I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 39

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Re-edited – 04/07/2017

Song of the Chapter – Bishop Briggs - River

Chapter 39


I hated Linda with such a passion before she 'committed', committed my ass, she was having her very own affair! With my boyfriend, the only man I ever loved, those were my thoughts mulling in my head while I was healing in the spa in Thailand. I'd taken as much as I could from Carrick's account and just took full advantage of this five star joint for the last few months, weeks, days...I don't even know how long I had been here, When I said I was in Boston I meant the spa, not the place I was from.

I sat in the private hot tub alone, completely naked and completely alone letting my dangerous thoughts stew; That stupid, spoilt, little whore Paige needed to be taught a lesson, maybe I should fuck her body, break her bones, ruin her chance at a nose job. I don't even understand how she managed a relationship with that William boy because he was a sight for sore eyes; goddamn it I can't stop thinking about how his chest felt those times I fell against him, blue eyes that stared at me with lust...or disgust, I can't tell but whatever it was it was hot. I sipped on the flute of champagne and pulled my newly dyed, light brown hair from it's clip so it fell down my back. I needed a new look so I could hide the bruises on my face for the first few weeks of being attacked and being let out of the hospital and I kind of liked it now, it made me look intelligent and hotter, like a secretary.

I needed to formulate a plan but the most effective being go public was an issue, I couldn't go to the press about George and I because I wouldn't get a good job again, he was too influential that if I ruined his profession his fans, his employees, employers would ruin me. I could however tell them about the issue with Liam and Paige anonymously. I don't know, I'll work something out. I just didn't like where my life had ended up, remembering those times 7-8 years ago.

"Hey Honey, I'm home" I sang out with a laugh at the cliché statement and put my bag down, I threw my keys into the boat shaped bowl on the desk by the door creating a muffled clang and took the steps quietly to the bedroom. I could hear muffled banging and the occasional noise and chuckled, Harley was probably trying to clean again what with his OCD.

I was happy, I had been promoted by Mr Williams from the intern to his private assistant/ secretary which meant a huge pay rise which of course meant we could move out of this hideous, small, one bedroomed house. It was a good day because not only that but it was my 19th birthday, my mom was given the all clear from hospital and I was so lucky to have the most beautiful, caring and perfect boyfriend in the world!
"We can't keep doing this" a feminine voice spoke aloud softly and there was the clack of heels on the flooring which stopped me in my tracks and caused me to pause outside of the door like some sort of pervert.
"I know, it would kill Lucy" I heard Harley, my boyfriend reply from the other side of the door in a shallow echo. My eyes began to leak random tears and I knew from the feeling in my gut, from the sheer pain that laid in my heart, It was right under my nose and that was enough for me.

I stopped my mental rant when the woman spoke again
"people will get the wrong idea, Paige will be torn" she sighed, exasperated. I sensed the love and care her tone embraced for this Paige and I could only assume that she had a lot to lose and that was what fuelled my fire right now. The door was open just a crack, plucking up the courage I peered through it with shaky breaths and stopped, my jaw hit the floor and my heart skipped a beat in shock; It wasn't the sight of the beautiful black haired, blue eyes woman that shocked me it was the fact that the black haired woman was my new boss's wife.
"Let them" Harley grinned at her, her dress riding above her knees as she lay on the bed just talking to him

Once my memory had faded out I laid my head back against the soft, plastic cushion that rested above the hot tub's rim, I knew what to do and that was all thanks to my new friend, Karen.


I missed them so much, my child that I had abandoned and his dad, Jake and Jackson... my boys. I stared intently at the two images, one of Jake and Jackson as he picked him up from school, taken from out of a black SUV by a guy I knew that liked to think of himself as a Private Investigator. I was liking my wounds right now, having Nathaniel my OCD, overly clean and pristine PI do a little undercover work for me and finding out that both of my Exes were living next door to each other and I needed money.

