Photo Shoot and this is only the begining

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(so all of us pick out an outfit of our liking for sasha and then the boys and keisha pick out outfits for Roc and then when they both are done taking pics with their self everyone is ,gonna get into a nice outfit and take a picture all together ……as ……a family)
Sasha POV
(so everyone ,started doing stuff keisha started to set up the at home personal photo shoot booth, boys started getting Roc ready and the girls started getting me ready …..we were everywhere.)
Lexy: ok so on the bed we have the four outfits you will be wearing for the photo shoot.
(on the bed were 4 outfits that looked really cute.)
Sasha: hold up….who am i beyonce?? why am i changing into so much?
Jae: cause we gonna have like 4 scenes
Shaniece: family and then Roc,mommy and baby D
Sasha: ok kool
(i got dressed in the first outfit and met Roc down stairs in the booth everyone was watching us take photos…..we took our photos and the family photos made me cry cause they was too cute. then we all split up and jus chilled.)
Lexy: today was a bumpy day.
Sasha: yes it was.
Shaniece:i agree.
Jae: yupp
Sasha: ugh im tired.
Jae: girl you just left the hospital.
Shaniece: how could you be so tired when you probubly was sleeping all day?
Sasha: im pregnant so shut up and did u see what u just made me do. we havent even gotten in the famous world and ya making me work like come on now!!
Girls: my bad
Sasha:mmmmmmmhhhhhhhhmmmmm but anyways lets talk.
Girls: about??
Sasha: stuff.
Jae: hey lets talk about the fact that Roc is taking up a Big responsibility.
Sasha: ummmm ok.
Lexy: acctually i think that roc is doing a good thing and him helping out will teach him alot of stuff.
Jae: hmmmmmm no i dont ,think so.
Shaniece: honestly Roc is stupid for acctually taking you up with a child.
Sasha: so thats ,how u felt all along?
Shaniece: yes i have ive been meaning to confront him about it but since yall so lovey dovey and sh!t i couldnt say nun.
Sasha: w.e shaniece ya just madd cause i got a good boyfriend.
Shaniece: my boyfriend is ,good too so i dont understand why i would ,be madd.
Lexy: nah nah nah Shaniece i feel that ya a$$ is jealous.
Shaniece: of what!!
Lexy: of sasha……of her life….of everyone.
Shaniece: why would i be??
Lexy: have you seen ya life?? have you seen yourself?? i bet ya insides are f*cked up like. TF i dont understand why you talking when sasha’s condition is better then yours. you need to just suck sh!t up and be happy and the only reason why you madd that Roc took her up on this is cause you know damn well ya daddy would beat the sh!t outa you till that baby is ,dead and then Kick your a$$ out and you also know damn well no body would want you so i advise you to shut ya mouth and suck it up B!tch.
Jae: d@mn she even shut me up….
Shaniece: wow….. w.e
(shaniece got up and went to her room)
Sasha: wow lexy you put her a$$ on CHECK
Lexy: you know damn well that girl was jealous and im starting to get sick and tired of her all she has been texting me about is her and prince and when she gets famous shes gonna save her money and then leave us and all dat and she claims that when u get ya money ya gonna only use Roc fa his and spend it on crap and all that other ,sh!t about us like RT shes really fake and i dont like her im juss playin along wit her but as soon as she start talkin sh!t about me its gonna go down.
Jae: did she talk about me?
Lexy: girl you know damn well she was talkin bout u sayin that as soon as u get ya money ya gonna go back to ya daddy and ya gonna let him control u and ya money and when u grow up ya gonna find a man whos gonna beat ya a$$ and take all ya money and your juss gonna be a b!tch who is used all the time.
Jae: oh hellz no where dat b!tch at me and her need to have a lil talk like right now.
Lexy: go ahead and get her cause i got proof and if she tries to lie imma get at her wit it too.
Jae and Sasha: SHANIECE!!!!!!!!!!!!
(shaniece walks in the room)
Shaniece: WHAT?
Sasha: b!tch dont come in here with that attitude!!
Shaniece: w.e what do u want?
Jae: so you talkin all that sh!t bout me but u only step up to sasha huh? 
Shaniece what are u talkin about?
Jae: lexy is telling me all the sh!t that you was talking claiming that when i get my money imma go back to my daddy and when i grow up imma find a man thats gonna beat me and control my money!! 
Sasha: hey i juss noticed that the only reason why she said something to me is cause she think i cant do nun…….b!tch juss cause im pregnant dont mean i cant whoop that A$$ of yours cause i aint scared…..the only reason why you didnt step up to Jae is cause you know damn well Jae will kick ya A$$ and she is about ready to right now.
Shaniece: but funny thing is i said no such thing….Lexy is lying
Lexy: HO3!! im lying ……im lying
(lexy whips out her phone and shoes everyone including shaniece herself the text messages and reads them out loud too.)
Jae: so shes lying??
Jae:B!TCH IM TALKING TO YOU!!!!!!……….so shes lying?
Shaniece: no
Jae: what!!!!? speak up?
Shaniece: i said NO!!
Jae: thats what i thought!!
(jae punches Shaniece dead in the face and they start fighting)

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