I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 11

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The Neighbourhood – Prey

Chapter 11

I awoke late the next morning- sometime in the afternoon which displeased me greatly but I felt refreshed, the night before had been hectic in so many ways and resulted in Will cuddling up on the bed with me and Carol drinking wine in the living room and now I had awoken, I needed to make sure everyone was alright.

Rolling over and slipping from the empty bed onto the floor I stretched awkwardly on my tip toes, bent forward with my arms as far out as they would go to limber me up; I couldn't imagine what I looked like right about now but I assumed it would be hilarious.
"Morning all" I shouted mid yawn but heard nothing back. I frowned and cocooned myself in my duvet, shuffling like a cushioned burrito into the hallway and over to the kitchen.
"I hate mornings" I whined, itching at my nose awkwardly with my eyes somewhat stuck together with the heavy mascara I hadn't washed off last night.

"Hey honey, would you like some pancakes?" A sweet voice flowed suddenly from the stove, letting out a quick squeal I jumped "MOTHER OF CHRIST AND ALL OF NAZERETH" my voice screamed, tripping over my duvet and falling sideways yet still wrapped in the heavy blanket. I lay there lie a churro, waiting for help. Carol rushed over, helping me up awkwardly with a loud giggle- both of us crippled with girlish laughter until I finally was stood, leaning against the sofa for support.
"I thought you were asleep, Mrs Francis" I groaned once I recuperated from our fit of laughter.
"Carol, please call me Carol" she said with a smile, returning to the stove and flipping something in the pan, I moved to the stools near the island and tried to sit down awkwardly.
I decided, a consecutive decision really, to remove myself from my cocoon and sit on the stool properly, head in my hands as I watched her cook.

My thoughtful face must have alerted her because she turned and looked at me
"What are you thinking of?" She asked
"Just last night, is he always like that- Will's Dad?" I asked, I know it was cheeky but I couldn't help it.
"Most nights yeah but it's nothing I can't handle, I'm sorry you had to see that" She apologised, passing over a plate of pancakes with syrup and I devoured them.
"How do you know what it's like, you're so young?" Carol whispered, ducking her head in case Will walked in at any point.
"It happened a few years ago, I was younger and I didn't deal with it well but it's over- right now you'll be justifying why you want to stay with him, for yourself, for Will- Pity because you don't want him on the street but you know just as well as I do that beneath all of that it's fear" I mumbled, mouthful of food to dilute the seriousness of the sentence. "And you're gorgeous, you need someone that'll treat you better" I finished with a gulp, looking up to see her staring at me with a grin.

She shook her head and chuckled
"You're so grown up for your age, not to be condescending but you speak like me" She stuttered ever so slightly and leant on her elbows across from me.
"That's what happens when you need to grow up fast" I laughed nervously, not wanting to get any deeper than I already had.
"You know it's weird, Will just couldn't stop talking about you from the moment you two met and then when I found out he was going out, not staying inside all day and making new friends because of you I couldn't believe it. I'm so proud of him and I love that you're sensible, responsible, grown up- a lot unlike his ex who was the opposite, she hurt him and it took until he met you to be normal again so thank you" She smiled lopsidedly, a lot like her son and my heart warmed.
"Thank you Carol" I said, squeezing her hand. "I'm going to get changed and find your son" I broke off with a laugh and went to get clothed.

I heard rustling down the hall and followed it, twisting in to the spare room and following the growing noises into the smaller 'walk in closet' room.
"What are you doing?" I asked with a smile, leaning against the door frame to see he had set up the spare bed and furniture into the little room which was supposed to be an enlarged closet. It wasn't a shoebox of a room, it was a normally small room and had moderate space for someone who was barely going to be in it. The bed was against the wall on the far side with Will sitting on it, his hair wet but he was clothed and unpacking some of his stuff into the bedside table beside the bed.
"I'm sorting out my things" He smiled awkwardly, looking up at me through the lenses of his glasses. I watched him as his broad shoulders rose with each breath, his tanned muscles flexing as he grabbed handfuls of clothing.
"Why?" I chuckled, going beside him and sitting down
"Because I don't feel like sleeping on the couch" He replied in a whisper and immediately I knew with that, that there was something wrong.

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