I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 32

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Stolen – Talia Mar

Chapter 32

The past week had been tiring; unable to sleep at all I had been waking up from night terrors every time I slept, not just at night but during the day. I had been waking up clawing at my surroundings in panic and fear, images of a malicious grin, of a switchblade at my skin and Liam's hands on my waist, pinning my down so hard my bones would turn to dust. I couldn't even sit in my own bed properly, I had been staying on the sofa when I could sleep, tossing and turning and occasionally wandering around my apartment in the dark following those trance like moments after a dream. After the third night of these dreams I had had enough, I broke down completely in Will's arms on the floor of the hallway, sweating and crying into his chest.

So long story short I decided that maybe the best thing to do was to look into buying that house, it would take a huge chunk of money out of my inheritance, general earnings and all of that but It's worth it. I needed a change of scenery and that was what it might take to feel a little more secure. I wasn't permitted to go back to school just yet but Will was and in between going to school and getting his grades back up he was decorating the house.
"You aren't allowed to see it yet" He kept saying and I was happy not to leave the sofa at the minute.

My phone buzzed to life and I answered eagerly to Will's caller ID
"Hey babe" He said down the phone, a slight echo in the background
"Hey, what's up" I replied, biting my lip and holding the phone between my face and should while I looked online for college courses I could do from home.
"I need you to order something for me from Amazon, I left my wallet in the bedroom so I can't do it myself" He muttered, I could hear voices around him and the hush of his tone the louder they got.
"Yeah sure, what is it?" My voice cracked, coughing into my fist
"I need you to pre-order Days Gone" He replied, sounding busy. I rolled my eyes and chuckled at his distant and pre-occupied voice.
"I'll do that now, bye" I laughed
"Love you" He muttered and I replied back and ended the call.

My limbs felt stiff as I unravelled my legs from beneath me, feeling like a salted pretzel while I crawled off of the sofa and moan-stretched, sounding like King Kong while I shuffled to the bedroom. I was walking much better now but the sting was still there, the initial shock each morning was the worst; like untying an old knot. The stitches had dissolved well up to now but there was still that feeling of dread that I was going to rip them despite not having them any longer. I walked into the bedroom and slid to his side of the bed, opening his draw to grab his wallet. I made a strange noise in my mid-stretch (which was unintentional by the way, you know when you just move the right way and it's literally god massaging your muscles) and lifted my arms to the air for maximum agility in this heavenly movement and my fingers went numb to match my toes.

In that split second I dropped the wallet, the worn leather slipping from my fingers and bounced across the ground, manoeuvring to drop onto the edge of the bedside table and doing clumsy cartwheels beneath the bed. In a swift motion I knelt to the ground and leant on my side to look under the bed. My fingers clamped down onto every object in the vicinity BUT the wallet so understandably I got agitated
"God fucking dammit, William" I cursed, biting my bottom lip while I moved awkwardly on the floor, pushing the base with my bare feet to move it out slightly.

Right there, crumpled awkwardly beneath the moved bed post and against Will's wallet was an envelope with Will's name scrawled with italic, curved writing. I shouldn't have but I whipped it up immediately, throwing the wallet on the bed and scooting myself against the bedroom wall, crossing my legs and opened the already ripped seal.
The contents spilled out obnoxiously onto my legs, a letter and a few images escaped the envelope and lay face down on the rug of my floor; with crossed eyebrows I grabbed the smaller, square pieces of paper and saw images of Will, his arms wrapped around some woman while he nuzzled into her neck but this image was long ago, at least two years ago anyway. The next was a picture of Will meeting her, the date on the back stated it was a few weeks ago while I was in hospital, there were a few of them like that, put them together and you had a story.

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