No school for you hun :(

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(we all got into the car and drove to the hospital.BTW THE HOSPITAL WAS LIKE 10 MINUTES AWAY. as soon as i got in there i got a doctor.)
Doctor: ok ms…..Sasha whats the problem.
Roc: what do you mean whats the problem shes leaking.
Doctor: did your water break.
Sasha: no i think the baby wants his freedom now.
Doctor: ok well its a good think you came here before the water was completely gone or else we would have some serious serious problems.
Sasha: thank god.
Doctor: ok so all i need to do is give you more water and then try to push…??
Sasha: D
Doctor: yes try to push D back into the center and then carefully use this gel to patch up the whole that D made. ok?
(authors note: the whole gel thing i made up so dont believe that)
Sasha: ok.
Roc: so ,shes gonna be ok?
Doctor: yes but since shes going to need rest cause of what D just put her through she will not be going toschool tomarrow.
Roc: awwwhhh man i dont wanna leave her.
Sasha: Roc ill be fine.
Roc: ok well can i stay the night.
Keisha: no boy you gotta go home and get your sleep for school in the morning.
Roc: awwwwhhh.
Doctor: yes now you guys can stay for about another half hour but after the gel kicks in she will get sleepy.
Roc: yay
Doctor: im going to need you guys to leave but im going to ,need one person to stay and hold her hand cause most of this is going to be painful and from sasha’s records it says that shes afraid of needles.
Sasha: dang it.
(everyone else left and volunteered Roc to stay they all struggled with me cause i hated needles.)
Roc: ok ok ok this is not working stop.
(they stopped struggling with me and roc held out my hands.)
Roc: sasha i want you to look me in the eyes and just get lost.
(i stared into his eyes and i actually did get lost. he leaned in a kissed me i felt nothing but warmth then a few seconds later i heard the doctor.)
Doctor: ok i got it.
(we broke the kiss and i looked down at my arm to see a needle in my arm and taped down.)
Sasha: you guys are so messed up.
Roc: we love u too.
Doctor: ok ummm son i need you to hold sasha’s hand and im gonna have to stick the tube in so the gel can patch up the part. its gonna hurt a little bit but in a matter of seconds the pain will go away.
Roc: ok
(he held my hand and the doctor did what he had to do. i felt this terrible pinch and it hurt really bad and as soon as i felt it i squeezed rocs hand. then the pain was over in a few seconds.)
Doctor: ok sasha your all set now i just want you to ,relax cause in about 2 minutes your going to ,enter sleepy world and ,ill see you in the morning ok?
Sasha: ok
(he walked out. and it was just me and Roc)
Roc: whats wrong?
Sasha: i never knew it was this hard.
Roc: well imma be here with you babe.
Sasha: thank god.
Roc: well ill see you tomarrow babe get your rest ok?
Sasha: ok. bye babe.
Roc: bye.
(they left and i slowly drifted off to dream land.)
Rocs POV
(so we left and went home and then went to bed….. it felt like just five minutes later i woke up to keisha yelling and clapping for us to get up. we got ready and left off to school. we met up wit the girls. i felt like an outcast cause i had no girl to kiss at the moment cause my girl was in the hospital.)
Lexy: heeeeeeeyyy wait…..wheres sasha?
Boys: in the hospital.
jae: doing what!!!
Roc: D wanted freedom too early and punchered her womb and she started to leak so we had to take her to the hospital so they could give her more water and patch her up.
Shaniece: awwwhh poor baby.
Lexy: dang D need to slow down. hes gonna be on fast little boy watch.
Roc: yupp just like his daddy.
Prince: stop tryna complement yourself Roc.
Roc: why you gotta say something and ruin it?
Prince: cause im princeton.
Roc: your stuoid juss cause you said that.
Prince: w.e
Prod: yo guys guess what
Everyone: what?
Prod and Ray: Roc gave sasha a promise ring!!!
Ray: and she took it and its still on her finger.
Girls: OMGGGGGGG!!!!!
(i started blushing and cheesing.)
