You thought the day was gonna get better huh? THINK AGAIN

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Lexy POV
(i went to go see if i could go in to say hey to sasha and when i went in i found sasha and Roc in each others arms fast alseep…….CUTE. i got out the room and then outa no where my phone rang i looked at the number…..didnt look familiar but i answered anyways.)
phone convo
Me: hello?
?: hello is this lexy?
Me: yes ….umm who is this.
?: hi this is doctor johnson from the hospital..
Me: oh hi……ummm is everything alright?
Dr.J: no ummm your mother was pronounced dead this morning of drug overdose.
Me: what? (tearing up.) no….no no no no……no shes just resting shes not dead 
(ray came walking over ,to me wondering why i was crying.)
Dr.J: im sorry lexy but your mother is dead……your sister is with your aunt right now but on the will your mother wants you to take care of her until she is old enough to go on her own……you will have to come get her in a few days.
Me: ok….thank you….see you soon doctor.
Dr.J: see you.
(i bursted out in tears and ray held me.)
Ray: baby whats wrong?
Lexy: my mom….shes….shes dead.
Ray: oh my god……….wheres you sister?
Lexy: shes with my aunt now but i gotta go get her in a few days.
Ray: its ok baby….
Lexy: no its not ok….how do i explain all of this to my sister,how will she get an education,all this traveling is good for her to learn and all but shes gonna be tired. shes not gonna have anyone her age to play with Ray shes gonna be helpless and bored.
Ray: all of us love children. we can all play with her. ill be her personal hair will teach her how to dance and still take her to the park and stuff,prince will teach her how to read more and teach her about peace and stuff,and roc will be her best friend.Sasha can help you take care of her and she can learn a few things about taking care of kids. and the other girls will help out when they can.
Lexy: you got that …….thanks babe. this means alot… we gotta go tell keisha.
Keisha: tell keisha what??
Lexy: my mom….died this morning and i gotta go get my sister in a few days.
Keisha: ok…no problem. we can cancel the concert on that day..
Lexy: them fans gonna be pissed juss send me on a plane wit ray or sasha since shes responsible and then they can do the show…. it will be ok.
Keisha: ok good idea.
(ok skipping to at least 2 weeks lata..sorry guys.)
Sasha POV
(its been about 2 weeks lilly is here and my stomach is growing almost everyday. roc and i have been getting better. we bond and always talk. we havent argued for 2 weeks…..lets see if that can last.)
Lilly: aunty sasha?
Sasha: yes lilly?
Lilly: can i have some ice cream?
Sasha: which one do you want?
Lilly: the banana flavor one.
Sasha: you gotta ask ray.
Lilly: ok……..RAY!!!
(he ran out of his room looking hella tired but alert.)
Ray: what what what…is sasha giving birth what happened??
Sasha: man i couldnt be giving birth.. im only 5 months.
Ray: u got that….whats the prob?
(lilly turned to me hoping i would ask for her.)
Sasha: go ahead mama ask him…he wont say no….. not to a pretty face like yours.
Ray: whats wrong lilly?
Lilly: i want some of your ice cream.
Ray: you can have it.
Lilly: yay.
(she ran to the kitchen to get the ice cream)
Sasha: ur messed up.
Ray: how?
Sasha: i asked for some ice cream like yesterday and you said no….. and im PREGNANT
Ray: but your not cute and adorable.
(my mood swings kicked in and i bursted into tears and Roc came running out the room.)
Roc: baby whats wrong?
Sasha: Ray called me ugly.
Roc: MAN whats wrong with you.
Ray: it came out the wrong way.
Roc: w.e man…baby your not ugly your beautiful….you want some ice cream?
Sasha: NO!!!
Lilly: uncle Roc..why is sasha yelling and crying?
Roc: shes upset lilly cause ray called her ugly.
Lilly: shes not ugly..shes very pretty.
(when lilly said this i calmed down and got happy again.)
Sasha: awwwwhh thank you lilly…come give aunty a hug mama.
(she came and hugged me.)
Lilly: ray your mean…..say sorry.
Ray: im sorry sasha.
Sasha: i forgive you.
(we chilled a lil more and i let lilly do my hair then keisha came.)
Keisha: ok guys we got a concert tonight.
Sasha: WHOS WE?
Keisha: well your not included in this.
Sasha: thank god….baby gabe is too much.
Keisha: i see…..well lets go girls and boys…….Sasha your comming to.
Sasha: ugh why??
Keisha: cause u aint stayin here by yourself.
Cece: we can stay with her me and Rae.
Keisha: ok kool
Rae: were gonna need at least 1 guy with us cause sasha is heavy.
Sasha: thank you!! way to make me feel better about myself.
Rae: i mean shes……NVM
Keisha: i know what you mean….. ill call some one …..they will be here soon.
Sasha: coolio tell themthe password is cookie.
Keisha: why cookie?? 
Sasha: cause i want a cookie…….hey can you tell them to buy me some please.
Keisha: sure…..well see you later on 2nite ok?
Sasha: yupp
Roc: bye baby.
Sasha: bye
(he came over and kissed me and then they left.)
Rae: i wonder who the person will be
Sasha: maybe jawan or someone.
Cece: so about jawan how did that go i heard u was bumpin and grinding wit him.
Sasha: girl i was and it was fun.
Rae: so i see u and roc are getting along well.
Sasha: yea were good….hes kinda upset tho.
Cece: about what?
Sasha: he cant get “nun” for about 4 more months
(we got silent and then bust out laughing then i heard the door knock and CeCe went and opened it come to see that roc forgot his back stage pass.)
