Ten / A Visit

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Countdown until Paul leaving: 1 month, 14 days

It has been six days since I punched Jake in the face. I don't want to see him again anytime soon, but if I got to punch him again, I guess that would be okay. He hasn't tried to contact me since then. Nothing but that text message. Six days later, it's still on my mind. It's not over. Those words scare me, but with Paul by my side, I feel safe. Besides, I can't let him ruin our remaining time together.

These past few days have passed uneventfully. More embarrassment from my mother of course, but that is to be expected. More bonding time over cars between my dad and Paul, and I think it's safe to say that he has earned my father's stamp of approval.

However, today is the day we go back to New York. At the moment, I'm packing my bags. Well, attempting to pack my bags. Paul's kissing my neck, and I must say, it is quite the distraction. My cheeks heat up, and I smile. I don't want to move away, but if we are going to make our flight in two hours, I have to. "You know we have to pack, right?" I laugh, and lean into him.

"Yes, I know, love. But New York can wait." He places his hands on my hips and pulls me toward him. Then he turns me around and our lips are just inches apart. The temptation is almost too much to bear. I bite my lower lip softly; I find myself doing that quite often these past few days, because things have gotten heated several times. Instead of giving in like in the past, I decide to have a little bit of fun. Grazing his lips with my own, I slide my hands into his hair, tugging softly. I kiss him ever so lightly, then push him away, smiling. "You are such a tease, Sierra."

I laugh. "Yes I am, Paul. What are you going to do about it?" That was my mistake. But I already said it, so there is no turning back. I bite my lip again, in anticipation.

He shakes his head at me. "You know it kills me when you do that." When his eyes are looking into mine, I sense the love he has for me in them. But I also sense humor in them, though I'm not quite sure why. "But you really shouldn't have asked what I'm going to do about it." There it is. I'm smiling from ear to ear before he even does anything to me. The second he touches me I start laughing. He picks me up and throws me down lightly on the bed, then gets on top of me to pin me down. I can't move, and the thought of that with Paul being so close makes my laughter subside. He smirks, and alternates his gaze between my eyes and my lips. I'm aching inside for a kiss, but he only kisses my forehead. "I love you, Sierra. So much." I can't read his expression.

I smile slightly. "I love you, too. But what's wrong?" He lets go of my right hand, so I bring it up to his face and touch his cheek softly. "Don't say nothing because I can see something is bothering you."

He lays beside me, and grabs a hold of my hand. "I need to tell you something." My stomach drops. Those are six words that never mean good. He must be able to hear what I'm thinking, "No, no. It's not bad, I promise."

"Okay, what is it?" I have no idea what he wants to tell me, and I'm kinda nervous.

He kisses my hand then begins. "That day we were at the lake and Jake came up, I wanted to beat that smile into his face. I know I told you this after we first ran into him but I would do that for you and so much more. When I see you smile, there's nothing else I can do but smile, too. We haven't been together long but I know my love for you and I know I want to be with you for the rest of my life." He slides off the bed and onto one knee, and I sit up, where we are eye level. He smiles, "I've never done this before but I know that you are the one for me. So, Sierra, will you marry me?"

For a moment, I'm paralyzed. I can't say or do anything, just be in absolute shock. Is this really happening? But looking into those blue eyes of his, I know it really is.

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