Start of something new

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(i walked outside and stood there and ,just relaxed i knew that what i did to roc was wrong but shaniece……. i dont know about her. i walked back over to Roc said sorry and then i went up stairs.)
Prince: listen…….Shaniece im sorry i snapped at you like that its just im hurt.
Shaniece: i know and im so sorry i said that. i was just overwhelmed and too happy. im sorry babe.
(she got up off the bed and kissed me then we started making out. i stepped back to close the door and continued with her. i pushed her on the bed and stood and looked at her. she grabbed my belt and pulled me in on top of her. i bit my lip and kissed her but then she stopped me.)
Shaniece: Prince ummmmmmm…….. im not ready yet.
Prince: ok… its cool.
Shaniece: ok 
(i hear something that sounds like keisha calling us so we get up and go down stairs.)
Keisha: ok so now i have just got off the phone wit walter and he said we gotta leave in an hour to go catch a plane to hit florida for our first day of the tour.
Girls: we going on tour already??
Keisha: yea so everyone gotta start packing yall stuff and i even got yall your outfits. yall gonna be the boys back up dancers.
Sasha: who i look like dancing pregnant.
Keisha: we got some stuff that will help you to 1 look like your not pregnant so the fans dont talk about you and 2 it will help you and baby D get relaxed so when you dance you wont get tired and weary.
Sasha: cool lets see them then.
( she pulled out the girls outfits and they looked better then ours i was highly upset….they looked like this:
Ray: honestly im highly upset.
Keisha and girls: why?
Ray and Prince: their outfits look better then ours…. and they get to wear snap-backs.
Keisha: thats cuzz they’re girls.
Prod: that makes soooooo much sence.
Roc: honestly i like em they cute. but the fact that they dont match makes me mad.
Keisha: the colors they are wearing are your favorite colors smart ones. your girlfriend is gonna wear your favorite color.
Boys: swagg.
Prince: well we acctually have 50 minutes now to pack so everyone start packing………..NOW.
(we all ran to our rooms and the girls packed all their other clothes on the bottom with their back up dancer outfits on the top………they packed faster then we did and were down stairs waiting on us. i continued to pack my stuff.)
Sasha POV
(ugh now we sitten here waiting on the boys… why does it take them so long?)
Keisha: well while were here waiting for yall imma give yall all of your new electronics. the first thing you girls will get is all of yall will get the latest Iphones, and Ipod touch and a pager. and i got each of yall a neck lace that has a tracking device in it so that when one of yall either gets lost or kidnapped we can find yall quick.
Sasha: AWESOME!!!
Lexy: yo this is something i would like to call swaggtastic
Jae: i cant wait to call somebody on ma phone.
Shaniece: me either.
(all the girl except keisha turned and gave her a stank look and then looked away)
Keisha: hold up…….why did u guys give her that look.
Sasha: cause shes a b!tch.
Jae: and a traitor.
Keisha: how 
Sasha: b!tch was talkin all types of trash about me and jae to lexy and then she only confronts me but she dont confront jae and then we seen the convo they had and she said that as soon as she gets her money shes leaving.
Shaniece: i didnt mean all that stuff i was just too happy and stuff………. i wouldnt leave you guys and the stuff i said about yall was just me being cocky and thinking that im better then you guys….. i was wrong and im really sorry.
Keisha: there you guys go……. i didnt even have to say anything….now can yall kiss and make up and be happy so we can have a good start?
Girls: fine
(we all hugged and then lexy wispered i wanna stick Uranus up your anu$ and we all started dying!!!)
Lexy: you already kno.
(the boys finally came down stairs with their stuff and we got in the car drove to the airport and got on the plane all i can say is get ready sasha…………..THIS IS THE START OF………SOMETHING NEW.

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