I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 13

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Kygo - Carry Me


Chapter 14

The past few days have been a great change of pace for me, usual days now were filled with arguments, fights and whatever else the universe could throw at me. Will had stayed at his own house the first two nights Elle and Teena had stayed just so they could get used to him and I hated it, not being near him although we FaceTimed and texted all night until we saw each other the next day.

Elle loved her gigantic Panda and loved her room, had stuck stickers on the walls and her TV without my knowledge might I add and had even unpacked her own clothes and put them in all of her drawers, she tottered around 'cleaning' her already spotless room, fluffing cushions and straightening bedding before she picked up her moon sand kit and makeup bag and disappeared to discover the apartment and what it had to offer. Teena was a little more on edge, looking around first although slowly, she too had loved her gifts and took five seconds to make her room personalised.

Tee hadn't took to well to Will, she was nervous and on edge when he was near me although she laughed at his jokes and every so often I caught her gawping at him, at one point she choked on her drink when he took his glasses off to clean them and looked up at me with his piercing eyes. I think it was because she was worried, Will was the only proper relationship since Liam that Teena had seen me in and was very observing and careful around him and me for the first few days, it was now Sunday and they'd been here since Wednesday and with seeing Will everyday almost I noticed he was growing on her.

Elle however was smitten with him, it was his own fault really because he entertained her when she wanted to make sandcastles in the bath and he agreed, she followed him around, shouted him over and told him he was pretty and put glitter in his hair. It was very endearing to see her clutch at Will's hands when we took them to the park or to a movie or something.
I rolled over, looking at Will who was just waking up and smiled at his sleepy face which fell back into an immediate sleep, leaving me hyper and bored.

I put some jogging bottoms on and a tank top and took the opportunity to clean the apartment up whilst everyone was asleep, tidying the various dolls and crayons that stuck out of the most awkward places. Once that was done and I was yet again bored with too much energy I crept into the bedroom. Tip-toeing across the flooring I ducked and pulled a shoebox from beneath my bed, the contents were bit and bobs, a slingshot- some marbles, some rocks for said slingshot and a ring my mom had inherited to give to my dad but had taken it from him when everything happened and gave it to me instead, for someone I loved.

I liked the idea that the women of the family got jewellery passed down to give to men, it was nice that my future daughter or son would be able to give this ring to a man they loved and so on. Shaking my thoughts I put the rocks in my pocket and retrieved the slingshot almost silently, the marbles clattered slightly and Will stirred. I walked to the open window to prepare myself, not taking notice of Dean's room which faced my own.

I prepped the slingshot and turned to the bed, crawling onto it and sliding across so I was atop of Will, straddling his sleepy body.
"Will" I whispered, kissing beneath his ear; I waited for him to make some sort of noise but he was silent, breathing heavily
"Will, wake up" I continued, kissing his jawline, neck, collarbone and chest before he finally stirred but not completely waking up. Sighing I got up, he wasn't budging so I returned to my desk and got the slingshot, aiming it perfectly at his sleeping head and moving it down to where I thought was appropriate.

I heard my heartbeat throb in my ears as I lined the shot and let go, the rock rolled in the air and caught Will in his nipple to which he jerked up, screamed and fell from the bed. Tears rolled down my face with laughter "Wakey Wakey, eggs and Bakey" I howled, his black, fluffy hair pouncing from above the bedding.
"Seriously, how did that wake you up and I didn't" I chuckled, wiping my eyes from the tears that were slipping from my eyelids from laughter.
"You did wake me up" He whined, slamming his palms on the bed and lifting himself up from the floor despite his lovely nakedness "I wanted to know how far you'd go" He shrugged, winking at me before collapsing in the bed and looking out of the window behind me.

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