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(so now were walking and talking)
Sasha: umm when we to my house just stay outside.
Roc: why?
Sasha: cause i dont want you to meet my mom.
Roc: why?
Sasha: shes mean and shes gonna ask me questions and ask you questions
Roc: its ok babe i can take her.
Sasha: you sure?
Roc: yea im sure. im pretty sure my momis way meaner then her.
Sasha: i bet well can we stop for a little bit im kinda tired.
Roc: do u want me to carry you.
Sasha:no lets juss stop.
Roc: ok
(we stop and relax.)
Sasha: so how is your mom mean?
Roc: if she found out that i was going out with you she would spaze out.
Sasha: oh…..wait why?
Roc: Cause 1 your pregnant and 2 shes gonna think that your after my money.
Sasha: oh wow.
Roc: so whats are you gonna name the baby again?
Sasha: Dontae….D for short.
Roc: i like that name
Sasha: thanks 
Roc: whens your due date?
Sasha: the same day as my birthday which is august second.
Roc: thats nice
Sasha: yea i guess.
Roc: you ready to go?
Sasha: yea lets go.
(we continued to walk and after a long while of walking we got to my house. i opened the door and walked in.)
Mom: well hello.
Sasha: hey mom ummm this is my boyfriend Roc Royal.
Mom: what type of damn name is that
(Authors Note: ok i know we all know what Roc Royals real name is but imma stick wit trey young ok? good.)
Roc: ummm actually my real name is Trey….Trey young.
(he held out his hand and shook my moms hand.)
Mom: well nice to ,meet you trey…….so this the boy you living with?
Sasha: yes.
Mom: hmmm yo mama must be out her mind to let sasha live with yall.
Roc: actually im not with my mom. im Roc Royal from Mindless behavior.
Mom: oh your that boy from that boy group…….what the hell you doing with a girl like my daughter? shes pregnant. and no one wants her.
Roc: thats not true. i want her cause shes beautiful and smart and is a wonderful girl. you know i see why shes always unhappy when shes at school. its cause you act like you havent made mistakes in life. she made a mistake and shes taking the consequence for that mistake but kicking her out….thats just cruel and ridiculous and shes gonna be famous one day and i hope you dont call her for a dime cause you aint gettin nothing cause you dont deserve it and your not gonna have a right to see our son either.
Mom: who is you to come up in my house and talk to me like this.
Roc: im Trey F*ckin young B!tch.
Mom: Sasha you and your boyfriend get out of my house. you aint sleeping here one more night just get your stuff and get out.
(i ran upstairs and grabbed my first suitcase and brought it down… i wasnt done with my second one cause i wanted to fold my clothes but i juss stuffed them in and brought my second suit case down.)
Sasha: wheres all my papers.
Mom: right here.
(she threw them to me and i got them and roc and i left from that hell whole finally away from her…..FOREVER!! now were walking to Rocs house.)
Sasha: i didnt know you could stand up to my mother like that.
Roc: i had to cause she was ridiculous. not even my mom is like that.
Sasha: wow well thanks for doing what you had to do Roc.
Roc: no problem babe. i did it for you.
(we walked to his house and went inside. i was speechless cause the house was beautiful.)
Roc: keisha im home …..with sasha.
Keisha: shouldnt she be comming with the girls 2marrow?
Sasha: nope my mom wanted me out today cause roc cussed her out.
Keisha: Roc!
Roc: what she was being disrespectful.
Keisha: how?
Sasha: she was talking trash about me and Roc got madd and cussed her out and im quiet happy that he cussed her out cause she deserved it.
Keisha: oh…….well sasha are you gonna cuss out rocs mom now so she can shut up every once in a while.
Sasha: ill see 
Roc: well imma go put your stuff upstairs.
Sasha: ok 
(Roc goes up stairs with my stuff.)
Keisha: so Roc has told me about you and i see that you are with child.
Sasha: yea. but im happy roc wants to be there for me.
Keisha: well i teach them good stuff and hes a good boy…. so when are you due?
Sasha: August second the day of my birthday.
Keisha: thats a nice birthday present huh?
Sasha: i guess.
Keisha: well Roc is a nice kid and i know he will treat you right but if he does anything and you cant handle him just let me know and i will handle him or just tell prod.
Sasha: ok thanks keisha.
Keisha: your welcome darling. well you should go find out what your room looks like Roc has been tryna make it look very special for you.
Sasha: ok
(i walked up stairs and found the room roc was in.)
Sasha: is this our room?
Roc: yea do u like ,it? i fixed it up for you.
Sasha: i love it
Roc: cool. come here.
(i go and stand in front of him and then he pats his lap indicating that i should sit.)
Roc: sasha from this day forward i will be there for you when ever you want me to,i will help you with anything and support you, i will be there for the baby and I will be his father. and now im asking you will you take this ,promise ring?
( he pulls out a ring that looked crazy beautiful.)
Sasha: yes i will.
(he put the ring on my finger and we kissed and started making out. then we got interrupted by the sound of the other boys comming inside.)
Roc: oh jesus. they back……wanna go chill down stairs?
Sasha: no imma stay up here for a lil bit.
Roc: ok…call me if you need anything ok?
Sasha: ok.
(he left and went down stairs and i sat and examined the room. i layed in the bed and then calmly i felt the stress leave me and i softly fell asleep.)
