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Sasha’s POV
(so i get up get ready for school and leave i get to the bus stop we were all wearing this:
Sasha: hey guys.
Girl: hey.
Lexy: why u sound so dull.
Sasha: ummm juss tired.
Lexy: oh…hows Dontae?
Sasha: hes fine.
Shaniece: so im confused…….Jae why u got shades on…. i know its sunny but dang.
Jae: cause i feel like it.
Shaniece: w.e
(we get on the bus and get to school and we walk in class)
Teacher: jae please take off your glasses… too sasha.
(we take off our glasses and everyone turns to look at us. they see me with puffy eyes and they see jae witha black eye)
Lexy: TF happened to yall??
Sasha:Nuffin dnt worry about
Jae:Yea wat she said
(the boys walk in and sit and look at me and jae)
Roc: sasha are you ok?
Sasha: im fine dont worry about it damn!!!
Teacher: sasha, jae what happened to you to?
Teacher: can you two please step outside?
(we both go outside and stay quiet. i wasnt gonna ask her what happened to her and she wasnt gonna ask me then the teacher come outside)
Teacher: what happened to you two and i want the truth?
Jae: i got jumped when i was on my way home ,yesterday.
Sasha: i dont get alot of sleep when i get home cause i have alot of homework and my granmad is sick and i cried last night.
Teacher: jae you need to report this and im so sorry sasha im gonna shorten your homework since your pregnant and i know you have alot to do.
Sasha: thank you….can i go inside now?
Teacher: yes you can.
(i go inside and i look at the door and i see that jae and mr.taylor were arguing and then they both came inside.)
Jae: (mumbles) f*ckin teachers always on my a$$ about something damn juss leave me the f*ck alone.
(we go to our other classes and then we go to lunch were all sitting at the table and no one is saying anything they juss starin at me and jae)
Jae: iight yall are starin too damn much.
Prod: can you juss please tell us what happened??
Jae: i got jumped on my way home OK!!! you happy now?
Prod: are you serious??
Jae: yes im serious and mr.taylor wanted me to ,report it. TF!!
Prod: you really should.
Jae: well im not!
(as soon as she said that the nurse walked up to her, wispered in her ear and then she got up and left with out saying anything)
Sasha: WTF was that
Prod: i dont know but now i feel bad
Everyone: why?
Prod: i didnt walk her home. i could have helped her.
Roc: its not your fault man.
Prod: yes it is.
Lexy: awwwhhh dont feel bad prod. shes ok. she can fight maybe there was juss too much girls or something.
Prod: yea…maybe.
Roc: ok so now that jae had spilled its sasha’s turn.
Sasha: hahaha sasha aint doing sh!t.
Roc: please juss tell us.
Roc: please
Sasha: NO NIGGAH JUSS LEAVE ME TF ALONE. i dont have to tell you anything if i dont want to so stop f*ckin beggin wat are you a dog. damn im pregnant what do u think is wrong with me… jesus yall are aggrevating.
(i got up and went to the bathroom……. i had a knife in my bag…. i took it out and cut the side of my arm and let it bleed for like 2 minutes. it didnt hurt at all. i put a big band aid on it and went to class.)
Jae’s POV
(so the nurse comes up to me and says that i need to go with her now and i cant say anything so i get up and go with her and we go into her office and when we get there i see police officers and teachers)
Jae: why am i here?
Nurse: Jae we know that you did not get jumped when you were walking home yesterday.
Jae:WTF do you know?
Nurse: well we dont know much for sure but we know your lying.
Jae: yea sure …… u know alot……….i got jumped…… wasnt there so how TF u supposed to say i didnt get jumped. 
Mr.Taylor: Jae what about them other bruses that we see on you on other days.
Jae: you dont need to know about those the things i tell you are the things that happened. GET OUT OF MY BUSINESS PLEASE. thank you.
(i walk out the office and go to class.)
Sasha’s POV
(i get back to class and i see that the others are pissed at me and Roc is sad or w.e but truly i dont care cause i spoke the truth we do all of our classes and then we are all standing outside of the school)
Jae: well im bout to ,go home.
Prod: nope your comming with us cause were doing something today.
Jae: i cant i have to go straight home.
(jae trys to walk away but prod grabs her)
Sasha: what are yall doing?
Roc: i have to figure something out so all of yall are coming wit us to the park.
Lexy: what are we gonna do there.
Prod: you guys will find out when we get there.
Shaniece: if yall kidnap us imma kick your a$$.
Prince: were not gonna kidnap yall were juss gonna do a lil activity.
Ray: prince that made us sound like Rapists.
Prince: i juss noticed that lmao

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