Damn Damn DAMN

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Diggy: he wont?……so your in here looking at otha men? trevante could be your brother….whats wrong with me? am i not good enough?
Rae: you are.
Diggy: then why you looking at other mens bodies.
Rae: i wanted to see how strong he was.
Diggy: you had to look at his body for that. you can see how strong he is just by looking and seeing how fast he can get sasha up off the couch……sasha how long did it take him to get you up?
Sasha: like 3 seconds.
Diggy: 3 seconds……and roc takes about a ill minute or 2 thats how you know hes strong. you know what rae….. im starting to think your not the one for me.
Diggy: yea so rae im breaking up with you. PACK YA SH!T AND BE OFF THIS BUS BY TONIGHT.
Rae: w.e at least i got someone to please me. you couldnt please a 12 year old if you tried much less me.
(at that moment i couldnt believe what rae juss said and what diggy did….everyone was standing there watching them argue and when rae said what she said diggy slapped her….the boys started holding him back and we started checking if she was ok…….)
Prod: woah man you cant hit girls like that….you should neva put ya hands on a girl.
Rae: your gonna wish you never did that.
Diggy: what eva juss get out.
(she walked away into the room she slept in and came out within 20 minutes and in all that 20 minutes all we did was stand there and look at diggy in shock….LITERALLY. i was tryna find words to say but nothing sounded right in my mind….)
Rae: bye girls…..
Girl: byeeeeeee
Rae: bye boys.
(she walked out )
Sasha: im going to bed….nite yall.
Everyone: nite
(i went into my room heard some talking and then heard multiple doors close….then roc came in.)
Roc: hey boo.
Sasha: hi.
Roc: tonight has been a crazy night huh?
Sasha: yupp…..very crazy.
Roc: how you feelin?
Sasha: im feeling good. tired but good.
Roc: ok good.
(he climbed into the bed and looked at me.)
Sasha: what?
Roc: you are just so beautiful.
Sasha: awwwhh thank you baby.
(he slide over to me and kissed me and then we started making out…..then he reached for my shirt and started to pull it up.)
Sasha: no
Roc: y not?
Sasha: would ,you like to damage our child?
Roc: no
Sasha: then no $ex…your juss gonna have to wait we have 3 more months and like 5 weeks then we gonna have our baby moon.
Roc: whats a baby moon?
Sasha: our last night of $ex before the baby is born lol.
Roc: oh……i wanna have our baby moon now.
(started kissing my neck……my second weak spot)
Sasha: roc…..no
Roc: oh my gosh y u gotta be like this……. 
Sasha: be like what roc?? im pregnant……its not my fault.
Roc: technically it is.
Sasha: dont f*ckin go there with me roc.
Roc: welll you didnt have to go f*ckin my brother you wouldnt be pregnant and you would be having the time of your life.
Sasha: after all of our fighting and disagreements and everything that has happened. you dying and sh!t your still on this. how long has it been like what 2 weeks. that we been calm and fine. and just cause i wont give you my body you bringing up old sh!t. F*CK OFF ROC.
Roc: w.e
(he got up and left and i just layed here….. i took out a book and just read…..no sleep for me tonight)
(ugh im hard and need something…….. cant have $ex with my girlfriend cause shes pregnant……hey i wonder what CeCe is doing jacob went to go do an autograph signing…. i went to her door and knocked and she said come in.)
Roc: hey (closing the door)
CeCe: hey roc wassup? sasha ok?
Roc: yea she went to bed.
CeCe: oh kool so wassup?
Roc: nun juss bored.
CeCe: mmmhhhhhmmm and hard i see.
(i looked down and saw a large buldge)
Roc: why ,u gotta look down.
CeCe: MY eyes i can look where eva i wanna look.
CeCe: so why are u in here.
Roc: i need your help.
CeCe: with
Roc: my problem
CeCe: you mean that (pointing to my buldge)
Roc: yea
CeCe: ask sasha to help you.
Roc: shes sleeping and we cant have $ex for another 3 months.
CeCe: ok well come here…….sit on the bed.
(i sat down and she unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down then took my d!ck out and sucked on it. it felt awesome but i also felt guilty…….. oh well she did that for about 5 minutes then took off her clothes. i grabbed her and threw her on the bed took off my pants, boxers, and my shirt and went to work.)
