you told me you could dance but i didnt know you could kill it like that

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(so we all head to ,dance class and as soon as i get in there my teacher tells me to take it easy….i already know jesus!!! when i sat down roc gave me a quick massage before i started dancing.)
Teacher: ok so now that the video has come out im sure you all have seen it and know how were gonna dress and the 4 people who will have the special outfits on are sasha,lexy,shaniece, and jae.
Girls: SWAG
Prod: hey what is she talking about?
Jae: were doing our own girls talkin bout video.
Prince: nice so whos who?
Sasha: im roc
Jae: im prod….hehe imma make you look like a bad dancer.
Lexy: im ray 
Shaniece: and of course im prince.
Boys: oh snap.
Teacher: girls you better be ready cause were filming today.
Girls: WHERE WHAT!!!!!
Teacher: yupp you guys only get to practice one more time ,and ,then were gonna get you guys dressed and then get filming.
Girls: damn it!!.
(we practiced ,but we didnt let the ,boys see cause we wanted to show them later on)
Roc: dont mess up!!
Sasha: keep saying it and watch me kill your whole entire dance. imma make it look like you messed up your own dance.
Roc: what ever.
(the boys sat and watched us film all of them were shocked and had their mouths wide open. we spent the whole entire hour filming and i felt like i was gonna give birth on the studio floor.)
Roc: sasha you ok?
Sasha: no…. i feel like imma give birth right here.
Roc: oh jesus dont do that.
Sasha: i dont plan on it so dont worry. i have like 5 and a half more months to go.
Roc: ok cool.
Prince: so where we going now?
Shaniece: we have math class and then one more extra crap and then we get to leave.
Boys: cool.
Rocs POV
(i felt ,this ,weird vibe when i gave sasha a massage she kinda relaxed but i also felt this sad feeling. as a matter of fact i felt a sad feeling when i was sitting at the ,table but it was really strong and i felt horrible………theres something wrong with these girls they are very different and i can tell. something is up and im gonna find out what it is.)
Lexy POV
(i swear roc looks like hes thinking a little too hard.)
Lexy: yo roc what are you thinking about?
Roc: oh ,nothing.
Lexy: yea w.e the face you making dosent say nothing.
Roc: well its nothing.
Lexy: w.e
(hes thinking about something and i have a feeling hes thinking about either one of us or all of us.)
Sasha POV
(we finish all of our classes and were standing out of the school talking but the girls are about to leave.)
Lexy: i wish i could stay with yall but my mom saids he needs me home.
Sasha: you want me to ask her if-
Lexy: NO….. i mean ummm no thanks its alright i dont want her to get mad or anything.
Sasha: she never gets mad when i call her.
Lexy: well when i get home she goes on and on and i dont wanna hear her mouth so ill talk to yall later.
(lexy walks away)
Jae: what the hell juss happened??
Boys: i dont know.
Sasha: she must be on her period…..she will be iight.
Shaniece: lol wow sasha well i got to go cause my dad needs me.
Everyone: ok bye
(we all gave her a hug and then she walked away)
Roc: theres that thing again
Everyone: huh??
Roc: oh nothing …… i was thinking out loud again.
Prince: we can see that but why did u say that?
Roc: nun ill tell you when we get home.
Jae: keeping secrets is not cool.
Roc: too bad.
Sasha: rude…..ok so what we gonna do.
Prod: lets go chill at the park.
Sasha: sound good to me
Jae: yea lets go.

Runaway love-MB LOVE STORY- COMPLETED!!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora