I Have A Thing For The Hot Nerd - 6

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Melanie Martinez – Training Wheels

Chapter 6

I drove home completely annoyed, still wearing the gym clothes I had put on for my lesson, making the air snap and nip at my thighs and arms as I rushed through the afternoon traffic, I couldn't stop the awful feeling in my stomach that told me I had went too far, the heaviness of my heart and complete and utter feeling of dread and looming fear. I didn't like I had hurt her that much although there was that little bit of pleasure that had showed I took no shit at all. I pulled up outside my garage and parked my bike within seconds, instead of going to my apartment I moved over to the house beside my own home, my hand rapping on the wood of Aunt Lilly's door. She answered in a heartbeat, her eyes burning with worry as she looked at me and invited me in.

"Can we talk?" I pleaded, trudging in and dropping my belongings in the foyer and walking into the living room; I found myself collapsing on the sofa and waited as my Aunt wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in
"What happened?" She asked worriedly and I began to talk animatedly.
"My first day at school has been horrendous, some guys were really laying into this boy and were just picking on him, calling him names and being awful so I stuck up for him and broke the guys nose" I laughed through the bubble of tears stuck in my throat "I know" Lilly whispered before urging me to continue.
"And I met this guy, he's called Will and he's so nice" I perked up momentarily "And because I kind of followed him everywhere this girl started a fight and I ended it, it was the worst first day I've ever had but Dean helped out when he could; how did you know anyway?" I asked, turning to Aunt Lilly with a straight face.

She sighed, letting go and pushing her blonde locks back off her face with her hand
"The principal called a few minutes ago and told me everything that happened, because of who your dad is you've been given a formal warning but next time they'll need to take action" She spoke, she looked agitated.
"I'm sorry, it's just everything literally fell out of me; since mom died I've been passed around to the next family that wanted me and I guess it just took a toll on me" I sighed, bending forward and putting my head in my hands as my aunt rubbed my back.
"It's okay, I won't tell your dad because I understand Paige, never liked Carrick anyway" She laughed "But you need to be careful, I won't condone violence and definitely won't allow you to be a little hooligan on my watch" She winked. We sat and talked a little and she brought me a cup of hot cocoa to soothe my sadness, It was a shame she couldn't have children because she was so brilliantly motherly, she had this nurturing side to her that made me calm and feel safe, I rushed off when I realised everyone would be coming home from school now, knowing Dean would come in and I was already too humiliated.

I said goodbye and hurried next door, happy to be in my own space; I hated the silence and loneliness but my apartment grew on me really fast, it was my sanctuary. I pulled the curtains closed and immersed myself in darkness immediately, changing into a different pair of flannel shorts and a tank and curling up on the sofa, I switched on my xbox and began a match online hoping it would distract my mind.

It took a while but I managed to peel my eyes away from my TV and checked the clock.
"SHIT" I shouted, realising it was 4:50 and I needed to meet Will. I ran to my room and threw on a pair of leather skinnies and a black blouse, my Doc Martens going well with my leather jacket. I checked my outfit over quickly, suddenly self-conscious of what I was wearing and shook my head, I didn't have time to see how well my ass looked right now... but it did look great. In seconds I had locked up and jumped on my bike, making sure to put the spare helmet in the storage compartment beneath the seat and made a start on driving to the school, making sure everyone had left.

I pulled up 25 minutes later to see Will stood awkwardly, leaning against the pillar of bricks that held the gates to the high school. His hands were in his pocket and he was squinting up at the sun.
"I'm so sorry! I got into a really intense debate on Black Ops with some guy named FabulousYeti and I lost track of time" I sighed, pulling the seat up awkwardly and grabbing the spare helmet.
"Here" I motioned
"You sure? Most people don't like being seen with me" He stuttered, reluctantly taking the helmet off of me,
"I'm not most people" I winked, grabbing my vibrating phone from my jacket pocket. I looked at Will briefly, apologising for having to take the call. I felt his weight press down on the back of the bike slightly as he tried to get on.

"Hey Daniel" I spoke, the caller ID notified me of who it was calling.
"There's a race tonight, 3,000 dollars on the table-if you come I'll pay your entry fee and your half of the debt" He said
"I don't know" My voice wavered, unsure of whether I should take that chance.
"It's at 9, I'm expecting to see you- I'll text you the details-don't let me down, Pae" He shouted, his voice disappearing before the phone clicked off.

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