Sasha’s POV
(Roc was out the room for a long time……i didnt hear the living room t.v on and he wasnt making food….. i think i should go look for him…..i got up and went out the room and couldnt see him anywhere. then i heard noises…..them noises that people made when they were having “relations”…….it was comming from jacob and CeCe’s room……..something or someone is telling me to look in that room. so i carefully did.when i looked i saw no jacob but roc having $ex with CeCe. i carefully closed the door and went back to my room. there was no crying and no anger. nothing. i crawled into bed and went to sleep………. i woke up to him next to me. i climbed out the bed took a shower and then went and watched t.v.)
Prod: morning
Sasha: hey.
Prod: you look a lil down whats wrong sis?
Sasha: ummm…..nothing
Prod: lier but if you dont wanna talk about it its cool……hows Gabe?
Sasha: hes good. responding well to the exercises we been doing.
Prod: thats good. well imma go get ready can you wake up roc and then tell the girls to wake up the other boys please we have to go work out in a few.
Sasha: ok.
(i went and smacked roc upside the head he jumped up and then i told him to get up. then i went to the other girls rooms and told them wat prod said. the girls and i were watching TV and the boys were about to leave CeCe stayed as far away from me as possible either she knew that i knew or she juss didnt want to be near me.)
Boys: byeeeee
Girls: byeeeee
(each boy came over to kiss us and when roc came over to me i turned my head. then they left.)
Lexy: so ladies what should we do today.
Sasha: im not doing nothing but staying here….. i got stuff to do.
CeCe: lets go to the mall?
LExy: that would be cool.
Shaniece: yea we should go.
Jae: mall it is?
Girls except me: yupp
Sasha: have fun
(the girls got up put on their shoes and left for the mall while i stayed here…….. i got somethings i gotta do starting wit packing all of CeCe’s sh!t…..the b!tch aint staying here no more. it took me like 30 minutes to pack her sh!t up then i wrote her a note….. it said " dear CeCe…. we let you in and we liked you…… me and you was cool ppls. but when a b!tch like you f*cks my man. its on an poppin. im not gonna fight you and this is my only words to you right now…….GET THE F*CK OUT!!!…… ive packed ya sh!t and i will be informing jacob or you can do it yourself but i want you off this tour bus. ASAP.you can explain to everyone why u leavin but im not and if i still see you on this tour bus 2marrow i will kick your a$$. i will be in my room. dont come say bye to me and i most deff dont want your sorry JUST LEAVE ok….have a nice life ho3 BYE!!!! P.S if jacob finds this note before u…..n he dumps ur a$$…….AINT MY FAULT SHOULDA NEVA SLEPT WIT MY MAN." i finished writing the note and then taped in on the mirror of the dresser then as i was walking out the room i saw jacob comming in……)
Jacob: hey mami wassup
Sasha: nun
Jacob: wat was u doing in my room.
Sasha: leaving a note for CeCe.
(he opened the door and saw her bags packed and then found the note and walked out and stood in front of me.)
Jacob:dear CeCe…. we let you in and we liked you…… me and you was cool ppls. but when a b!tch like you f*cks my man. its on an poppin.(starts to read lower) im not gonna fight you and this is my only words to you right now…….GET THE F*CK OUT!!!…… ive packed ya sh!t and i will be informing jacob or you can do it yourself but i want you off this tour bus. ASAP.you can explain to everyone why u leavin but im not and if i still see you on this tour bus 2marrow i will kick your a$$. i will be in my room. dont come say bye to me and i most deff dont want your sorry JUST LEAVE ok….have a nice life ho3 BYE!!!! P.S if jacob finds this note before u…..n he dumps ur a$$…….AINT MY FAULT SHOULDA NEVA SLEPT WIT MY MAN……WHAT!! sasha is this true??
Sasha: niggah im a 14 year old girl that is pregnant and cant stand for more then 30 minutes do you think i would take my time to write a lying note like that so u and her can see it. neva in my life would i. i speak nun and nun but the truth.
Jacob: how do you know of this though??
Sasha: i seen them. i wouldnt let roc have $ex with me and since you were gone he went into there and i went to go look for him and then i peeped into your room and saw them.
Jacob: DAMN man i thought ,she was the right one too.
