I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 42

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Edited – 11/7/2017

Song of the Chapter – Deep End – RUELLE

Chapter 42

Everything was confusing but I sat with Karen amicably and she told me everything she knew, everything she had been through and what she had found on Lucy from her 'guy' who I assumed was a fat, greasy, old man with a Nikon that sat outside people's homes for ten dollars and a medium big mac meal. Something told me to be careful but for the best part I understood that she loved her daughter. Anger coursed through me while she told me things no one would know, she

I didn't feel angry at, She did her own detective work and figured out things that the police couldn't...or wouldn't.
"We need to go to the police...or someone?" I asked in a whisper and rubbed my temples with my fingers. I was fuelled and ready to kill Lucy but I knew that I needed to behave for my child now and there was no use going in all guns blazing and putting everyone's lives at risk. Will's words rang in my ears and I noted that we needed proof first; the police would not take Lucy into custody or take notice of what we were saying unless we had valid proof and evidence! I needed to call my dad and let him know at least. My phone buzzed to life and interrupted my thoughts as Carrick's caller ID popped up coincidentally.

"Paige, have you read the papers?" He asked and my eyebrows knitted in confusion
"You've been pictured looking like you're arguing with someone, worst part Is the title is 'I Wheelie don't like you'" He sighed and I couldn't help but chuckle at the genius that put this on the front page of the local paper.
"Car Designer Mogul's daughter caught out in public arguing and juggling a bump and a baby" He quoted the paper "No it gets better, they talk about how you must be pregnant because you're rebelling over Linda and there's a little column down the side about William and his dashing good looks" He hissed and I heard the paper crackling while he shoved it aside forcefully. I was dizzy and confused and needed to nap with everything going on. It was only a matter of time before the tabloids got wind of my heavy pregnancy, messed up life and unbelievable partner.

"Where are you?" I asked, standing up.
"I'm in the middle of a meeting, there's only so much sniggering I could take before I fired three people" He tried to stay calm but I could feel his heckles rising and his anger begin to come out.
"Dad it's a huge misunderstanding so please just, calm down, is there any way you could get to my house...it's urgent"
"How urgent could it be?" He snapped but reigned himself back in.
"It's about mom" I whispered into the receiver and looked around at Karen with her head bowed and her chest rising in angst, Will paced agitatedly beside her. I heard Carrick clear his throat and ready his briefcase, the clicking of the clips alerting me he was already on his way; I waited an awkward second out before he spoke. "I'll see what I can do about this; we might need a press conference" and with that he put the phone down and I took a deep breath, standing up with a hand on my head and one on my stomach.

The porch doors swung open and Jake walked through, light had filtered in between the blinds and blinded us temporarily, he had been out there for too long and was stood glaring at Karen when we realised what he was doing. The light that emitted around him turned him into a complete silhouette until he further stepped in after the kids ran in and he kicked the door across to shut. The twins stopped dead in confusion while he grasped at them, Stacey's hand was clutched in his own and Jackson was on his hip in a flash in a protective manner. His eyes emanated pain, hurt and anger
"Sorry guys, didn't expect to be quite this bitter" He murmured to us and just stood still while Stacey wriggled free of her dad's hand and sprinted at her mother full force.

"Ja-jake" Karen looked like a deer caught at in the headlights when she looked up at him, her child barrelling into her.
"Karen" He nodded and held Jacks tighter against his side, his knuckles white.
"Is that... my son?" She asked and I could sense the calm before the storm begin to end, I needed to sleep.
"He's not your fucking son!" he screamed at her "it takes a real woman to be a mother, you just gave birth to him and left him on my doorstep" He continued and the air grew thicker while Stacey looked at everyone around the room awkwardly. She broke free of her mother's hug and scurried over to her brother.

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