I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 8

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The Pretty Reckless - Blame

Chapter 8

Over the next few weeks; (approximately 6) I was becoming more stable, coming off my anti-depressants and getting out more, there was never a dull day and Will and I were as thick as thieves; we stuck up for each other, ate each other's food, introduced each other to music and shows and even took him to every race. He stayed in the spare room often and had taken me to some of the hotspots here in Miami, I had taken him to parties and often we went to the cinema to see the latest Marvel / DC sequels.

I was constantly excited to see him and even though I never met his parents I couldn't help but feel accepted, especially when his mother called and said she was pleased he was getting a social life, although it wasn't all that social considering all we did was all nighters on the sofa with take-out and Netflix original series. I woke up alone this morning because his mom wanted him home but with every time I saw him it intensified the want I had for him, I'm afraid I was the one in the friend-zone this time, always dressing to see if he liked it, trying to look my best and do my best by him and I'd only ever done that for one person and that was mainly from fear. Will had turned the spare room into his own and even when he was there I itched to be with him, wanted him to cuddle me like he did the toilet last week when we'd played drinking games all night.

I sighed and got up early, slinging my hair into a ponytail but leaving my side bangs and tendrils of straightened hair hanging by my face, I put my dark lipstick on and my eye makeup as per usual but not before I sorted my long, leather bag ready which hung by my side. I looked in the reflection of the mirror before I left, I wore black jeans and a wine coloured blouse with knee high, heeled boots and my leather jacket, I smiled at my reflection and left to pick Will up.

I pulled up at the usual comic store around the corner from his block and picked him up; I appreciated his new attire, his button up shirt beneath a leather jacket which he must have bought yesterday,
"Nice Jacket" I remarked as he ducked into the passenger seat
"You're my inspiration, it's very...biker chic" He sang "You look ama-nice....you look really nice today" He corrected himself, allowing me to begin blushing a dark colour across my pale skin , the winter months did nothing for my complexion but he did. I drove to school with a grin across my face that met each ear, unable to stop my sly glances over towards Will. We soon pulled up and got out of the car after parking up and walked into the school, getting there extremely early meant we had the school to ourselves or so I thought.

A few girls and guys were whispering and pointing at me, leaflets of paper were spat across the walls and lockers, spread across the floors and stuffed under doors; these posters were of me posing with my friends but only male friends, some photo-shopped to showcase me in some compromising positions and my locker was scrawled with the words 'Slut' in bright, passion red writing. These pictures were taken from my Instagram and Facebook and there was only one person aside from Will I had added on my private account to be able to access those photos.


I ripped off a poster from the wall, anger coursing through my veins as I stared at the screenshots of 'texts' I had sent, all of this was fake and the fact that it showed the website in the tab above proved it. 'Fake-text-generator.com'
"What is it?" Will asked, his jaw clenching visibly causing me to shiver as I looked at him.
"Dean...he's photo-shopped everything, printed shit out and faked texts and emails and I don't know why" I sighed, trying not to cry with anger as looked up at Will with big eyes, he put his hand on my shoulder briefly
"It might have a lot to do with his new love interest, Carly" he spat with anger in his eyes,he pulled me close to his chest in a hug and although I knew it wasn't with a romantic intention I couldn't stop the race of my heart beat.

"Ignore them, few more months and we'll have finished school" He sighed whilst I revelled in his touch, enjoying him holding me for the few seconds before he let go and ripped the papers from the ground. We spent the next fifteen minutes binning these posters, ripping them up and ridding them although we kept a few for evidence.
"Hey, Will- check this one out" I laughed, unable to hide the humour in my voice as I picked up a fake screenshot of me basically offering my services for fifty dollars an hour and a big mac, I kept that one and marked it as my favourite.
"Will?" I shouted over my shoulder, still throwing the sheets in my bin whilst slightly unnerved that he wasn't replying, I repeated myself one last time, standing and swivelling to see the staircase he was just in was now empty aside from the teachers moving up and down the steps. My eyebrows knotted in confusion and my eyes searched the floors and walls for any evidence of a kidnapping, there'd be blood or something surely?

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