Crazy is the word!

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(On the tour bus everyone sat quiet then kiesha said)

Kiesha: sasha can I speak to your for a minute?

Sasha: um…..sure

(we walk to the back of the tour bus)
Kiesha: how you holding up?

Sasha: Im fine just a little sad. I was looking forward to having D in my life but now he’s…gone! ( i broke down into tears)

Kiesha: sasha you cant do anything about it. Trust me when I say this it was meant to be you werent ready for a baby. You look back at this and say I made a mistake getting pregnant and Im really not ready for a baby. Trust me sasha you will be ok.

Sasha: ( wipes her tears away and says) you know kiesha I can and will always count on you! 
( Sasha gets up and gives Kiesha a big hug)
Kiesha: Alright now go out there and party!

( Sasha smiles and walks out while everyone partying except for roc who sits there with a sad look on his face)

Sasha: hey babe whats wrong?

Roc: I wanted D to be in our lives but now he’s gone and I’ll never meet him.

Sasha: roc I know your sad. I was sad to but as kiesha told me everything happens for a reason and I wasnt ready for a baby and you werent either. So let’s put this behind us and move on. Let this situation make us stronger.

Roc: K

(Gives sasha a kiss which leads to making out)

(Kiesha walks in and says)

Kiesha: HEY! Stop with the kissing 
(Everybody laughs)
(Ray Ray puts some music on)

CeCe: Since Im new to the group and Rae Rae is new to the group how about we get to know each other?

Rae: Im down with that!

CeCe: I’ll go first. My name charmaine but u already no u can call me CeCe. My favorite colors are pink,purple,blue, and green. Favorite food is soul food and tacos. Favorite movie is Scary movie 4, Favorite Tv show is Spongebob Squarepants and my favorite clothes are Joes, True Religions, Meccas, Areo, and Hollister

Rae: My name Tare’ ( the e is pronounced as the letter a) but you can call me Rae Rae. My favorite colors are pink, blue, and black. Favorite food is soul food. Just like CeCe said favorite Tv show Spongebob Squarepants.

CeCe: Swag!

Rae: And my favorite clothes are True Religions, Hollister, Ambercrombie and Fitch. Thats it!

Everybody except for Rae and CeCe: SWAG!

( Everybody continue partying)

(Lexy POV!) 
(Rae and CeCe seem cool well just gonna have to wait and see!)

(Sasha POV!)
(I think I can get along with these to new chicks!)

(Shaniece POV!)
(Mhm I like them the seem cool well we gonna find out!)

(Princeton whispers to the boys. Aye I think the girls all getting along how about we try to keep it like that?

The boys: I agree

( we all stop and get some food in like a near by wal-mart…..after we get the food we hit atlanta we went to the arena where we were performing at n juss chilled and slept and ,did crazy stuff…we didnt wanna eat up all our food so the boys decided they were gonna go to a food place and get us some food.)
(so we left the girls in the tour bus and went to go get the food. we decided chinese would be cool.)
Man: hi what would you like?
Roc: can i get a extra large pork fried rice,chiken wings, a large teriakki on a stick, large crab ragoon,and 34 spring rolls.
Prince: soooooo thats gonna be alot of food.
Diggy: and alot of money.
Prod: why yall acting like yall broke.
Jacob: HA he got yall there!.
Prince and Diggy: shut up.
(the food comes out and we leave…..then these girls approach us.)
Girl1: hiiiiiii
Girl2: you guys are mindless behavior,diggy and jacob rite?
Boys: yes.
(a girl hops on me and kisses me then i feel another girl grabing in my pocket then i heard my phone camera make noise. then the girl jumps off of me.)
Girl1: run run run
(the girls run away and the third girl had my phone so we had to run after them with the food.)
Diggy: hey come back here!!
(they ran for a while and when the girl was done doing what ever she was doing with my phone they stopped and gave me my phone back.)
Ray: what the hell did yall do!
Girl1: oh nothing juss some editing and revising.
Prod: boys lets go cause the girls are waiting on us.
Jacob: yea lets juss go.
(we start walking back.)
Diggy: what do you think they did to your phone Roc?
Roc: man i dont even kno but im afraid to turn it on.
Ray: man you should check it cause you neva kno what will happen.
Roc: nah its cool.
(we finally reach the tour bus.)
Sasha: FINALLY!!!!! FOOD
Lexy: thank god sasha was complaining her a$$ off and wouldnt shut up and then she bit CeCe.
Sasha: hey she looked like a big mac im sorry.
Roc: well heres your food.
Sasha: thank god.
Keisha: yall was taking forever what happened?
Prince: ummmm…..long line.
Girls including keisha: ooooooook?
(we all ate and then sasha asked me for something.)
Sasha: hey roc my phone is dead can i use yours.
Roc: ummmmmmmmm……… ok
(i gave her my phone.)
Sasha: why is it off?
Roc: i think i was butt dialing and then i turned it off.
Sasha: oh… i do it all the time.
(she turned it on and her face turned from calm to angry.)
Sasha: who TF is this?!!!?!!
Roc: what are you talkin about.
Sasha: you know damn well what im talking about who is this tramp ya kissing on ya phone!!! ROC ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME!!!!
Prince: lemme see…….
(she showed him the picture.)
Prince: he not cheating……… thats the actual reason why we took so long.
Girls: WHAT!??
Ray: ok so we left the chinese food place and then these girls came up to us.
Prince: they asked us if we were who we were.
Prod: now when we said yes a girl hopped on Roc.
Roc: she kissed me and another girl took my phone and took a picture.
Diggy: then the girls started running and we had to chase after them for Rocs phone. she was doing something with the phone while they were running.
Jacob: when she was done doing that she stopped and gave him the phone back.
Sasha: ok so where is this h03?
Prince: they probubly still outside of the food place.
Sasha: girls get some vasaline,sneakers,rings and put ya hair into a ponytail or a bun…… we going out.
(the girls did what sasha told them to do.)
Cece: ok so what are we doing with the vasaline?
Rae Rae: rub it alllllllllll ova yaself girl.
(the got all greased up had alot of rings on ponytail in and sneakers tied and ready…)
Sasha: well be back….
Lexy: if we dont come back within 20 minutes……
Cece: we might be there.
Rae Rae: make sure you come with bail money too.
Boys: OK
(with that being said….they left)
Diggy: soooooo who wants to follow behind them secretly and video tape this?
Diggy: leggo!!

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