Sasha: welp shes not in my eyes. so i packed up her **** and wrote her a note i dont need nun of that fighting im not even mad im just chill man im not gonna speak no more im either gonna write or give you a look NUFF SAID.
Jacob: good job girl dont let this stuff get to you its not good for you and baby gabe here. you needa live for ya baby.
Sasha: right 
(i heard the door opening jacob ran to put the note back… we looked at each other turned on the TV and plopped on the couch.)
Girls: were back
Sasha i see. what did yall buy?
Lexy: we mainly bought stuff for baby Gabe.
Sasha: i wanna see i wanna see.
Shaniece: nope its all a present your gonna have to wait for.
CeCe: your gonna like what i bought Baby Gabe.
Sasha: oh you bought me something too? i bought you something its in your room its this peice of paper and it has alot of words on it….. its called a note. and as you read theres no need to explain to jacob and you will see why.
CeCe: ummmmm ok….
(she went into her room grabbed the note and ,came back out and read the note out loud….what a dumb ho3. as she read jacob went into the room and started packing his **** and throwing her stuff outside LMFAOOOOOOO and as she read tears came to her eyes and the girls looked hella shocked. i went to my room and layed in my bed. then lexy came in and i knew what she was gonna ask.)
Sasha: yesterday night….didnt wanna cause im done with fighting and we almost died last time. we needa stop this for gabe. and im done with her so i packed her sh!t and insted of yelling at her i wrote her a note telling her a$$ to ,get the f*ck out.
Lexy: damn……wow well damn…….
Sasha: yupp
Lexy: so ,what you gonna do wi-
Sasha: roc got another thing comming. hes gonna wish he didnt play wit me. he dont know the sasha on the inside and he gonna know her.
Lexy: what you gonna do?
Sasha: i honestly dont know but ill figure it out.
Lexy: well you have fun with that they bout to come back.
Sasha: i will. hehe imma torture him so he can tell me himself.
Lexy: i like that.
Sasha: cool.
(we hear a door open.)
Sasha: lets go.
Lexy: this will be fun.
Sasha: u kno it!!.
(we left the room and saw the boys playing madden…… it smelled like sweat and BO.)
Sasha: oh hell naw. all of yall SHOWER nowwwwww!!!!
Prod: awwww mom five more minutes.
Sasha: no young man you smell rediculos. SHOWER OR ELSE IMMA BRING IT TO YOU AND MAYBE GIVE ONE TO YA PS3.
(they shot up madd fast and i waited for roc to ,get in bathroom them i carefully slipped into the shower with him.)
Roc: babe what are you doing in here?
Sasha: i cant take a shower with my boyfriend?
Roc: i thought u was mad at me?
Sasha: i was but i know your secret so its all good.
Roc: what secret.
Sasha: u kno.
Roc: noooo i dont.
Sasha: well you gonna need to figure that out fa yaself hun.
Roc: tell me.
Sasha: nope
(i quickly washed myself and got out before he questioned me anymore. then i started to sing)
Sasha: whats done in the dark, comes to the light, sooner or later…no it aint right.
(i sang it over and over and as roc came out the bathroom he looked around and we both went into our room.)
Roc: hey ,wheres CeCe? 
Sasha: honestly i kicked her out.
Roc: why?
Sasha: she did something i didnt like so when the girls left to the mall i packed up her **** and threw her out.
Roc: what did she do?
Sasha: put it like this…..she slept with my teddy bear even though she has her own. and my friend betrayed me by giving her my teddy bear.
Roc: huh?
Sasha: exactly.
Roc: can you stop speaking in riddles and just tell me?
Sasha: ok fine since im sick and tired of dealing with your crap. I KICKED HER OUT CAUSE SHE SLEPT WITH YOU and you betrayed me for sleeping with her.
Roc: how did you know about that?
Sasha: i seen you.
Roc: baby im sorry for everything.
Sasha: remember what i said about SORRY. it aint gonna cut it no more….. im done taking sorry roc.
Roc: then what do you want me to do.
Sasha: i dont know roc…but you needa figure it out. you been playin. SASHA DONT PLAY GAMES.
Roc: i-i i dont know what to say.
Sasha: well roc heres what i gotta say…..BYE.
Roc: bye?
Sasha: yupp BYE 
Roc: what does that mean?
Sasha: figure it out.

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