I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 10

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Hozier Cherry Wine

Chapter 10

Stumbling through the door with a drunk Will was working out to be better than expected, it took only around an hour to drag him off the chilli Dorito smothered pool table and clothed. Will stumbled in and removed his body from mine. I sighed at the state of my apartment and kicked the door clothed
"I love this house it's like mine but not mine" He grinned and laughed loudly, his hands grabbing the take out menus from the counter top-it was 2:30 in the morning.
"No, you've been fed already" I grabbed at them, stretching to reach them.
"You should have let me pay for the bill" Will replied sadly, passing me back the menus and shuffling to the doorway, I knew he couldn't afford it and I didn't think he would be able to admittedly.
"I wanted to treat you" I chuckled, putting my hands on his back and pushing his heavy body into the hallway.

I looked away for a second, standing and wiping the forming sweat on my forehead from the new workout I had just done and he disappeared, the bedroom door of my room slightly ajar.
"Will, come on – your bed" I laughed, watching him kick off his shoes and take his jacket off clumsily.
"Nooooo" He sang, I wasn't ready to share a bed just yet with him; fair enough we'd known each other for a while now but we'd been in a relationship for less than 24 hours. I sighed, grabbing my things and got changed in the corner of the room, out of view from Will to my shorts and top , moving over to grab my pillows from my side of the bed to take them into the spare room when he tugged at the top like a child, pulling me onto the bed.
"Please stay with me; I'll probably never get another chance to stay here with you" He mumbled and I rolled over so I was beside him.
"Why'd you say that" I asked, his eyes were beginning to close slowly, his chest rising with each breath; I probably looked incredible creepy with my head resting on my hand as I stared at him.

He giggled childishly and rolled his head to face me.
"Because you'll realise that I asked you out and you'll be awkward and embarrassed, and end it because you made a mistake with some bull excuse like 'I don't want to ruin the friendship' and because I like you so much I'll agree and just pine for you forever" He slurred heavily, rolling over so we were facing each other.
"You're such an ass" I laughed, shuffling closer to him so our chests touched and his head rested on mine "You're a mistake I'm happy to repeat in that case" I laughed, sleep pulling at my eyelids. I lifted my head to see him, without his glasses or anything covering his face he looked so much younger, his eyes were closed and his lips parted in a sleepy smile
"You're staring again" He whispered, a strong stench of Jack Daniels hitting me almost immediately.

"I can't help it, I don't get it- why everyone says to avoid you because you're a dork. You're everything" I found myself talking
"You're drunk" He laughed hypocritically, leaning forward and kissing me as sparks radiated from him, attracting me like a magnet, it was like a high, an unruly addiction and yet something I had never felt before. He pulled away slowly
"Night night" He muttered sleepily and pulled me into him and we fell asleep, tangled into each other.

It was getting light outside when Will's phone sparked to life, his ringtone sounding out and echoing in the quiet environment.
"Will answer your goddamn phone" I groaned and looked at the clock 5:30am. Who the hell would even call at this time. He snored louder, unable to hear the phone himself and with no signs of waking up I reached over him to see who it was in case it was urgent. 'Mom' it read on the caller ID and I immediately answered, worried
"Will, will qui-"
"Mrs Francis, it's Paige" I interrupted her frantic voice
"Hi Paige honey, Is Will there please" I heard her voice turn into a whisper, gulping.
"He's sleeping, are you okay" I worried, slapping at Will's arm, back and shaking him.

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