I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd -3

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Re-edited 26/7/2016

Chapter 3

I groaned and rolled over, my body sweating and my clothes stiff from how I slept in them, I couldn't believe I had slept all night without even waking up once until my phone disrupted my comfortable slumber. My hands slammed around the bed open palmed, searching blindly for my phone before my fingers found the warm glass screen.
"Hello?" I muttered sleepily down the receiver
"Just wanted to see if you settled in alright" My dad spoke down the phone chirpily, he rustled papers around so much I heard the flutter down my end of the phone. I rolled my eyes, ending the call and getting up.

I trailed to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes black from the running makeup that trailed down my cheeks and under eyes. I looked around, realising I had no toiletries, no food in or anything so I splashed my face with some water as opposed to taking a bath as I usually would and instead walked back to my room, grabbing a baby wipe I cleaned my face as best I could and just brushed out my hair before fish plaiting it.

My phone buzzed to life and I unthinkingly answered "Stop doing that" he said, my dad that is with a whine and a short huff
"what? this?" I asked and went to hang up again but he stopped me, halting what I was doing as he spoke with authority
"Look, Teena and Elle are coming to stay for a while with you or your aunt Lilly whilst your Grandma goes on her Mediterranean cruise with her new boyfriend, Tee's been getting home schooled anyway so that shouldn't be a problem" He spoke, sounding like he was caring but there was no emotion behind his false tone.
"When?" I asked, pulling on my shoes and grabbing my bag and leather jacket, I poured out my bag onto the bed and stacked the piles of money into sections, I grabbed as much as I could that would allow itself into my purse before shoving the rest of it in the edge of my opened suitcase, zipping it back up with my hands free while my phone rested itself on my shoulder against my face.

"Sometime next month, I'll talk soon I have a meeting with some CEO figure in 10" my dad replied before hanging the call up. Before leaving I checked myself over in the mirror before leaving, walking downstairs after locking my apartment door only to be met with two people in blue and black uniforms. Oh no, this is the end.
I looked around nervously, immediately cupping my arm as a form of comfort with my hand and looking at them with worried eyes
"Miss Paige Williams?" The largest one asked, handling a clipboard haphazardly
"Yeah, what's up?" I asked, pushing my phone into my bag atop of my purse before zipping the leather pouch up that hung low below my hip and looking up at him.
"We have your furniture here, boxes and stuff to be delivered so could you sign here, here and here- the company are collecting your vehicles now so they won't be long" He pointed at the form in his hand.

My hand shook involuntarily as I scrawled my signature in black ink, smudging it with my hand
"I need to go out and get some groceries, do I need to be here?" I asked, the heat from the burning sun causing me to sweat, I heard the door in the house next to me unlock and my aunt Lilly ran over to us; she was red faced and had soap suds on her clothes and fingers which gave me the impression she had stopped cleaning to see what was going on.
"Yeah we need you here or someone at least" He replied, rubbing his stubble.
"Hey, I knocked last night but you didn't answer so I assumed you fell asleep" She breathed out, tired before momentarily bending with her hands on her knees.

I chuckled, patting her back
"Yeah, I was asleep pretty early" I replied awkwardly, still trying to find my footing as I looked at the tired blonde woman with her hands on her hips, trying to catch her breath from where she had ran over from her house "I know you need to do some shopping so I brought my car keys, Walmart is in the GPS just be careful with her" She spoke, facing me and dropping her heavy car keys in my hand. "I'll sort this for you" She finished, plucking my keys that hung off my finger; I grinned and said a quick goodbye before I headed off, I came to her sleek, black vehicle and climbed into it easily, head butting the heavy but fluffy red dice decorations that hung with the air freshener from the rear view mirror and gave the leather interior the smell of strawberry.

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