I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 36

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Re-edited – 21/06/2017

Song of the Chapter - War of Hearts - RUELLE

Chapter 36

I woke up and rolled over to see my alarm beeping in the flat, the past month or so had been Will and I helping Carol fix the house up and set up a restraining order against Frank. So since then Will and I had been on red alert waiting for a phone call, It was nice however, the house was almost decorated because we had spent so much time doing essays and just working solidly on school work as well as getting stuff ready for the miniature demon child in my womb.
"Wake up" Will shook my shoulder,
"Paige" He continued, kissing my shoulder and neck to wake me up.

I groaned and sat up, swinging my legs out of the bed with Wills help, pushing my back so my round stomach did not object as much, it was scary how in the last 6 weeks around about my bump had literally turned into a boulder...I was eating good I suppose. I shuffled to the bathroom and decided to get a shower, not tempting fate in regards to getting a bath because in my whale like state I know I wouldn't be able to climb out of it.

I took a long, relaxing shower which gradually relaxed my tense muscles; Will readied my towels while I washed, I massaged my neck, collar bones and shoulders beneath the cascade of hot, running water and lost myself in the heat and steam when I felt a presence beside me, the shower curtain slid along and Will climbed into the claw foot tub and I felt his arms slide around me. I shivered and felt bile rise in my throat, I was disgusted at myself; my scars and stretch marks and the huge bump attached to my abdomen.
"Stop it Paige" He whispered seductively, his hands slid around my stomach "You irritate me so much, you're beautiful" He laughed when I tried to hide myself from him.

We washed and just relaxed before I got out of the shower and left him to his own devices and got ready, I didn't realise how important the day was until my phone buzzed to life with a reminder that read 'condragulations' which, yes it is a RuPaul reference but nevertheless it reminded me that is was graduation day and that despite the stuff I had been through I passed, in fact aced school and now I could leave.

I straightened my hair and did my make-up, matte foundation, contour to hide the triple threat that was my chin, applied the best eyebrows I had ever managed and after eye make, finished with a matte lip. I waddled to my wardrobe and opened it wide, hands on the base of my back, stretching backwards and trying to remove the cramp. I pulled on a cap over my long, black, straightened hair and pulled on leggings and an oversized blouse as well as my Adidas gazelle's. It was hard to look cute and classy when your ankles looked like inflatable donuts and you were finding it hard to pull off even a cap. I grabbed the robe, hat and bag which bore car keys and such and made my way downstairs.

While I spent my sweet time getting ready, Will had gotten out of the shower, gotten dressed and let my dad in through the front door which to my surprise was being nice. He wanted to be there for my graduation apparently. I tried to walk as quietly as I could around the corner when I heard the hushed, angry voice of Carrick on his phone.
"what do you mean the trial was yesterday?" He hissed in shock and confusion
"And I wasn't informed! The press have already been on this case, we've had to pay millions to keep it confidential" He stressed and I heard Will curse under his breath. I knew what it regarded immediately, my palms began to sweat and my heart sped up.

I stepped around the corner, keeping close to the doorframe with a solemn look on my face. "She what?!" he continued, turning around to face me as I stepped on a creaking floorboards
"Paige did you know about this? I heard my dad ask sceptically, his eyes locking onto mine when he realised I had entered the living room.
"About what?" I asked
"He's pled insanity" My dad snarled and my heart dropped.

Following his arrest I had gotten a phone call, they explained the situation, explained that after 24 gruelling hours he finally admitted to some things, not everything but some things which were the smaller charges. He knows the drill so he acted out and was examined by St. Mark's mental institution. I didn't want to know anything, just what the court ruling was but up until then I refused to have anything to do with him.

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