I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd

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I re-edited this in 2012... 4 years ago! Well I'm back and after getting A-Levels and a lot of higher grades in English language and literature I have decided to put them to use and go back through my first ever book and straight away I see so many things wrong. I'll be putting the date on each edited chapter to tell you all if it's been edited or nah.

Chapter 1

"THAT'S IT!I'VE HAD ENOUGH, PAIGE" my dad shouted at me from the top of the staircase with a red face and bulging eyes, his feet tapped impatiently on the brand new red carpet that had been put in a few days ago and the fact that he had his finest work shoes on wasn't going to sit well with polly pocket i.e his new wife. I leaned back during the killcam mid-game on Call of Duty and looked up at him through the doorway, accidentally letting out a small chuckle at the sight of him.
"Yeah, whatever" I chuckled and returned back to my game, moving to the left and right with the controller with the swift roll of my eyes.
"Seriously, Paige I have tried everything to keep you out of trouble! Officer Bentley even came by... said you need to sort out your life because he doesn't want to be the one locking you up for life" he continued, rubbing his temples as his feet stomped heavily down the stairs one by one; they reminded me of a clock tolling while he descended.

I left the game and put the controller on the coffee table in front of me and leant back against the sofa, my head bending back to rest on the cushion as he waltzed in through the open archway. "Okay" I sighed, not wanting another argument with him but it was all we seemed to go now.
"Don't you 'Okay' m"
"-All you do is hand me to someone else when the going gets tough, boarding schools, private classes, anger management groups and help centres for rebellious teenager- you have three daughters and only one of them lives with you...barely" I snapped, interrupting his warning and trying to keep my cool with him. He had this talent, my father. He would find your weakest point and push it until you broke down.

He breathed out hot breath through his nose and scoffed
"you are flying off the handle" he whined, his hands now pinching the bridge of his nose agitatedly and stomping a little like a child. I went to answer but my phone buzzed to life, interrupting the oncoming savage in me and my heart stopped momentarily.

The phone shook and the screen lit up with a withheld number which made my palms sweat, the panic was unbelievable in my chest and I held my hand up to my dad's raised voice, my finger slid across the screen as I put the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I asked more than greeted, wondering who it was that was calling me until I heard the familiar voice speak back
"Hi, it's me" Louis said and I couldn't help but grin into the phone, the embers of the anxious fire lit inside me spitting and dying out. "Hey Louis" I sighed happily.
"I have your money, can I come around?" He asked nicely, the sound of the cigarette paper burning in the background and the occasional cars zooming past him echoed into the receiver. "yeah sure, hurry up though" I answered automatically, wanting to see my best friend more

"He is not coming here!" My father shouted, outraged that I suggested one of my friends could access his precious grounds; he hated Louis and I could see why but considering he was so dangerous, Louis was so sweet and protective with me. I have known him since my mom died 6 years ago, when we moved house to this new one I asked my dad if there was any way I could go to a public school, I wanted everything to change then and in the end he let me. The first day I went I had met Louis and we bonded immediately even though we were from two different walks of life.

He lived with his parents and little brother in a two bedroom house and fell into the wrong crowd and it looked like I tripped after him, he was involved in illegal street racing which wasn't as bad as it could be but he tended to modify bikes and cars too, had a real knack for it. He had been in a few altercations regarding drugs and stuff but he was never a taker, he sold some a while back. He had one reason to do all of this and that was to give his parents and brother a good life even if it did sound pretentious and cliche. He never asked for anything because he never got anything but I didn't ask for anything because I knew I would have it and 12 more like it in seconds.

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