I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 44

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Song of the Chapter – Pork Soda – Glass Animals

Re-edited 26/07/2017

Chapter 44

It had been well over a month since the press conference and the aftermath went both ways, hectic and calm. The first few days leading up to the week were hellish; I couldn't even change the channel without it being on TMZ, god only knows if they caught me wiping my ass. Luckily they had stopped posting false stories and bad headlines about me a few days ago at the expense of my old DVD player. There's only so much a girl can take of men putting their new Nikons in the air vents before she throws her biggest electrical she can pick up.

More to the point and horror of myself it was nearing my due date, four weeks and I would have a tiny human in my hands, shitting on my new rug...crying 24/7, to be honest it sounded like a puppy. I was beginning to get nervous, fearing childbirth was easier when you weren't ready to drop your own child.
"What about Jamie?" Will smile at me, snapping me out of my daze while he recited names off at random for our child
"ugh, no" I shivered
"I don't want our baby to have a normal name, he definitely won't have a normal childhood ... he has me as a mother" I chuckled and patted my stomach affectionately.

Daniel was sat across from me, an open can of Pepsi in his left hand, legs hanging open in a masculine way, cigarette in right hand.
"Dude, put it out! There's children in here" I whined at Daniel, he seemed lost... worried almost.
"Yeah uh sorry pae" He panicked, he was suddenly a lot more comfortable being around Will and I now that everyone had found out that Jake is the biological father of both kids.
"isthat even normal tobacco? I smell something funny" I glared at him, he jumped up and ran to the back garden and closed the door on himself. I did find it funny that he was running way from me with a joint and not the other way round.


Karen walked into the room and sat on the edge of the sofa opposite me and Will, she was still very twitchy and nervous but we needed to allow her some leeway; Jake refused to have her in his house just yet so I offered to let her have her contact in my house. I was beginning to trust her lately, I trusted my gut instinct and that was telling me that she was fine. She had gotten a waitressing job and was looking for an apartment or house for her and the kids but she wasn't getting anywhere; still sleeping in the hotel she was staying in a month ago but she was taking classes at the local college, getting therapy and medication for her 'addiction' and was all in all just pulling herself together.

"What about Tyrese?" Daniel said out of the blue once he had slipped back in and sat down,I repeated the name over and over in my head; it seemed like it fit
"Tyrese ... I love it" I finally spoke aloud after around 3 minutes of saying it in my head.
"Why can't he have a normal name" Will complained and I couldn't help but chuckle at him
"Because he's my son and that means he needs to stand out" I noted, booping his nose with my index finger.
"You aren't one of those celebrities that name their kids like...apple and shit" Karen spoke, looking at me strangely
"When I suggest we call him Bucko el Bronco that's when you worry" I quipped, reaching for the nachos.

"How about Theo" Will said suddenly and I knew at that moment that it was perfect
"Shit...that's a good name" I mumbled through a mouth full of food. It resonated with me.
"Hey squidgy" Jake, Stacey and Jackson ran in like school children, chasing each other only one of them ran at me and the other ran at Will ... you can guess which rather large child jumped on me.
"Excuse me, I believe I serve as a woman not a seat" I chuckled pushing Jake off the edge of my lap. "Squidgy? ... Can we have nachos, your nachos" Jackson asked sweetly, his hands clasped at the front of him as he swayed side to side. Everyone watched me, their eyes telling me just to share.
"Sure squirt" I feigned a smile although inside I was crumbling apart, devastated.

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