Forty / Filling the Nest: Bird Two - Boy or Girl

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February 23rd, 2011 (16 weeks, 0 days)

"Sierra, are you awake?" Paul whispers, pulling me closer to him.

"Yes," I whisper, looking up at him. I wasn't able to sleep much throughout the night, mostly due to the fact that we have moved yet again to a different location. Right now, we are at Stephanie and Caleb's place. Caleb was sleeping in the living room so he would be close to the front door, and Stephanie was sleeping in her room with Meadow. Even with Caleb for extra protection, it still didn't put my nerves at ease. Jake had beaten Callie up really badly and she was just getting out of the hospital today. It just goes to prove that Jake can get into our lives at any point whenever he wants to.

Paul starts to rub my arm. He knows how bad things are yet he still puts on a brave face for Meadow, and I love him so much for that. "Did you get any sleep?"

I readjust my position to where our eyes meet. "Not much. I guess I'm too excited to find out what the baby is today." I give him a small smile, trying to show that I'm okay. But if I can't even convince myself of that, then I can't convince him. He knows me better than anyone else, probably even more than I know myself.

"That didn't sound too convincing," he says, chuckling softly. When I don't respond, he sighs. "I promise you everything will be okay soon. Jake won't be in our lives forever." The way that his tone sounded makes me a little worried. Ever since the night Callie got attacked, something in him changed. He has acted different. When I look into his eyes, they are no longer the friendly blues you could get lost in. They've become darker, but no one seems to notice but me.

When Meadow told Paul about Jake putting his hands on her, I knew he wasn't going to get away with it. Paul was going to make sure of that, and that's what scared me the most. He was determined to get Jake as far away from us as possible, whether that meant Jake was put in jail or dead. My husband isn't the one to let someone mess with his family; family means everything to him.

Jake has disappeared yet again since the attack. All of us, not just Paul, Meadow, and I, are on edge. The police are doing next to nothing about trying to find him, so Paul and a few other people were leading their own search. I live in fear every single day that they will find him and something will happen to my amazing husband. "Paul, I want you to promise me something."

"You know I'd do anything for you."

"Please be careful with whatever you're doing to find Jake. I can't lose you, especially with the baby on the way. I refuse to raise this baby without it ever knowing you. Meadow needs you, and so do I." I am tired of crying. But once this is all over, there won't be a reason to.

"I know, love. I know. But I'm not going anywhere." He squeezes me tight. I don't really care that I can't breathe; something could happen at any moment that would take him away from me. His arms are the only place I really want to be. We lay there for a few minutes, perfectly content with being in each other's arms. Not knowing what Jake could do just makes every moment more precious than the last.

There is a soft knock at the door. "Morning," Stephanie's soft voice floats in. Our moment of peacefulness is over. "Meadow had a nightmare again." Paul starts to get up, but Stephanie waves him down. "No, no. She's asking for you, Sierra."

"Okay," I mumble, getting up. Meadow has been having nightmares every night since the attack. It makes me upset to see her so upset. Paul would usually be the one to talk her down, and I didn't mind. Despite us being close, she is much closer to her dad, which is completely understandable. He always knows the right things to say to her, but right now, I'm not sure what those right things are. I've never really had to play a mother role until Meadow. I glance back at Paul as I walk out of the room, and he gives me a reassuring smile. It gives me a confidence boost. When I get into her room, her face is in her hands, and I can hear her sobs. It makes my heart break.

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