Chapter 48- Tale As Old As Time (Part 1)

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"Ready Camelia?" Jasmine asks as she fluffs Camelia's dress and veil one last time in the master suite in the castle they were having the wedding.

It was one of many castles located in France. The château was historic, situated on a high cliff miles and miles away from the major city and the perfect location for a magical, royal wedding.

"Yes, as ready as I'll ever be." She responds and takes a deep breath to calm her nerves.

Jasmine giggles behind her. "You're nervous aren't you?"

Camelia exhales loudly. "Is it that obvious?"

Jasmine nods and comes to stand beside her little sister. "Don't over think it. You deserve to be happy, Camelia. Brace the moment and enjoy one of the happiest days of your life."

"You sure I look okay?" Camelia asks nervously, smothering the non-existent creases on her gown.

"You look like a Princess! Stefan's going to have a heart attack when he sees you!"

"God forbid." She mumbles, a slight frown forming between her eyes brows.

Jasmine laughs full heartedly and gives Camelia a side hug.

All of a sudden the sharp sounds of a helicopter's rotor blades vibrate the air.  Jasmine and Camelia advance toward one of the elongated windows in curiosity.  The helicopter was coming towards the castle and slowly makes it's descent, slowing down and hovering, it's intent to set down on a helipad some distance from the castle itself. 

"Expecting someone important?"  Jasmine asks, her eyes glued to the newly landed helicopter.  The ignition is shut off and the rotor blades slow and quiet. 

"Stefan said one of his friends was arriving in just in time for the reception."  Camelia answers, she too looking out into the field and narrowing her eyes to get a closer view of the occupants. 

A figure gracefully eases out of the helicopter's door and jumps out.  It was a man.  Even from their distance they could tell he was incredibly handsome.  Tall, dark and dressed in a black elegant suit. 

The mysterious man slicks back his black hair and adjusts his suit, striding off the helipad. 

Jasmine releases a slow whistle. 

"For the first time in my life I'm impressed."   Jasmine says softly.  "Who is he?" 

"I can't remember his name..."  Camelia murmurs.  "All I can remember is he's Italian."  She adds.  "I think I heard Stefan saying he owns several winery's and shipping businesses that span the globe."

"Hello Mr. Gorgeous."  Jasmine purrs.  "I've heard Italian's take lessons in kissing."

Camelia laughs.  "Yeah right." 

It dawned on her then and there.  Remembering the wish she made for herself and Jasmine before blowing out her candles for her birthday.

"Could this be the guy you've been waiting for to fall out of the sky...?"  She said, voicing her revelation. 

Jasmine silently contemplated what her words meant.

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