I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 23

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Song of the Chapter – The 1975 – Change of Heart

Chapter 23

It was bone numbingly strange being sat at this table, back at school with Will like everything was okay, it had been 5 weeks since Tee had been ran over and they hadn't gotten any easier. I had went to counselling under the strict order from my dad because my depression got worse, biting at everything I did and everything I wanted to do and in return she had told me to go to school to keep my mind off everything. In the meantime Will and I had went to the doctors and it turned out that I am just under 3 month's pregnant and to think I've only lived here for 4 and a half months.

Teena had been brought out of the induced coma a week after being put into it as her brain scans had come back clear and they were sure she was going to be okay and her leg and rib had almost completely healed. Will never left my side and although he was just as terrified of the baby situation as I was he was constantly holding my hand, protecting me from anything and he even stopped me from riding my bike in case there was accident. He held my thigh at the minute and sat closely, facing away from the table and watching the crowds of people in the school closely, looking for Liam or one of his friends. We'd been on edge constantly, with cameras and updated security systems; pepper sprays and always travelling in groups like herds of animals; Will had even got his gun licence.

"Who's your date to the dance?" I asked Marnie one of the girls at school that befriended me at the beginning, earning a blush from her as she took a bite from her tuna and lettuce sandwich.
"Toby" she looked up, wiping her lips, Toby had been her crush since from what I understood to be the beginning of time.
"Ooooh girl" I coeed, budging shoulders with her and taking a drink of my Ribena, I was excited because I missed the Halloween Dance but I sure as Hell wasn't missing the Winter Ball.
"How is Teena anyway" She asked, looking over at me and glaring at Will; his overprotectiveness showing in his balled fists as some of my mortal enemies from the cheerleading group walked past. Shaking my head I turned back and looked at Marnie "Recovering, her neck supporter and back brace is off, she's been woken up but they're still keeping her in because there are complications with something but my dad won't tell me but hey that Robbie kid has been up everyday" I chuckled.
"That's so cute- So did they catch the driver" Marnie turned with a smile
"Yeah they did but the only problem is he had an alibi so they couldn't be arrested but I'm going to make sure he gets what's coming, they scrapped the car though because it was the same car associated "I spoke, when everyone at school found out I made sure to remove all mention of Liam, illegal activities and what I was messed up in.

We stood up and threw our rubbish in the bins on the way out of the hall as the Bell chimed.
"I hope she's okay, send her my love" She smiled and walked away. I walked into the schools hallway hand in hand with Will, looking at the shabby glittered snowflakes and Christmas Puns littered around the banners for the Winter Wonderland ball that were scattered everywhere as well as the leaflets that were strewn across the floor as it was in two days.
"I need to go shopping tonight" I smiled, leaning my head into his side
"Couldn't you wait" Will began to whine, pulling me into his side but his words affected me more than he knew.

"Dad" I shouted, my hands trembling after just throwing up repeatedly. I clutched my stomach and found my little legs and slippers sliding down the hallway. I found him at the kitchen bench, rifling through bank statements and other types of letters
"Yeah" he asked from under his glasses.
"Can we talk" I asked, sliding onto the stool at the kitchen island across from him while wondering how Will was telling his mom right now, I can't imagine her being mad at him.
"Yeah sure, what's up" he asked as I perched my small petite body on one of the bar stools awkwardly.

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