I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 45

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Song of The Chapter – Hi-Lo – Bishop Briggs

Re-edited 27/07/2017

Chapter 45


It was a surprise to see him, to see his eye's spark with hope and happiness as I got off of the plane and into the car, he stayed in the back seat and didn't make any effort to get closer to me while I slid onto the leather and closed the door of the chauffeured car behind me. I wasn't happy, I was seething that I spent $5,000 dollars on something that didn't go to plan. Karen was that much richer, had her kids back apparently and now her and Paige were friends.

That kid could fall in a trough of shit and come out smelling like honey and camomile.

I sucked my teeth when I made eye contact with him, his face stern and focused; His hair was smoothed back and chiselled jaw was tensed, the suit he wore must have been new because it was completely clean and crisp. There was news he was ready to bear and I was worried as to what it was.
"How was Boston" He asked and I couldn't help but snort with laughter, how didn't he realise I wasn't with my parents?
"It was boring, my moms not very fashion forward so she kept telling me what to wear in public" I smiled, grabbing a small martini glass and getting myself a drink from the cabinet in the car.
"At least you have had fun" He smiled and the rest of the journey was silent.

We soon pulled up at the apartment that Paige lived in and I felt a twinge of anxiety,
"Relax, I kicked her out" Carrick said matter-of-factly and let me out of the car,
"I thought we should have the night to ourselves, take out and a movie while the kids are getting babysat" He finished and smiled at me, grabbing my luggage and heaving it up the steps. I was worried, terrified in fact because his daughter was brutal and savage. Like the Dothraki.
"That sounds nice, cute" I smiled sweetly but the Botox I had gotten was restricting my facial expressions.

He immediately poured two flutes of red wine once we got in and grabbed the take-out menus while we sat on the sofa, the flat looked different, furniture had been changed, the whole apartment's interior had been decorated and left no trace of the nightmare I had.
"Lucy, we need to talk" He sighed and stared at me with an undetectable glare
"Yes we do, I've been told some things of mine have crashed" I snapped and he looked up at my face with anticipation.

He laughed, taking a drink of his wine and faced me properly,
"I decided to sell the company" He said easily, like it was no problem
"It wasn't yours to sell!" I practically screamed, suddenly angry. He looked at me confused and in a mocking manner
"I owned ALL of the shares, your name is only on the labels" Carrick laughed incredulously, he was right and I hated the fact. I had no form of income now other than his bank card and I liked that fact but I also loved my freedom; it was the only part of the old me I had to hold on to.
He smiled at me, his handsome, millionaires smirk that deepened his one dimple and showcased his white teeth.
"What am I going to do now? I loved doing that" I sighed, hoping my puppy eyes would make him change his mind.

When he didn't even bat an eyelid I bent forward and grabbed the flute, waiting for him to say he would cancel his plans to terminate my dream job and when he didn't, I found solace in the bottom of my now empty glass of red wine.
"So, Paige" I said and waited for him to continue and he did, almost on queue
"Is doing great, we're back on track... I wasn't too pleased about the whole pregnancy thing" Carrick huffed and I feigned shock "Please, you knew she was pregnant" He gave me a pointed look.

I didn't understand what he was getting at,
"You knew she was pregnant, about her boyfriend's ex, about stories to give the press... you knew a lot from 'Boston'" He finished, using his fingers in a quotation motion and panic arose in my heart to match the burning from the acid reflux.

Suddenly my throat began to constrict, my eyes began to water profusely and my heart pounded as the liquid diluted my blood, I felt drunk already and the room began to spin around me like I'd shotted a litre of Absinthe.
"Hel-" was all i got out before I clutched my throat, agony ripping through my muscles and veins as the serum burned through my body which was becoming limp and unmoveable .
He was quickly by my side
"Lucy no, I'll call an ambulance, you can't leave me" he cried, tears dripped onto my face as he hovered above me, yet a smirk filled his features, he 'sobbed' before stumbling to the phone and dialling 911.When he came off of the phone 5 minutes later I was still in pain, more pain than imaginable and paralysed.

Nice family reunion.

I remembered everything, every wrong I did and every right; but there was one thing that did hover in my mind, I was remembering everything I did to Linda, suffering slowly until death grabbed me by the ankles. The scenes flashed by as I went in and out of consciousness, her with Harley, forcing her into her wedding dress...forcing her onto the chair and then forcing her to die.
"Lucy, no" He shook my dying body before he bent down to kiss my cheek
"Karma won't kill you, but I will" He whispered "For my wife, for Linda" He finished his crackling sentence and stood and the whole scene before me went bleak and black.

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