I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 5

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Song – Beware of the Darkness – MuthaFucka

Chapter 5

'Meep-meep-meep-meep-meep-meep-meep-meep' The high pitched noise was a shock to my system, with somewhat of a squeal I jumped up in shock before groaning in pain, I had school today and I was riddled with anxiety that seemed to not want to leave, I put up my hard, stone faced walls and began to get ready. I took a shower, washing and shaving before I hurriedly dried myself of, letting my hair dry naturally as I slung open the heavy curtains at my bedroom window. The orange glow slipped through window and lit my entire room in a heavenly glow, the glare making my TV almost unwatchable as I switched on the news for background noise and began to get ready.

My make-up was bare, with my eyebrows being plucked quickly, my winged eyeliner and long, thick eyelashes bringing out my icy coloured eyes and a small amount of dark red lipstick matted to my thick lips. I groaned and rubbed it off of my teeth, just brushing my pearly whites apparently didn't deter a good shade of lipstick, It was only a matter of time before I had my make-up done and it was only 6:30am. I dried out my long black hair and straightened it, the layers at the top made it a little larger on the top but the ends went thinner and framed my small, pale face nicely.

I slid on my black, criminal damage jeans and a white tank beneath a black and grey flannel shirt that hung open, loosely. My white vans fit perfectly onto my tiny feet and my backpack only made me look more childish, I was already little in height with the face of a 6 year old but it had my pens and books in, maybe it would help me stay out of trouble looking like a nerd but we all knew that wasn't going to happen.

I found myself flying through the kitchen and grabbing some cereal, locking up and turning off all the electrics as I left, my legs bending at the knees while I descended the steps in a hurry to avoid Dean next door, last night after Daniel had left (more like got kicked out) I went next door to my Aunt Lilly's for dinner, she cooked a huge meal and of course I shoved it down my throat like a wild animal and since I haven't been able to avoid the barrage of innuendo's and dirty references from my foster cousin. I was like a deer, trying to avoid being hunted as I slipped into the garage and walked my motorcycle out before locking the garage screen-door.

The lock next door clicked and I heard murmuring and talking, my heart thumped as I threw on my leather jacket and zipped it up, pulling my helmet on and starting the bike up.
"Well if it isn't our very own Vacuum" I heard partly, removing the kickstand and revving as I swerved out fast and left, the view of him making a crude motion with him mouth and hand almost made me vomit but I held it together and headed for the school I'd be spending the next few months at.

My heart was pounding, my throat was dry and I could feel the fear in my mind but I always made a point to myself and others of being strong, not worrying or being affected by others and throughout the years of being 'the new girl' I had built somewhat of an tolerance for being the newest point of interest. I swerved through traffic, past roofless cars and old bangers, SUV's filled with make-up laden girls and jocks in their trucks and through the shopping district, I found myself easily exiting through small lanes and passing large, glass buildings and beach like shops before the old school building began to appear in the distance.

I got to the parking lot in record time and pulled up the closest I could to the doors so it would be perfect to make a quick entrance and an even quicker exit. I didn't realise how many people were there until I yanked of the helmet and shook my hair free of it, the long, night black strands of hair that fell down my back had cascaded messily and urged me to brush it and as I ran my fingers through it I realised I was being stared at.

There was numerous whispers, spreading around the parking lot like a breeze might sway grass, my eyes were wide and confused as I stepped off the bike properly, locked it and scanned my surroundings. The building was a large, historical looking building with huge doors beneath a rusting plaque with the school's name, the words so heavily damaged through wear and tear that they were unreadable. The parking lot wasn't too big but was big enough for the school's cars and two strips of grass with flowers planted into them ran directly through the middle. I sighed, looking at everything one last time and made a move, ignoring the comments, remarks and whispered words as I took the steps two at a time with great difficulty.

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