I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 2

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25/7/2016 - Re-re-editing after four years so if you read from the beginning then you'll get the gist, the dates are here to show when it was edited.

Chapter 2

The bright morning light awoke me from an uneasy sleep, that and the fact that Lucy was banging on the door like a cop I remembered the night before; sneaking Louis into my room was nothing new and of course we never slept together, just near each other. Last night was basically us getting shit faced and him smoking his weed on my balcony while we watched Disney films. I'm pretty sure I was lured into a bong at some point in my drunken state which wasn't something I usually did. My head pounded and my vision swayed a little as I tried lifting myself up with my elbows.

An invisible weight held me down until I noticed that I was being weighed down by an arm, not surprised to see Louis next to me, his arm slung across my waist where my tank top had rode up but Louis was completely, stark naked. No. Absolutely not. I wasn't like this, I may have looked like I was but I never did this, I never just slept with people!
"Get up, you need to pack your stuff" Lucy shouted again
"Don't worry, I'll take only the cheapest stuff" I shouted back causing Louis to moan and roll over, his bright eyes cracked open as he spoke
"Man, can't a guy get a good night's sleep around here" he said, rubbing his eyes before he looked at himself, then at me.
"Did W-" He got halfway through his sentence before the door unlocked and my dad barged in.

"Paige" He shouted, flipping the key in his fingers as he stood, his feet apart in a defiant stance until he noticed Louis and his lack of clothing. "If you weren't naked I would drag you out of that bed and kick your ass" He shouted, disappointment riddled his face
"Nothing happened!" I shouted, standing up to show him my fully clothed body, not believing myself for a moment.
"You have 20 minutes, I can't wait to see the back of you" He snarled, walking out of the room
"Hey, there's no need for that- she's going isn't she" Louis sat up, wrapping the sheet around his waist and standing although the piece of bedding barely staying on his narrow hips, showing his V perfectly.

My dad turned slowly and my heart raced as I noticed what was about to happen, my father had a nasty temper. He turned on his heel and stormed towards Louis who was standing defiantly with his arms crossed, the sheet resting on his hips.
"What did you say to me?" My dad challenged him but Louis towered over him easily, effortlessly with his graceful stance.
"I said she is going, don't give her a hard time because you don't like how she lives her life" He backed me up and for a second I saw everything stop, my dad raised his fist and sent it barrelling towards Louis, he dropped one hand to catch the falling sheet and his other fist caught my dads and twisted so my dad spun with his arm behind his back, restrained.
"The worst thing you could do is hit me, know that I am a good man, I don't hurt women; I don't treat them like they're pets like you do and know that I am respectful; don't make me cross that line Mr. Williams" he whispered into his ear and I generally saw worry in his face.

Louis pushed my dad away from him and I watched him stumble out of the door
"Get HIM out of here as soon as possible" He snapped at me, slamming the door on his way out. My eyes turned to Louis in shock and he just held his hands up in surrender
"What the" I whispered and my heart warmed at the gesture of him sticking up for me, something that was rare from anyone other than Louis come to think of it.
"Hey, um I'm going in the shower so ... yeah" I trailed off confused as I turned into the shower.

He stepped into the shower as soon as I came out of it and in that time I straightened my long, thick hair and drew my winged eyeliner perfectly onto my pale white skin, my eyelashes coated neatly with mascara to make my blue, turquoise eyes shine. I stepped into some fresh underwear and a pair of jeans combined with my papa roach t-shirt before I began packing.
I didn't have that many belongings, my dad stopped buying me things when he realised I was giving everything away to people that needed that stuff but couldn't afford it. I packed my books away, my DVD's and games for my consoles away. My electronics went into one of my suitcases which consisted of my laptop, tablet and speakers while I packed my computer and TV away properly. My heart broke as I took all of my photo's down from my walls, my fairy lights and drapes and my cushions, everything fitting into a few boxes which were packed away immediately.

Louis walked back into the room fully dressed an hour later as I was packing my clothes away, with just my make-up, jewellery and some small bits to pack left.
"Long shower?" I chuckled, feeling him staring at me, I felt a little self conscious and unsure of myself, wondering what happened last night
"I took a bath, and I spent 30 minutes arguing with some guy who owes me a grand but nevertheless here is your wages for this month" He smiled beside me, handing me a wad of cash. "Louis this is too much" I spoke, looking up at him with bright, glazed eyes from the crying I had done on and off all morning, the notes were all 20's and the wad itself couldn't fit in one hand alone. There was as few thousand there easily.
"I can't take this" I whispered, taking my cut of 900 dollars for the month out for working at his races and going to give him it back.
"It's my present to you, a bonus in case we don't see each other for a while and plus you're going to need money if your dad cuts you off again" He smiled, leaning back and sitting in my white wicker chair, his long legs looking out of place in the small space.

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