Thirty Five / Filling the Nest - Bird One

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(unedited, so sorry for any mistakes xo)

December 19th, 2010

Opening the bathroom closet door without letting it creak is nearly impossible, but I have to be able to do that. I don't want to wake Paul up and I would rather do this on my own. Slowly, I open the door, and despite my attempt to keep quiet, it creaks anyway. I cringe inside, half waiting for Paul to ask me what I'm doing. A minute goes by without hearing anything, so I look into our room and sure enough, he's still asleep.

I peer into the closet, trying to figure out if it had been gone through. I didn't want anyone to know about this, especially Paul, because I wanted to be sure in case I was wrong. However, I'm pretty sure that I'm not. In fact, I'm 100 percent sure that I'm pregnant.

Nothing appeared to be moved around, despite the fact that I had put the test in there three days ago. I move some stuff around, and grab the pregnancy test from the back of the closet. To be safe, I lock the bathroom door. Paul would probably walk in regardless of if I told him not to.

There are times in your life where you are so nervous that you get physically sick, or perhaps you get a panic attack. This is definitely one of those times.

Even though my hands are shaking, I manage to get the box open. I take the test and then stare at it, willing for the results to come up quicker than the five minute waiting time. After a minute, I set the test down on the sink and sit on the edge of the tub, waiting for the end of test. My thoughts drift to our first baby.


Flashback / November 22nd, 2010

Paul wraps his arm around me, pulling me our naked bodies even closer. "I love you so much," he whispers, kissing my forehead. We haven't left the bed all day, but I'm not complaining. But, there is a reason behind that. We are trying to have another baby. Today marks two months since we lost our baby girl. We think about her every single day. It becomes quiet between us, Paul making patterns with his fingers on my arm. "What are you thinking about?"

"Our little girl," I reply. I expected more silence, because it's usually what followed after our angel was brought up. It's not because we didn't care or anything like that, it was just too painful. I'm pleasantly surprised when my answer isn't met with the usual silence.

"You know, we never really gave her a name." He was right. Of course, we were under the assumption that we have more than plenty of time to figure out names later. Then the worst happened and we never got around to it.

I look up at him and he looks down at me. "I have no idea what to name her though." As I kid I had baby names picked out for when I finally needed them, but the ones in my mind right now aren't good enough for our precious baby.

He grins. "Luckily for us, I have some name ideas. But only first names, I'm not good at doing the middle."

I can't help the smile that comes to my face. "Well, alright. Let's hear them!" I lean up and kiss his cheek.

"Okay, well, I'm just going to run some names by you and just tell me how you like them. I think I've always liked the name Haley. I like Aubrey, Katelyn, and Morgan, too. But, my favorite has to be.." he trails off, lifting his arms to tap on the board repeatedly, his version of a drumroll. "Leia Sky."

I stare at him, trying to see if he's serious, and it looks that way. "Do you mean like Princess Leia off of Star Wars?" I ask.

"Yes! I've loved Star Wars since I was a kid!" He puts his arm back around me, laughing.

"Baby, we are not naming our daughter after a Star Wars character." I shake my head at him and get up. It was dinnertime and I was starving, and we clearly weren't leaving the house.

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