I had such a horrendous past, I liked the adrenaline and the rush so it was no surprise to me that my entire life from turning 14 was just filled with drugs, drink and a shit tonne of sex; I was probably a good girl at heart but I was born to be a self involved, egotistical, bitch and I kinda liked it. I knew exactly what I was and where I came from and plus it wasn't like my parents were these huge, horrific alcoholics who brought me up around this stuff...they were but still. I was now in $24,569.80 in debt because I liked to dabble in the black magic, and by that I liked to 'borrow and lend' money, cars, jewellery etc and 'forget' where I left them. Of course I knew where they were I just chose not to share their location.

I left Jake and just Miami in general because I was pregnant with Jackson and his sister, yeah 'sister'. I had twins but Jake deserved to know, he deserved to see his son and I couldn't physically look at him without seeing his dad so I kept little Stacey and Jake got my little Jackson; I left him on the doorstep, pressed the bell and ran...even shed a tear. I needed to see what was what, where I was going in life and to be honest I was sleeping with Will, With Jake, with Will's brother, the list goes on really but I think I was a nymphomaniac or at least that's the excuse I'm making myself believe. It was complicated, the story I spun between everybody- I told them all one thing, the other something else.

No one account was the same when I relayed my 'life' to them, Jake thought he was after Will, Will thought he was my first, Jacob was a one night stand who thought I was a step up 3 actress and there was more but the only thing they had in common was they all thought they were the only ones. I was so manipulative I thrived on it.

I sucked on the filter of a joint, puffing smoke rings into the air around me while I layed back on my single bed in my little two bedroomed apartment, Stacey in the next room whimpering in her sleep with the sound of some random disney cartoon play on her tiny TV. My burner phone rang and caused me to jump out of my skin, flipping the phone I put it to my ear "Hello?"I hissed annoyed
"Karen?" I heard, the tone was superior yet young.
"Depends, who's asking" I asked although it sounded more of a statement than a question in my rough voice.
"It's Lucy..." She finished and I had to rack my mind to who 'Lucy' was
"Lady, I know a thousand Lucy's" I laughed incredulous.

"Uh, Look let's just say we have a common interest and that is Paige Williams" She tutted and I perked up
"William Francis' girlfriend or whatever, I have knowledge that I have only just became aware of and that knowledge includes you too" She scoffed and I swear I heard bubbles and the clink of a flute to a bottle in the background.
"I don't do nothing for free" I replied, wondering what joy I would get out of this, I heard my two year old daughter roll over the springs in her bed and put the joint out in the ashtray the minute I heard the little pitter of her tiny feet.
"5K, That's all I'm offering for you to just fuck their lives up a little" She laughed mechanically. I thought of the money, I could use it for Stacey.
"Mama" Stacey wriggled in my arms and lay awkwardly while I patted her hair.

"I have a plan, I know you're struggling in that horrific little bedsit and I can give you a chance to improve your pathetic life-"
"How do you kn-" I snapped, shocking my toddler a little
"It doesn't matter how I know any of this, what matters is that we both want something and they live next door to each other- two birds, one stone"
Anger spiked in me, I wanted to see my kid, I also wanted to see Will, see his girlfriend and if it's as serious as he said it was, plus I kind of felt agitated that he had told me to leave, rejection wasn't my style to be honest. I wanted to know the gossip, wanted some money maybe so I thought 'hey, what the fuck' and set up a little rendezvous and photographer because his new chick is LOADED.

Blackmailing money out of him was useless because they had 'no secrets' yeah, okay. I listened to the plan and smirked, I don't know if it was because of the money or because the thought of turning them against each other was the perfect way to earn a little extra. Nodding I closed the phone and grinned before grabbing my bag one handedly and pulling out the envelope I had and showing Stacey the copies, the burner phone on the bed . "Stacey, this is your pretend daddy" I whispered, kissing her hair and showing her the picture.   

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