Tour of School

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we take the boys and we start the tour

Ray: so whats your name again pretty lady in purple.

Lexy: its alexus but you can call me lexy.

Ray: nice to meet you lexy.

Lexy: right back at cha.

Roc: hey umm your name is sasha right.

talking exactly to me

Sasha: yea.

Roc: well sasha your very pretty.

Sasha: thank you.

Roc:d-do you have a b-boyfriend?

Sasha: nope im you can see ummm im with child and no one wants to be with a pregnant girl.

I put my head down in shame. he lifted my head by my chin and looked me in the eyes

Roc: thats not true.

did roc juss say he wants to go out wit me

Sasha: ok...

Princeton: so shanice.

Shanice: yes.

Princeton: usted es una muchacha hermosa.(you are one beautiful girl.)

Shanice: gracias .... eres una sexy mexicana. ( are one sexy mexican)

Princeton:Habla usted español? (you speak spanish)

Shanice:un poco ... i prestar atención en clase de español a diferencia de algunas personas.(a little bit... i pay attention in spanish class unlike some people.)

Jae: really!!!? can you speak some english?

Prince: yea we comming back to english...shes a natural though.

Shanice: thanks.

Prod: so jae.

Jae: yurps

Prod: votre vraiment jolie (your very pretty >(in french)

Jae: oh snap umm i know that one...your speaking french... ummmm you juss said..... ummmm...........awwwwwwwwwwhhh your so sweet. and btw votre vraiment mignon (your really cute).

Prince: so we cant go in spanish but yall can go french....thats so unfair and waaaaaaaaay off.

Jae: w.e

Sasha: ok so basically we know alot about you but you dont know much about us so we will tell you..... ill go first. im Sasha im crazy,loud, smart,small,have braces,im very nice but dont test me cuzz i will mess a chic up. i love everyone!!! love to try new things and love jamaican food cuzz of course im to read and write and sleep. i can sing and dance. im a girly girl but can also be a boy when i want to be.

Boys: nice

Shaniece: im shaniece funny,loud, smart, good heart, crazy and fourteen black so i love to eat anything mostly fry chicken,collard greens, mash potatoes,jamican and haitian food and anything spicy. i have a tendency to talk without thinking but i love evrybody.i loves all clothes but sometimes ill chill in sweats and slide in my own way. but i will beat trick in a minute if they test me.

Boys: cool

Jaela: im jaela but you can call me jae im caring, energetic, lovable, MINDLESS! hobbies are dancing, singing, and basketball.

Prod: hey i guess imma have someone to go against.

Jae: nah your not gonna go against me you gonna get whooped by me.

Prod:what eva

Lexy: ok and now last but not least you have me Alexus aka lexy..very confident and nice but mostly mean ma fav color is purple my fav food is tacos 14 and love to txt,tlk on da phone,watch tv,hang out Wiff da besties,and play video games in ma spare time.

Ray: yay i got a video game buddy.

Roc: HEY

Ray: oh sorry bro but you loose too much.... i need competition.

Roc: buddy stealer!!

Lexy: sorry.

we finish the tour which took about 2 class periods cause we all kept stopping cause of me and we were all becoming great friends now were at lunch

Ray: the lunch here is very interesting

Girls: we all said that.

Roc: i like the pizza though.

Lexy: yea the pizza is good.

Prince: hey we should chill later on.

Sasha: that would be cool.

Lexy: umm i cant i have to go straight home.

Jae: im down.

Shaniece: umm my dad needs me home after school.

Jae and sasha: mannnnnnn

Sasha: its not gonna be fun if yall aint there.

Jae: i know right.

then this girl walked up to the table...

?:hey guys

Everyone: hey

?:i said hey guys as in i was talking to MB.

Sasha: hold up.....who are you?

?: im krishan.... im in like everyone of your classes.

Jae: oh your that stuck up bitch  everyones talkin know no one likes you right?

Krishan: they juss jelly.

Sasha: if you say so. but anywho...why are you here.

Krishan: i wanted to ask Roc if i could be his mrs.right.

Roc: your answer is no.

Jae: dang lmao straight off the bat.

Krishan: why not?

Roc: i have my eye on someone else.

Krishan: the bitch probubly ugly anyways.

Roc: nooo shes prettier,nicer,and has more hair then you.

Sasha: rude much.

Roc: im juss sayin.

Krishan: w.e but when your done wit her juss holla at me iight?

Roc: ummm please walk away your ruining our lunch *starts snapping at her like shes a dog*

Krishan: bye

she walks away and me and the girls bust out laughing

Lexy: yo roc that was messed up.

Roc: her approach was ridiculous, shes not pretty,she has hardly any hair on her head. shes not all that in my bag of chips.

Shaniece: dang remind me never to mess wit u.

Ray: man when you mess with him he cries.

Sasha: seriously

Prince: yea one time we played multiple pranks on him in 1 day and he went to his bunk on the tour bus and cried for 5 minutes straight.

Roc: thats cause i was mad and yall wouldnt stop.

Prod: that dont mean you gotta cry.

Roc: what ever!!

(bell rings)

Sasha: ayeee we got dance class next.

Lexy: girl i dont know why you talking you gotta take it ,easy.

Shaniece: yea or else dontae gonna fly right outa you.

Jae: you know i would kill to see that happen??

Sasha: shut up and lets go.

we all get up and go to dance class while the boys are following and exchanging interested looks.

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