Roc: its nothing guys its just a ring.
Lexy: a ring that basically says that your giving your life to her and it says that yall gonna be together for a long time.
Roc: ok maybe it is something
Shaniece: MAYBE!!
Roc: ok its something. sasha is very important and i dont want to loose her or leave her.
Girls: awwwwwwwhhhhh!!!!
(we talked and talked and then i noticed that the girls didnt have their suitcases.)
Roc: hold up hold up…..where are yalls suitcases?
Girls: ****!!!
Lexy: wait….we can juss tell them we have a later in the day flight.
Shaniece: yea that will work and then we can have MB’s limo come get us and then insted of going to the airport we go to yalls house.
Ray: good idea.
(so we chill and go to our classes and do w.e and then we go home and tell the limo driver all the places he has to go. then he leaves and goes to get them.)
Prod: wat if this dosent work?
Ray: it will just calm yourself.
Prince: hey what time are we supposed to get Sasha?
Roc: were gonna go get her when the girls come so we can surprise her.
Prince: cool.
(we waited and ,waited and prod started getting annoying after 5 or 10 minutes.)
Prod: this isnt gonna work. watch were gonna get a call saying th-
Prince: please be the girls cause if it aint-
(i open the door and the girls are standing there happy as ever)
Girls: heeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy
Prince: there here!!
Boys: YES!!!
Roc: finally now i can go get my wife.
Lexy: she aint back from the hospital yet?
Prod: nah we wanted to surprise her with yall
Lexy: oh ok kool. well can we come?
Prince: nope your gonna stay here and admire your rooms and chill wit keisha while we go and get sasha and keep yalls phones on cause were gonna call when were comming close to the house.
Girls: swagg!!!
(they start to bring their stuff upstairs and then keisha came to greet them then we left to go get sasha.)
(so we get picked up by a limo and ride all the way to big house on a hill that is MB’s house it was crazy and hella beautiful.i had never seen a house like it… when we got inside that was a different story the inside wasnt hella beautiful it was crazy beautiful. the couch was soft and then there was a crazy ,flat screen. then there was keisha who was hella pretty.)
Keisha: hello girls.
Girls: hiiiiiiii
Keisha: as you guys kno i am keisha and all i want to say is welcome home. now there are some rules that we will have to lay down tho.
Shaniece: like?
Keisha: since were a group of a mixed gender….no walking around naked, if its labeled “KEISHA” dont touch it, respect each other cause were all family, PLEASE!!! no more babies and last but not least work hard and have fun.
Jae: easy peasy
Lexy: got it.
Shaniece: that will work.
Keisha: cool now you girls will be sharing a room with your boys now, each room had been changed and designed for your liking just by the boys describing your personality and of course your liking’s.
Girls: nice.
(so we go upstairs and keisha shows us our rooms 1 by 1.)
Keisha: so the first room is Roc and Sasha’s room.
(she opened the door and we saw things that would keep her crazy occupied and busy and her rooms was decorated with almost everything jamaican. there was books,papers,pens,notebooks, just everything she would want. then there was a laptop in the corner and a printer and then a big TV. if Roc really did this for her….. i wonder what the otha boys did for us.)
Jae: dang Roc really did that for her?? thats crazy
Shaniece: i like it.
Lexy: me too. she has alot of books too. hehehe shes gonna share.
Jae: if she was here her words would be " HA i wish"
(we all turned around and seen sasha standing there smiling and holding her stomach.)
Girls: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Sasha: hey (giggles)
(we all went and gave her a hug.)
Sasha: wassup girls.
Girls: nun.
Jae: we juss checkin out our rooms.
Sasha: wow well what we gonna do tonight cause i wanna do something fun.
Shaniece: have you had your preggo pics yet
Sasha: no.
Lexy and Shaniece: PHOTO SHOOT!!!!
Sasha: oh jesus.
Roc: HA!!!
Prince: hey your the father so u gonna be in it too. so shut up.
Sasha: SO HA!! to u too.
Roc: awwwwwhhh man.

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