I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 24

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Kings of Leon - Closer

Chapter 24

I looked at my reflection in the floor length mirror, my first dance and I was sweating like a pig; I could feel my heart beating extremely fast while I inspected my make-up, my green and gold eye shadow that folded into the corners of my eyes where it met the wings of my eyeliner, my long, thick eyelashes that made my eyes pop and even the highlighter across my cheekbones
"Bitch, check out my glow" I whispered to myself, pouting and grinning at my golden makeup. My hair was down with the ends curled, two tendrils went back and clipped at the back of my head

I slid into my 3 inch golden stiletto's that gave me a good boost and put on my golden necklace that wore an emerald pendent in the middle, matching earrings fit into the slots of my ears. I felt attractive for a change, my tattoo on my arm didn't look sleazy or cheap, it looked great and the colours complimented the dress. Brushing the hairs that straggled onto my face away I went into the hallway to find Will organising himself, a large gift box in his hand
"Shaken or Stirred?" I grinned and looked my boyfriend up and down, He wore a black tux with a dark green button up beneath it, the top two buttons undone, his glasses gone, replaced with contacts and his hair ruffled
"You look beautiful, stunning even" he smiled, stuttering slightly

"You too" I grinned and took the box from him from outstretched hands
"Mine?" I asked as he chuckled at my impatience, he nodded and I began to slide the lid off to find two Green and gold corsage's, a little gold glitter sprinkled over the flowers and a little diamond in the middle, fake of course but it was still beautiful. I looked at him, kissing his cheek as I slid mine onto my wrist with a grin.I picked up the matching one, pinning it to the lapels of his tux.

"You look like the Witch of Oz" he chuckled, taking another look of my outfit

"better this than some Barbie doll" I replied, grabbing the small gold purse off the coat rack and slid my money in before I put the dark strap around my spare wrist, I had two phones on me because the one I had for calls didn't work properly for the camera so I put that in the side of the breast based part of my dress. Thanking God that I had space in the dress I moved over to my old phone, an old IPhone 3GS and let it update as it was slid into the purse on my wrist.
"M'Lady" Will grinned, looking over at me with a slight bow and his hand outstretched, it was amazing now having the apartment to ourselves although the family sometimes stayed, we had freedom and time to relax.

I grinned and took his hand, walking outside with him after locking up. Carol had took to my pregnancy very well and even allowed him to be with me 24/7; she trusted him enough to look after me, himself and his grades so Will had practically moved in with me, even had his own key. I felt like we had a proper family, like I slotted perfectly in like the 'L' shape in tetris. Carol treated me like a daughter and with no sign of Frank around she was looking amazing, even started dating a mystery man.
"What are you thinking about?" Will asked, looking over at me once we were sat in the car and had started driving
"Just that I feel right now" I smiled, my head leant back against the headrest and I turned to watch him as he steered with a coy smile.

He laughed, the 1975's new album hummed through the radio in between us
"You feel...right?" He smiled, glancing at me quickly
"Yeah, since my mom died it felt like I was hollow, everything I said and did was almost like I was looking in at myself from a third person aspect but now you, your mom and my dad who- might I add- has become a slightly smaller asshole than before have made me feel like I fit" I breathed, playing with the material of my dress. "Crazy to think that from the day I met you I learned to feel things" I joked
"Who knew androids could do that" He winked.

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