I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 41

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Edited – 10/7/2017

Song of the Chapter – The Longest Text Message – Childish Gambino

Chapter 41

"Daddy! Daddy! Look I won the spelling bee" I grinned, my cheeks hurt from the strength of my smile and my little pony-tail bobbing with my over enunciated steps as I confronted my dad, producing my certificate and small plastic trophy in outstretched arms.
"Wow! My little Pae is a regular lil Einstein" he cooed, picking me up in his arms and carrying me to the car; he looked worried and I found my little fingers smoothing out the worry lines on his forehead which made him chuckle. He smelled of perfume but not normal perfume and his hair was messy but that might be because he liked to pull on it when he was stressed and he was VERY stressed at work.

He put my Disney CD on and we sang along during the drive there, giggling when we hit the bumps in the road and being silly but when we pulled up into our driveway I got a weird feeling. My heart raced and I began to feel nauseous. I shook it off, mistaking it for excitement and burst into the house, running up the stairs.
I boomed, my little 7 year old self was so happy, "Mommy, I won the spelling bee, Trisha said I couldn't spell condone but I did, listen C-O-N-D—" I trailed off as I ran up the stairs and to my mother's bedroom door, huffing and puffing from the exercise I had given myself, she was silent.

"O-N-E" I finished off whilst I pushed all my weight onto the door that was somehow wedged close, A slim snake like shadow slithered across the darkened floor of my parents' room and all of a sudden a loud 'umph' and a few audible sobs echoed around the motherly boudoir.
"Mom?" I asked aloud, the panic evident in my voice whilst I was trying to push as much of my head in between the door and it's frame as I could but it was no use, there was this strength behind the door. Finally there was a small slither of hope and the door opened against the wedge a little so I could peer through.

It was as though a spotlight was shining on my mother, the light from the tall, bay windows filtered in onto her in her white dress; it was her wedding dress that she wore when she married my dad. I wasn't there but I had saw pictures. It was long and slim and really classy as my dad would say. Her hair was done all long and wavy but her makeup was messy and had ran down her face.

From what I could see it looked like she was floating, her dressing table stool knocked over beneath her feet and her face was blue beneath the smudged mascara. I gasped and pushed on the door, my dad was downstairs but I could hear him approaching, his shoes slapping against the tiles of the large foyer. Confusion swept over me as I looked at the woman I love with all my heart, the woman I idolised and realised she was dead. I realised that she was completely limp and lifeless "Mommy" I whispered, no answer.
Just then I saw a shadow the dark room, storming silently towards the door like a demon and that's when I screamed

I woke up panting, beads of sweat slipped from my forehead and chest and my head pounded. It seemed so real, recounting the worst part of my life was something I did not want to be met with in my slumber. Will slept beside me peacefully and in that moment I envied him because I couldn't settle. There was a feeling of pure dread and anxiety that I could not for the life of me shake and so I did what I could to distract myself.

I looked around the room while I cried silently, looking for ways to calm myself down but it didn't work, I slipped my body up the bed and sat up against the wall that backed my four poster bed and sobbed soundlessly, so soundlessly that it caused my body and chest to heave and jerk so that the bed moved.
"Paige?" Will said groggily, turning around to look at me
"Paige, what's wrong?" Will asked aloud, jolting up and scanning over me and my face. , He panicked as his breathing hitched
"Are you okay? Is it the baby?" He panicked, switching the beside lamp on his side on and put on his glasses.

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