Sadness In The Air..

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Hey!.. It's Yourss Truly Aminaaaaaaa!.. Sorry I haven't wrote in a while... High school is hell!.. Literally.. I go to the best school in my state so.. :/ Anyways.. Here we go!..

(Sasha's POV)

I check Lexy's pulse.. She's not breathing.. The heart monitor was flat-lined.. I gasped.. The first thing that popped in my head was to give her CPR.. I was standing over her giving her chest compressions.. The doctors rush in and slightly push me out the way.

Doctor: Please exit the room..

Me: No.. I can't leave my best friend.. I can't leave her!..

Doctor: Ma'am.. I need you to exit the room or we will call security!..

Me: Then call the d**n security cuss I'm not leaving!..

Doctor: SECURITY!..

(In walks this tall a*s man that scared the s**t out of me!.. He picked me up and I was kicking and screaming. This n***a wouldn't budge though!.. I was still kicking and screaming.. Then I felt some kind of peace come over me.. A doctor was standing there with a needle in there hand..)

Doctor: *to Roc* We gave her a sedative to make her calm down.. It will put her to sleep.. So you probably might want to check in to a hotel for tonight.. That's your best option because she will be sleep for a while..

(The doctor walked away and I was placed into Roc's chest.. I cuddled up close to him and almost instantly I was asleep...)

Jae's POV

I was sitting in the waiting room cuddled up against Prod.. His chest is so warm.. Itss hella cold in here.. Prince was sitting in a corner with his head on his knees.. He kinda looks like a bush.. Lol.. Shaunice was sitting there looking upset.. Sasha and Ric just left.. She was REALLY upset.. Prod was playing with my hair.. That means that something is on his mind..

Me: Whats up baee?..

Prod: Nothing.. I'm fine..

Me: You play with my hair when there is something on you mind..

Prod: Okaee.. Uhhh.. *bites his lip* I was thinkinn.. Uhh.. We should.. Don't get upset.. Uhmm.. We should h-have a b-baby.. *closes his eyes*

I just sat there.. Saying nothing.. I just sat there.. I was sitting upright now facing Prod directly.. I rub my hand on his arm.. He opens his eyes.. I smiled at him..

Me: Baby.. I love you with ALL my heart.. One day, I would LOVE to be,Mrs.Craig Crippen Jr. but, I don't think we're ready for a baby.. You see how Sasha and Roc are.. They barely get any sleep and they're always arguing.. I don't think either one of us can handle that.. We're the peaceful ones!!..

(Prod smiles and kisses my lips so slow and gentle.. He pulled away gently and I smiled.. Then he kissed my nose..)

Prod: You're right.. I didn't think about that.. Maybe in a few years?..

Me: Yepp.. *yawns*

Prod: You tired baby?..

Me: Mhmm..

Prod: Lay down.. Go to sleep..

(I layed my head in Prod's lap and drifted off to sleep..)

(Shaunice POV)

I was sitting next to Prince in a chair.. I was PISSED at him!.. This n***a cursed out my best friend.. His knuckles were bruised and a little while ago they were bleeding.. He was punching a concrete wall.. I had my arms crossed across my chest.. Prince looked up at me but I was looking straight forward..

Prince: Baby?..

(He sounded soo sad.. I looked down at him..)

Me: What?..

Prince: I'm sorry..

Me: Why the f**k you telling me sorry?.. You punched Lexy.. You didn't punch my a*s... Cuss if you did I wouldaa beat your a*s..

Prince: Shaunice.. Look I apologized.. I said sorry.. I'm hurting inside.. It hurts.. I-i-i can't deal with it!.. *tears streaming down his face*

Me: *got on the floor in front of him.. wipes his tears* It's okaee baby.. It's okaee.. I'm sorry for making you upset.. *crying* I'm sorry for all the lies and bulls**t.. I just want you to stay here with me forever.. You are me..

(Prince held my hands and kissed me.. I had tears streaming down my face.. I could feel his tears.. I pulled away and gave him a weak smile.. I wiped his tears with my fingertips and he did the same..)

Prince: I love you Shaunice..

Me: I love you Prince!..

(Lexy's POV)

I open my eyes to see all white.. There was a blinding light in my eyes.. I look to my left and my grandma was standing there.. I looked to my right and my grandpa was there.. I hugged my grandma.. But wait.. My grandma died 3 years ago.. Grandpa died 7 years ago.. That means..

Grandma: Shugaa.. What you doin here?..

Me: Grandma.. I don't know.. Am I?.

Grandpa: Yess.. I'm sorry..

Me: Grandma.. Grandpa.. I wanna go back!. I have to.. I gotta go back to Ray.. I can't leave him..

Grandpa: Only thing that could get you back home is you gotta talk to God baby.. Ask the Great Almighty!..

Me: Where is he?..

Grandpa: Through those gates..

(I walked through the gates.. They were golden and HUGE!.. I felt so out of place.. I walk up to this man.. He was all white with this peircing blue eyes.. He smiled.. I smiled back.. He pulled me into his arms.. I hugged him.. Long and hard... He let go.. I took a step backwards..)

God: My child.. Why have you come to visit me?..

Me: Lord.. God Almighty.. I wish to have my life back.. My life with Ray..

God: *chuckles* My child.. I cannot put you back without taking away..

Me: Who are you going to take?..

God: Your child..

Me: God.. Am I pregnant?..

God: Yess.. A little girl..

Me: Okaee.. Take her.. But, will I get her back?..

God: I swear.. I will put her back in your life..

Me: Okaee..

(God placed his hand on my stomach.. In a few seconds there was a little girl standing at his side.. She had long brown hair.. He eyes were hazel brown.. She had hot pink lips and light brown skin.. She looked just like me and Ray.. I had tears in my eyes.. She had on a white sundress and white sandles.. She was SOO perfect in everyway.. She smiled and she had two deep dimples like her Daddy.. I had to smile..)

God: This is your child.. You will get her back when the person you hate the most dies or is killed..

Me: Okaee.. How do I get back?..

God: Close your eyes.. Count to three.. My Child, you'll be back..

(I closed my eyes.. One..Two..Three..)

Well, that was the new chapter.. I hope you liked it!.. :))

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