(sasha wanted to stay upstairs so i went down stairs to see what was up with the boys.)
Prod: yo prince ya girls stuff is crazy heavy.
Prince: i know thats why i asked you to carry it.
Prod: man you irritate me sometimes.
Ray: im mad that i went with yall cause all yall did was argue the walk to her house and the walk back. i shoulda went with roc and sasha.
Roc: speaking of sasha shes upstairs.
Prince: shouldnt she be comming tomarrow?
Roc: yea but since i cussed out her mom she wanted her out today.
Ray: nice job roc well why isnt she down here with us?
Roc: i dont know she said she wanted to stay up there for a while. ill go check on her
(i went upstairs and found sasha in bed asleep. i pulled the covers up on her and kissed her forehead and went back downstairs.)
Roc: shes sleeping
Prod: wasnt she just awake?
Roc: yea but i guess shes tired.
Prod: true.
Ray: yo lets go play madden 12
Boys: ughhhh fine.
(we started doing our homework and then we got to the math part and it was really hard so we were all stuck and i was really stuck cause i wasnt in class today.)
Ray: yo i dont get this.
Roc: bro wasnt u in class.
Ray: yea but i got lost in lexy’s beautiful smile.
Roc: your pathetic.
Prod: i aint gone lie i was staring at jae so i wasnt paying much attention.
Roc: oh gosh.
Prince: shaniece was so pretty i couldnt stop starin at her.
Roc: so no one knows how to do this?
Prod: well theres one person.
Roc: yea sasha but i dont want to wake her.
Ray: hey lets ask keisha.
Keisha: im busy so dont ask me anything.
Ray: nevermind.
Prince: Roc can you please just wake her up.
(sasha comes around the corner.)
Sasha: im already up.(sounding tired)
(the boys got up and gave her a hug and felt her stomach saying hi to dontae then sat back down. then she came over and kissed me and sat down on my lap.)
Sasha: so what yall doing?
Boys: Homework.
Sasha: yall aint done yet.
Roc: no cause we stuck on the math homework.
Sasha: all yall was in class except Roc how are yall stuck?’
Prod: we wasnt paying attention.
Sasha: ugh yall need help?
Boys: yea
(she taught it similar to how the teacher would teach it but she made it easier to understand and then we got our homework done.)
Sasha: yall get it now?
Boys: yea
Sasha: cool.
( we finished our homework and then went to play madden 12 i looked over at her and she looked bored then she got up and went up stairs.)
Roc: yo im not paying no more.
Prince: y? scared u gonna loose?
Roc: nah i juss gotta check on sasha.
prod: shes fine maybe shes juss tired still.
Ray: or maybe she juss wants to be by herself so she can think and relax.
Roc: well w.e it is im still gonna check on her.
Boys: w.e
(i went upstairs and found sasha just sitting on the bed.)
Roc: hey
Sasha: hey shouldnt you be playing with the boys.
Roc: yea but i wanted to come check on you.
Sasha: im fine.
(she didnt seem fine and i knew she wasnt but imma let her slide wit it.i stepped in more and closed the door and then tackled her. there was something about her that made me want her even more then ever. i leaned down and kissed her and we started making out. i started pulling on her shirt and pulling it up but she kept moving my hand.)
Sasha: no Roc……we cant
Roc: why not?
Sasha: cause im pregnant and i just dont want to.
Roc: ok then.
( we continued to make out and i continued to want her but she wouldnt let me have her.)
Sasha’s POV
(Roc is such a good kisser and were both starting to want each other more. he tugged at my shirt but i told him no. i wasnt ready to get ,hurt again. we continued to make out and i wanted to but getting hurt was too much to bare but i gave up and let him. he started tugging at my shirt again and i let him take it off. he smiled at me knowing that i had given up. he kissed all over me leaving hickeys that basically said “Roc was here”. he was gentle with me and touched me softly. i took off his shirt and stared at his abs in amazement. we continued to do what we were doing. we were almost there. my pants were off and so was his he was crazy hard and i know he wanted me more and more. there was no doubt that i was gonna give it to him and then we heard a knock at the door. we ignored it and continued and then the knocking continued. then we stopped.)
Roc: what!!
?: keisha said its time for dinner!!
Roc: were comming!!
?: hurry up!
Sasha: we can continue later.
Roc: i want you now though.
Sasha: i know but later ok?
Roc: ok but what am i supposed to do about my little problem?
Sasha: relax yourself and think about keisha naked.
(he did what i said and his problem was solved.)
Roc: that was horrible.
Sasha: i know well lets get dressed and head down.
Roc: ok
( we got dressed and went down stairs then we started to eat and while i was eating i felt that i had to ,pee.)
Sasha: keisha may i be excused for a second.
Keisha: yea sure.
( i went to the bathroom and peed then went back to sit down.)
Keisha: everything ok sasha?
Sasha: yea
(so now im sitting and eating and i feel like im peeing on myself.)
Sasha: ill be right back.
(i went and checked myself and i wasnt peeing on myself i was leaking… my water couldnt have broke cause im only 4 and a half months so that means D wants to be born a little too early.)
Sasha: KEISHA!!!
(she ran into the bathroom)
Keisha: what what what are you ok?
Sasha: yea but im leaking.
Keisha: oh jesus. he wants to be born early huh?
Sasha: i guess so….we need to get to the hospital before all my water is gone.

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