I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 18

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Cigarettes After Sex – Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby (It's a fitting song)

Chapter 18

I shook, my body vibrated and I felt tears well up in my eyes, I felt Will's hands on my arms to keep my nauseous body steady.
"Liam, why?" Teena hissed but it wasn't angry...it was more of a shocking surprise. I felt like I was watching a movie, slow moving and disastrous as he grinned at her and she tutted at him.
"Why should we keep it a secret?" He asked, smirking and wiggling his eyebrows as he took her hand and pulled her to his side, my face dropped as fast as my heart and stomach. All emotion was gone from me, I was cold as I stared at him cuddling my sister.
"Paige, I can explain" Teena held her arms out between us, as though she was breaking up a fight and I felt bile rise in my throat, snatching my arms from Will's grasp I got close to her.
"Everything you said was a lie, everything about being off with Will, about being worried about me. How can you pretend what he did is okay" I shouted, the building became dangerously silent.

"Paige, I'll explain when we get home just please listen to me" she pleaded, tears streamed down her face
"Damn straight and once you've told me I want you out of my house" I shouted, shaking with anger as I pushed her out of the way and over to Will.
"Looks like Paige has grown a back bone" Liam chuckled, crossing his arms, I was terrified of him, petrified in fact but my anger and worry for my family overgrew that and the adrenaline pounding through me only fuelled my anger.
"I'm going to fucking kill you" I shouted, throwing my fist towards him but he caught it, my stomach was in my throat as he bent my arm behind my back and pulled me against him.

Will stormed forward but Liam held his hand out
"You've always been brave, I've always loved that about you" He whispered in my hair and I wanted to run away and hide.
"That's enough, touch her you're out of here, you won't be able to step foot in Miami without trouble again" Paul said, running towards us. At that Liam threw me into Will's arms as he ran to me. I turned to see where he was but he was gone and the squeal of tires spat at the ground.

I shook, holding my emotions in as everyone surrounded me, asking if I was okay. Luckily Will had me covered as we walked back to our bikes, I felt violently sick and dizzy and now my entire sense of security had been diminished. Memories of Liam running through my mind like a marathon. I started thinking about everything that has happened in my life and right now I had too much responsibility for Teena. I felt driven.
I got onto my bike, Teena tried to clutch at my jacket but I ignored her, snatching my arm from her grasp yet again and revving my bike to go home.

I got there before Will and Teena, locking my bike up I stormed upstairs and into my apartment, slamming the door behind me. I couldn't feel myself walking as I approached the counter top, slamming my hands down and breathing. Thank God Elle was over at Aunt Lilly's house, unfortunately my dad was staying for one more night in my apartment but I was getting my room back and he had taken Lucy out for lunch so I didn't have to see them all night.

I breathed heavily, feeling my panicked, bated breath transcend into a panic attack. The fear gripped me tight and wouldn't let go as the breath's turned into body wracking sobs, hurting my throat and chest. I couldn't help it, I disintegrated before my own eyes, sliding down the cupboard doors while I cried. I heard the bike pull up outside and the lock of the hallway door but I didn't care, I sobbed so badly I barely heard the front door unlock. He was back, he was back for me and if he couldn't have me then he's going to hurt my sister like he did WITH me.

I couldn't breathe, my face was going red in the reflection of the doorknobs and I found everything claustrophobic
"Hey, hey" Will whispered suddenly, he slipped an arm beneath my legs and another behind my back, picking me up easily and swiftly.
"He's not going to hurt you, I'm here" Will whispered, sitting on the edge of the couch with me curled up in his arms, soaking his T-shirt with the never ending onslaught of tears.
"Paige, let me explain...he's changed" Teena whispered snapping me out of my weak reverie.
"No, you have changed. You don't understand everything he did to me and I don't want you to so if you want to salvage any relationship with this family you will stop any contact with him. He's twenty years old, he's a pervert and he won't stop" I shouted, getting off of Will's lap and facing her.

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