I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 34

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I Prevail – Blank Space (Cover)

Re-edited– 16/6/2017
Chapter 34

I looked at him, his eyes scanned my face and I felt a soothing calmness wash over me while he stared at me in such an incredulous manner; He looked at me like I was the jackpot on the slots but I was the one who was wondering why I was so lucky to have him in my life.

We got in the car and just sat in the silence wondering what to do, I was wrong for jumping to conclusions but I knew that there was part of me that was being rational about the situation, I was right to have doubts but not doubts about him.

We started to drive, just trying to calm down
"That was hot" I muttered without even realising that the words had escaped my thoughts
"What was?" He asked, turning his head to look at me with a smirk
"Just how you handled that situation, it was so... so hot" I laughed, a smile stretching across my lips. My hormones were all over at the minute and so I was getting a bit hot and bothered under the collar.

I saw his smile on his face, not intending to be shown as he tried to hide how proud of himself he was. There was something different about the way he stuck up for me compared to any other guys that were fiends or ex partners. He took control and looked after me, protected me and stuck up for me because he cared, not because he wanted to show off in front of his friends or me for that matter.

We soon pulled up at the apartment, it was quiet and it was empty and that was all I needed to calm down, I thought about everything and decided that maybe we just needed to calm down, watch TV and just really relax with each other. He walked in to the area before me and stared at the flat
"How weird is it that we literally fell in love in this room" He smiled, throwing his keys onto the island in the kitchen and took off his jacket effortlessly to hand over the bar stool. His back and arm muscles flexed in a white, long sleeved V neck top which he rolled the sleeves up.

"I thought it was love at first sight" I mocked with a grin, walking towards the sofa and collapsing on it
"I realised how much I needed you when I sat on this sofa with you and a can of coke" He turned the joke into a serious matter and sat next to me, his hand on my thigh above the healing scars.

I stared at him, feeling incredibly shy and off guard.
"Stop blushing, you are the least shy person I know" He laughed, kissing my cheek and standing up to go clean up the wreckage that I had turned the bedroom into. Once he had done that we decided to go to McDonalds and over to the new house.

"SQUIDGY!" shouted Jackson running towards me at top speed the moment we pulled up, I pulled a face at him while he wrapped his entire body around my legs and holding on tightly.
"Hey Jackson" I grinned at him, trying to pry him away from me. I turned to smile at Will, his face white and pale
"You okay?" I asked with worry in my tone
"Yeah he look...he looks like Karen is all" He whispered before kneeling down and putting his hand out towards Jackson
"Nice to meet you, I'm Will" He shook the little boys hand.

Jackson smiled wide
"Are you squidgy's husband?" He asked
"Hopefully soon" Will laughed and I got a little butterfly in my stomach. Jake walked out of the house in jogging bottoms, no shirt and no shoes.
"Hey little man, I told you to stay where I could see you?" He laughed before he met my eyes and Wills'
"Hey, Mr Womanizer" He spoke sharply at Will
"Fucking hell" Will replied, his face began to blush with anger before he turned and looked at me
"Will...don't" I whispered, picking Jackson and balancing on my hip.

"You're pretty, daddy thinks so too" he stuttered in a whisper in my ear,
"Is that right" i laughed, turning to look at Jake who looked obnoxious and arrogant.
"Well he might think he is gods gift to women but I know that he is punching above his weight" I teased loudly, letting him know that he might be attractive but the guy beside me literally was the epitome of beauty.

I set the child down and walked over to my front door, unlocking it and pushing the door open.
"I'll see you soon okay Jackson" I smiled, watching him to make sure he didn't run off.
"He looks just like Karen" Will repeated again as he kicked the door shut. It was a small world
"That's because he is Karen's" I whispered, walking into the newly decorated kitchen and leaning against the counter. "After I found the letter I came here because I was going to decimate you but I couldn't find you so I had a tantrum and Jake invited me in; I didn't tell him what was up until I lost a bet so I told him; turns out that basically Karen got with him straight after she got with your brother, he's only about 2 – the kid I mean" I finished, looking at Will.

He nodded his head, like he understood something he had been struggling to understand for a long time and took a steady, deep breath
"Why did you tell him?" He asked calmly
"Because I lost a bet" I replied feeling pretty stupid and childish
"It's embarrassing for me, even being linked to her or connected...I guess he's seen the pictures" Will said as he paced back and forth in the empty room, the only thing here was a refrigerator which hummed in the background and some cutlery/glasses while we ordered new furniture and things we needed.

I watched him, clean up a used cup that he must have used the last time he was here in the sink beside me
"I'm not mad but I don't want to be defined by her; I want to be defined by you" He said, the sound of running water overtook his voice so I barely heard him/
"Why? Why can't you be defined as yourself, Will"
"Because you are the only thing I can be proud of right now" He whispered, I rolled my eyes and walked behind him to hug him, I got there but of course the peanut growing in me protruded my stomach a little so it was a slight issue when it came to me comforting him.

Nevertheless I got my arms around his waist and his own wet hands clasped over my own.
He turned around to face me, after drawing the blinds and lifted me onto the kitchen counter. He kissed me harshly and I kissed him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, enjoying the feel of him against me, the lust rumbled between us and we began to lose control. He kissed my neck, nibbling on my collarbone while I pulled at his hair.

And then his phone buzzed.

He stepped back and pulled his phone out of his pocket, cursing under his breath while he slid his thumb across the screen and stared at the screen.
"He's back... my dad broke in" He said and pulled me off the bench carefully and leading me to the car. 

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