Sasha: how u gonna forget ya pass.
Roc: i left it on the bed.
Sasha: wow
(he grabbed his pass and then came to kiss me……we started making out and he started rubbing my ,leg and moving down to my neck and then i moaned.)
Rae: EWWWWW stop RITE NOW…..roc dont u got to go to a concert.
Roc: CRAP……i gtg love u baby
Sasha: love u too sweetie.
(he left and they both started looking at me.)
Sasha: WHAT
Cece: thats just nasty.
Sasha: w.e yall juss madd cause yall dont get nun
Cece: oh i get some yall juss dont know when.
Sasha: eww is it when yall are always dissapearing?
Cece: maybe.
Sasha: nasty!!
(after i said that i heard the door knock.)
Sasha: WHO IS IT??
Sasha: COME IN!!
(trevante walked in with a bag.)
Sasha: are those my cookies
Trevante: yes.
Sasha: GIMME!!
(he came and gave me the bag.)
Trevantes: so as you know im trevante… are?
Rae: im Rae Rae
Cece: im Cece
Sasha: and im sasha the pregnant girl.
Trevante: so your the pretty girl i will be assisting today?
Sasha: yes and right now i needa go pee so can you please help me up.
(he came and pulled me up hella fast……roc takes about 5 minutes juss to get me outa bed.)
Sasha: damn your strong.
Trevante: cause i work out……your boyfriends not strong?
Sasha: hes strong but not that strong.
Trevante: oh….
Sasha: yea well Rae can you help me in the bathroom.
Rae: eww no thats rocs job.
Sasha: ugh girl ur freakin helpless!
Cece: hell no
Trevante: what do you need help with?
Sasha: imma need help getting off the toilet …..the other things imma need roc to do.
Trevante: oh thats nothing lets go.
Sasha: ok but dont look at me.
Trevante: i wont.
(we went into the bathroom and he did what he was supposed to do with out looking at my body……hmmmmm….. very respectful.)
Sasha: thanks.
Trevante: welcome…..sooooo how long am i gonna be here?
Sasha: until they get back.
Trevante: oh cool.
Rae: so trevante i need evidence of how strong and fit you are.
(he showed her his muscles and had her feel them…..TF is she doing…………flirt much.)
Rae: do you have any packs?
Trevante: girl i have a 8 pack.
Rae: can i see?
(he pulled ,up his shirt and we all saw them they were cute but im satisfied with what i have.)
Rae: nice.
Trevante: thanks sooooo what yall wanna do now?
Sasha: something id like to call eat and watch TV
Trevante: well im not hungry but ill watch TV.
Sasha: w.e you feel sweet heart.
(we chilled and like 2 hours past we go to know each other and became really cool. he even gave me his number….told me to call him if i need ANYTHING it was about time for them to come back…….thats when Gabe started acting up.)
Sasha: damn Gabe!! STOP IT!!
Trevante: baby moving and kicking huh?
Sasha: yea and hes……..ouch!! hes doing too much.
Trevante: can i feel?
Sasha: sure.
(i took his hand and i put it to where Gabes feet were poking me…… it hurt like hell i was too busy being in pain and trevante was too busy feeling gabe and laughing at me we didnt notice MB comming in)
Roc: ummmmm excuse me why is your hand on my girls stomach?
Sasha: he wanted to feel gabe cause he was poking out so i let him.
Roc: hmmmmm…… ok…….Sasha did you pee today?
Sasha: nooooo i held it in.
Roc:…………did u get inspected?
Sasha: no i had to wait fa you to come do it.
Roc: do you wanna do it now?
Sasha: ummm sure….help me off the couch.
(roc grabbed my head and took a hell of a time then trevante decided to help and had me up in 2 seconds.)
Sasha: thank you….your leaving now right?
Trevante: yea im bout to head out.
Sasha: ok bye hun
Trevante: bye…….remember… me if you need anything.
Sasha: ok
(i hugged him and he left and roc and i went into the bathroom where he felt around to feel Gabe and moved his hands around to see if gabe would respond to his moving…the doctor said it helps gabe and will help him later on in life.)
Roc: wat was that about
Sasha: oh nothing.
Roc:" call me if you need anything"
Sasha: he was juss telling me that if anything happens and i need help or something to call him.
Roc: yall seem pretty close now.
Sasha: if you wanna say that…..roc why are you asking me these questions.
Roc: oh nun juss asking.
Sasha: ok kool
Roc: so what did yall do when we left.
Sasha: came, gave me my cookies,took me to the bathroom,didnt look at me,we sat and watched TV and got to know each other, then Gabe started acting up and he wanted to feel what he was doing so i let him and then thats when yall walked in.
Roc: oh cool anything else.
Sasha: no…..
Roc: u sure?
Sasha: YES IM SURE damn roc……..whats with you questioning me like this?
Roc: im juss asking.
Sasha: w.e
(i got off the sink and walked out the room and went and sat down.)
Rae: alrite so when is trevante comming back.
Sasha: girl u only want him back to see him and ,only him
Rae: DUH!!!
Sasha: now u sound like a pervert.
Rae: how….
Sasha:your looking at basically a grown mans body.
Rae: girl you actin like u wasnt lookin!
Sasha: i was but u wanna see it again. i was fine with that quick glance i took.
Rae: w.e
Sasha: girl dont w.e me let ya man come and find out u lookin at otha guys bodies..
Rae: he aint gonna find out.
Diggy: he wont?

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