.
Jae: hes a drunk and when hes drunk he abuses me like almost everynight. sometimes when hes drunk hes nice but other times he just beats me.
Prod: im so sorry. so …..all those bruses they-
Jae: are from my father.
Prod: jae you cant live with him like this….. one day he might just kill you.
Jae: i dont know what to do prod. where am i gonna go? i need to leave asap.
Prod: i have a crazy idea but your gonna have to work with me and trust me on this one ok?
Jae: ok.
Prod: jae?
Jae; yea?
Prod: would you be my Mrs.right?.
Jae: seriously?
Prod: yea…… i know we havent been around each other alot and stuff but i feel that we have this good connection and i want to be your boyfriend.
Jae: ok then im your mrs.right.
Prod: great.
(he moved in and kissed me and at that moment i was happier then ever. i kept thinking about how this day could get better but then i realized that it couldnt get better cause i have to go home. so i pulled away.)
Jae: prod i have to ,go home like now.
Prod: ok lets get the group together and we can walk altogether.
Jae: ok
Lexy POV
Ray: so ,lexy whats wrong?
Lexy: i live with my mother and my baby sister in a sheltor and my mother is also really really addicted to drugs and shes gonna die soon and i need to leave that place cause sooner or later the guy who works there is gonna try to rape me again and im really scared. me and my sister need to leave.
(i start crying and Ray pulls me in and holds me while i cry into his shirt…..he smelled really good too lmao lemme stop.)
Ray: lexy i have an idea but your gonna have to wait and trust me on this one ok?
Lexy: ok
Ray: lexy do you wanna be my girlfriend?
Lexy: are you being serious?
Ray: dead serious.
Lexy: yea sure but why me…my life style is crazy and rediculos.
Ray: not only do i like your life style but i like you and your personality and who you are.
Lexy: ok…. so im your girlfriend?
Ray: yupp
(he moved in and kissed me and then pulled away.)
Ray: come on lets get you home.
Shaniece POV
Prince: so cutie wats wrong.
Shaniece: 1 im not cute at all and 2 i get raped by my father almost every night my mother is addicted to drugs and i try to tell her about my rather but she thinks its a lie and i cant take it anymore i need to leave…… i juss cant.
Prince: imma talk keisha and see if you can get some help ok?
Shaniece: ok
Prince:Hey shaniece do u wanna be my girlfriend?
Shaniece: why do u wanna be my boyfriend?
Prince: yea i do.
Shaniece: ok so i guess we go out?
Prince: yupp.
(i put my head down like i always do and he put my head back up holding my chin then he leaned in and kissed me.)
Prince: keep your head up babe..
Sasha’s POV
( we all got together and then the boys walked us home and made sure we got inside. they are so sweet.)
Rocs POV
( so we walk the girls home and then we get home and ask keisha if we could talk to her about something important.)

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