I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 46

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Song of The Chapter – Numb – Linkin Park (In memory of Chester <3 )

Re-edited: 27/07/2017

Chapter 46


Karen had come over the day after Will and I's argument and every day since; she was trying to make amends and I had to admit that I enjoyed having a friend around me that was...female. I was used to being 'one of the guys' and fighting and drinking and being the complete opposite of what a Lady should be. We were sat on the porch out back with the laptop and our phones looking for any dirt on Lucy as we could. Will still couldn't relax around Karen at all, he didn't trust her, couldn't be around her for more than he had to and definitely refused to be alone with her but he still tried to make an effort for my sake.

"Ladies" Will nodded as he walked out with two cans of beer and a Capri sun and handed me the juice drink, I wrinkled my nose up at him and sat drinking it happily while the small child inside my womb decided to audition for Abby-Lee Millers Dance Company.
"what's up?" he grinned at me just as the little peanut kicked me hard, causing me to bolt upright
"quick give me your hand" I grinned and pulled Will's hand onto my stomach as the little guy kicked again and Will's hand froze as he felt it.
"did you feel that!" he shouted excitedly, a grin set across his face.

Suddenly there was a gasp and I turned to see Karen's shocked face
"Nah, stick a fork in me because I am done" She said and I turned to look at the laptop screen; codes upon codes ran around the screen like a shot from the Matrix,
"What? How?" I asked shocked and apprehensive while I pulled the laptop closer to me to see the screen.
"It's the dark web; I used my special hacking abilities to access it" She laughed, wiggling her eyebrows at me and I couldn't help but chuckle at her.
"I'm joking, I stole it from Kieran" She finished, looking at Will shamefully and something in me clicked.

I looked oddly at the pair and waited for someone to tell me the hidden joke
"My brother" Will exhaled from his nose quite heavily and growled
"What did he look like?" I asked, genuinely curious as to this person I was going to be related to by marriage.
"Will, but a little taller and his face is really pointy, like the bone structure is phenomenal but it's too chiselled" Karen talked busily while she flicked through the dark web searching for information. I nodded, remembering the guy that helped me the best he could when Liam captured me but the thought was dismissed.

Will huffed and went inside while I waited for Karen to break the news
"We've got her, Paige" She laughed and showed me the advertisement Lucy had put up on the internet, deeply encrypted within the dark walls of the illegal side of it, there were tons of them under the name of 'L'DEVINE' and a picture of her.
"WILL PAY GOOD MONEY FOR DEATH" , "Murder for Hire" and "Hitman wanted" were the most visited advertisements yet no one responded and each one of the ads were dated prior to the death of my mom; more to the point, they were all detailed in the exact same way; suicide style, wedding dress and just every detail planned meticulously.

"I'd like to report a murder" Karen strode confidently to the counter of the police station thirty minutes later, me waddling behind her nervously as the few people in the waiting room gasped and scrutinized me carefully, some reading articles about me and some hollering my name; most of them were racers or people related to the dark industry I used to race in and shot me sly, knowing looks before returning to their seats.
"Take a seat ma'am" the secretary ordered us in a bored tone.
"No, this is very serious! It's regarding Carrick Williams latest wife" I finished off, pushing in front of Karen and using the tall counter as leverage to take the pressure off of my back and ankles.

Mrs Murray was the nametag that was pinned to the secretary's blouse in a compromising position, her long, permed blonde hair against fake tanned skin made her look like Miss Piggy from The Muppets and her upturned nose that was dusted with powder held her thick rimmed, black, winged glasses. Her eyes widened and she pressed her red nail on the intercom before whispering some random code and smiled sweetly at me, not so sweetly at my companion and a few seconds later the intercom rattled to life and a crackled voice answered back.

She ushered us through a pair of doors almost immediately and tried to make as little commotion as possible before I was led into a room with a table in the middle and four rackety wooden chairs placed strategically around the table, like they had been moved repeatedly by comers and goers. On the table was a thick, old, tape recorder and on the wall opposite was a large mirror obviously two ways; they thought they could catch me out...Joke's on them really, I'm an avid watcher and Law & Order: SVU enthusiast.

"My name Is Detective Webster and you are...Ms Paige Delilah Williams" A man burst in the room alone, he walked in and flicked the tape recorder on discreetly but not discreetly enough as I clocked the sly flick of his finger.
"I'm here about Lucy Williams" I said, fidgeting with my fingers
"Were you her step-daughter?" He asked and I couldn't help but scowl at his choice of words. He relaxed backwards and dropped the case file on the table, crossing his arms.
"I am"
"You were" He stated, correcting me.

I frowned, looking at him oddly
"Excuse me?" I laughed nervously, confused and completely unaware
"She was found...dead" He said slowly and my heart stopped briefly.
"Lucy's dead?" I whispered unbelievably
"Yes Ma'am, an ambulance was called by Carrick Wil-Your Dad at 18:56PM two days ago, she had been found dead upon arrival" He spoke with sorry eyes "I'm sorry you did not know" He nodded, sitting up and pulling the chair in.

I swallowed audibly and just stopped for a second
"I was here because I have evidence that supports my homicide theory on my mom's case...it was ruled as a suicide but recently – as I am sure you know from the papers – I've been undergoing some stuff and Have new information on it" I said, sounding like I was reading from a script.

Lucy William's case has been open and closed due to no traceable evidence, it was classed as an allergic reaction to a chemical in the alcohol she had drank as it reacted with the medication she was taking; she was on at least three different types of painkillers, Xanax was one of them and recently had some cosmetic surgery in Thailand" He said "The autopsy had been carried out yesterday and we had immediate results as this is a high profile death. The symptoms showed her throat, tongue and internal organs had swelled, we questioned a few people that were in the area and in the apartment at the time as well as watched the CCTV tapes." He finished.
"I haven't seen her in months" I spoke aloud, looking at the table. I knew which apartment it was immediately, when I moved my dad had redecorated and applied CCTV In and around the flat in the main room until it was leased out in case anyone broke in for the valuables that had been left in there.

"I am sorry, again" He replied automatically like a robot while I tried to comprehend what was happening.
"if that was all I would appreciate it if you were to keep quiet about this, we are releasing her body to her family after the autopsy and are about to inform the press as she is a very influential person in the media, it will be needed to be broadcasted but by the police and not by you" Webster said.

I stood, the chair scraped across the concrete floor
"I won't be needing these now" I sighed and slid the screenshots of the dark web ads across the table,
"My mother's case was a homicide... But I've solved it for you" I sniffed and turned, my body walking and moving but nothing seeming to actually happen.
"Are you okay?" Karen asked as I stepped from the room and into the cold hallway
"Lucy...she's dead" I said, scowling like I didn't understand what information I was trying to process.

I shuffled to the parking lot where Will was waiting for me in the car,
"How did it go?" He asked but I couldn't help the face I bore
"What's wrong?"
"The case didn't get re-opened" I replied instantly "Because they were already dealing with another death, Lucy's" I continued and slid into the front seat, Karen getting into the back.  

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