I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 35

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Re-edited 16/6/2017

Song of the Chapter – The menzingers – Gates

Chapter 35

I stood there for a moment, pulling my shirt down over my bottom and pushing my hair back behind my ear and moving effortlessly around Will who had begun to shake his jacket onto his body.
"Where are you going?" He asked while I stood against the counter, reaching for the keys so we could lock up. I resented Frank more than ever right now because I knew I could have christened that kitchen counter but no... not today apparently.
"I'm coming with you?" I laughed
"No, you aren't" Will argued "You're going back to the apartment or staying here, you aren't going into a volatile situation when you're ready to drop" He finished with a pointed look.

I rolled my eyes
"1, I'm not ready to drop- I'm literally just past the halfway point in this pregnancy
2, you're in a volatile situation being around me right now with these hormones and
3, I can throw a better punch than you can" I mocked, walking quickly out of the house very fast thinking he couldn't catch me. I threw the keys over to him and sat in the car very fast while he locked up.

I watched him shake his head while I got comfortable In the passenger seat while he shook his head and climbed into the driver's seat and we soon set off, driving at a moderate speed because of Will's worry of my pregnant state. He was more worried and cautious than I was, offering me vitamin pills, meals filled with everything I needed, making sure my pillows were fluffed etc whereas I just ate what I wanted, slept where I fell and didn't take notice of stress levels.

We soon pulled up outside the Francis' residence and got out of the car as quickly as possible, approaching the doorway which bore a fist sized whole in the window of the door near the lock and glass scattered around the floor; I approached first and examined the glass which pointed out aggressively, the lock on the inside of the door was unlatched so I opened It without a thought, I heard Will huff something behind me as he hurried to catch up and by the time we were inside he was pressed up against my back and had led me to the dining room.
"About fuckin' time" Said Frank at the table, a crystal decanter filled with an alcohol liquid sat next to a matching glass that had already been swallowed multiple times.
"Where's mom?" Will asked
"She's at work or whatever" Frank retorted with another gulp of his drink
"So she isn't here?" I asked, eyebrows raised in confusion.

I watched him smirk
"Well, ya see... I expected only one of you to come, whichever one came got a different punishment so to speak, I needed to see someone in my family you see, I've been so lonely" He feigned upset "No but she's somewhere else so I thought, ye... break in to my own house, drink my own liquor and just look for attention" He continued. I stood a little confused for a moment before I walked over to him.
"Come on, get up" I motioned, grabbing the decanter from the table and sliding it across the counter so it fell directly into the sink, the crystal ball in the top popping out easily so the liquid doused the inside of the plug.

"You stupid bitch" He shouted, more sad than angry while his glass looked like it was going through a drought,
"You are stupid for coming back into this house for attention" I mimicked, seriously confused
"It's working isn't it?" He replied and I realised he was right, maybe he wanted attention because he didn't know his son was having a kid, maybe he wanted to be part of his kids' life but it was more likely that he wanted proof that he could make a kid.
"What's your point Frank?" Will shook his head, leaning against the doorframe.
"I don't have one, gets lonely in a motel with alcohol being your only form of company" Frank replied, pretending to be in a serious depression with his statement.

Will laughed and grabbed him by the back of the neck, pulling him from his chair and dragging him outside and onto the lawn of their little garden out front. All the while his dad thrashed around nimbly, wincing when the outside world met his blurred vision. Will threw Frank onto the grass from the top of the stairs and his father curled up, landing on the right side of his body in a loud cry of pain and frustration. He stumbled back up and started towards Will who he had only just realised had ditched his glasses and 'The Flash' T-shirts for leather jackets and a badass look much to my upset; I liked it when he took out his contacts on a night and put his glasses on, his marvel PJ bottoms and read his Attack on Titan Manga but I supported whatever made him feel better about himself.

"What, what do you want?" Will challenged, standing in front of me with crossed arms at the top of the steps.
"Why now? Why have you only now just decided to stick up for yourself" He huffed, I felt like all of this was to push Will to become a man but at the same time was a form of sick enjoyment for Frank.
"Because I have someone worth fighting for, now fuck off" He shooed the drunkard from his front garden but Frank didn't really retaliate until his son stepped forward and he turned and scurried away.

I sat at the top step on the porch, making sure that any dirt or glass was swept away before I planted myself on the steps and waited for Carol to return from wherever she was and Will followed suit, siting beside me and nudging me with his shoulder.
"I just want chicken nuggets and sex" I whined, my chin resting on my hands.
"I know, it's okay" Will stroked my head and patted my back.
"It's not okay, why does he keep coming back?" I asked
"Because he went from having everyone to no-one, he resents you because you gave us courage and wants to fuck with our heads now so we ask for him to come back" Will whispered, waiting for the car to pull up at the kerb outside.

"I feel like Tinkerbell, I turn up and provide everyone with courage and braveness and then go and eat while people fix their problems" I smiled sweetly
"Well then I'll be Peter Pan" He laughed
"No, Tinkerbell is in love with him...he does not reciprocate" I scowled "So no because I will cry". I watched him chuckle genuinely, his eyebrows raised on one eye while he bent forwards
"Stop staring at me" he said
"Stop denying me of nuggets" I retorted without even knowing I had spoken.

Minutes later we watched as Carol climbed out of her car and opened the gate
"What are you two doing here?" She asked with a smile before she realised that the window pane of her front door, shock was evident in her features.
"What the hell happened?" She part shouted and looked at us both.
"Your ex happened, just did it for attention there was nothing intended in it" I smiled, standing up. She stared at the door for a moment
"Well I have ply board I can put there until I can get it fixed" She chuckled.

We helped put the ply board up and ordered take in, that night we stayed with Carol, watching movies and then we slept in Will's single bed, just spooning and laughing all night at his collectibles, his book shelves... at us. 

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