I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 20

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Staying Up – The Neighbourhood

Chapter 20

three weeks and one day, that's how long I had been here. I'd bought new clothes and cleaned the place up, went to the town over and saw my aunt Dot and family but there wasn't one day that passed where I hadn't thought of Will, hadn't thought of his wit and his kindness...of his fear when he looked at me.

I stretched out and made a strange groan as I looked around at the mess around me, my cousins had stayed last night (Jay and Aaron) and had come up here to drink following my visit to my Aunt's house, we had all gotten drunk and now we were waking up to the sound of the bell tower in the town over. My cousins lived nearby in that town and this cabin was a regular attraction for my family members that I'd met a handful of times, unlike my dad they were laid back, hard-working people who had come here to drink on their day off, underage of course because they were both 16. They were my Aunt Dot's kids and were really funny.

I stood up, moving around the cans and waking both guys up before going to change, I plaited my hair down the side and put on my long, woollen jumper dress above leggings and matching boots. It was getting colder and this was the only decent thing I managed to have bought in the last few weeks.
"Wake up" I shouted, returning to the living area and kicking Aaron's body on the floor, Jay was already up and had made a cup of coffee for us all, picking up cans from the flooring and putting them on the bench.
"He's out, he drank so much last night" my cousin laughed, pushing his hair out of his eyes and handing me my cup. I grinned and thanked him, opening the door and looking out onto the lake, my phone had died weeks ago and I hadn't managed to get a charger so I didn't know what time it was but it was early. The lost feeling sat in the put of my stomach and everything I had tried so hard to forget crashed into me like a wave against a pier wall. Shaking my head I sat on the porch, head in my hands whilst I froze, my breath visible in front of my face in the cold air although it was slightly warm.

My coffee blew steam above it, I was dressed and ready and now as I began to relax calmly I heard the roar of an engine coming through the trees, waking me up completely through worried anxiety
"Guys, someone's coming I think it's your mom" I panicked, the sun blaring so hard through my eyes I couldn't see. "Aaron, get up" Jay panicked and I heard their drowned out voices in the living room as the vehicle pulled up in front of me. It wasn't a truck...it was smaller, much smaller.

"Paige?" The voice said and I froze, the cup fell from my hand and split across the wooden flooring, my boots trailed across the ground as I backed up against the door.
"Paige, talk to me" Will shouted over to me; I stayed silent as he moved closer to me, stopping as I bounced off of my cousins torso
"Jay, go inside please" I whispered out.
"You sure cos' if he's trouble I can take him" he answered me sternly, placing is hands on my shoulders and squeezing. I nodded and pulled the door closed after him as Will got to the top step
"That was Jay" I croaked, my heart was in my throat as I stared at him, his eyes bore dark circles and his face was gaunt.

"Why did you come here" I asked him, holding back the lump in my throat and the tears in my eyes
"Because I wanted to see you , make things right." He said stupidly, looking down at his feet as I stared at him.
"Why?" I asked, crossing my arms and looking down innocently. He was just as beautiful now if not more as he stood there, pleading; his glasses weren't there now but on his pocket and I realised he had contacts in for the bike.
"Well it is fine, you're all set with 'Jay'" He mimicked, stepping back towards the bike and I stepped forward, my hand outstretched as I looked.

"I've missed you" I spoke, not meaning to "I've really missed you" I laughed, looking up to the sky so that it would dry the tears that lay on the bottom of my eyelids.
"What I said was a mistake, I can't be without you, Paige" He spoke and I stepped forward "I was scared because I don't want to get hurt and I sure as hell don't want to hurt you, I have grown up with violence and seeing the woman I love being so blank honestly worries me, you lost yourself, Paige but I was wrong to leave when you needed me and I will take every second of my life trying to make things up to you because I love you" He said and my oxygen left my body.
"No, I realised that you made the right decision because I can't ruin you, I can't... give you all of my baggage because you're too perfect and I'll ruin it" I sighed, looked at him, both of us had tears in our eyes.
"I've never stopped looking for you" He spoke and my heart skipped and thumped "No one has stopped" He finished, walking closer to me.

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