I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 29

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Big Girls Cry - Sia

Chapter 29

I heard muffled voices surrounding me as the sudden smell of bleach hit me like a ton of bricks, the steady beeping of machinery and the hot, sweaty feeling of skin grasping at my hand that was laced in needles and wires.
"ugh" I groaned at the ache and continuous stinging in my thigh, my entire body throbbed with a numbing pain that felt like 100 billion cramps compressed into my little frame. The voices stopped and a weight lifted from my side and a shadow leant over me, sliding my eyes open and looking around I saw Will. The first thing I saw was him leaning over me with worry, his large hands cupped my swollen face and checked I was awake. His face looked gaunt, ill and paler than usual like he had been crying and had no sleep. I reached my hand up to his face and caressed his cheek with my thumb.

Wincing as I moved
"Hey, you" I croaked, swallowing at thin air while my bruised throat tried to get some form of liquid into it
"Hey" He replied with a sullen smile, he leant down and kissed my forehead before handing me a cup of water which I chugged happily. It was pitch black outside, the stars shone through the blinds up at the long window in the private room I was in and Will was there, at my side clinging at me.
"Your dad was here, he left earlier on to get changed and some sleep" Will whispered, bending down and stroking my hair away from my face.

I sat up, my body aching and pain ripping at my sides, I wiped my hair from my eyes and looked up at Will, he seemed to flinch when he saw me properly, the light blaring at my eyelids and pale skin.
"I'm sorry" He whispered, his eyes swayed back and forth across my face and in seconds he moved his spare hand, palm flat on my stomach
"Will..." I turned with a tut, looking at him pointedly "It was out of our control" I sighed, coughing heavily and sniffling; feeling the symptoms of cold coming on.

He sighed and looked at me, I noticed his glasses were back on and his eyes were rubbed red, bloodshot and wide
"How are you feeling?" His voice was raspy
"Honestly? I feel sick and exhausted, everything hurts" I laughed off, wincing at the push of air in my rib cage "But I feel relieved too, I got closure, I stuck up for myself, Will" I beamed, ignoring the bump on my eyeball and the cut underneath my nose that stung. His own smile faltered
"The bruises on his face, the glass, the cuts and the blood was all me, I did that to him and I'm so proud of myself, I got over my fear of him and faced it head on. I'm not scared of him anymore" I never thought I'd say those words but they were flowing from my mouth.

Will laughed at how excited I was
"I'm so proud of you" He smiled from the side of his mouth, his thumb stroked over the smooth skin of my knuckles
"You get kidnapped, you beat the shit out of the kidnapper and came back with a smile like that" He laughed
"What about the baby?" I asked suddenly, panic filling me; I forgot about the bun in my oven and now I was wracked with fear and guilt. Will's face dropped and he looked uncomfortable
"They're waiting for you to wake up first, they took a scan and everything seemed okay but there was a falter in her heartbeat" He whispered, sitting up straight on the green chair beside my bed.

I couldn't help the smile that lifted the right side of my face, my eyebrow raised
"Her?" I laughed at his enthusiasm, not enjoying the thought that anything could be wrong because of Liam.
"I just assumed we're having a girl" He shrugged
"I want a boy" I laughed, leaning back into the pillow, I couldn't stress enough how sorry I was for the baggage I'd put on his shoulders but still, even with everything going on he'd never spoken about the ex that ruined his life. "Will, I know this is horrendous timing but can you tell me about her now? It'll help me feel a lot less shitty knowing my ex was a psycho" I chuckled awkwardly.

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