Afterwords and Acknowledgement

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My 3rd Completed Story!


Some of you maybe asking why it end up like that. Then allow me to say a few things. What I'm about to say is my own opinion and you can disagree with it but you can't change my decision.

What is love? Its the thing that we feel but we can't definitely define it. In our society nowadays, most people in love care only about their feelings and their selves. They don't really care if in the process they hurt other people. Also others are being played. Left a person broken without second thought. See? Some of them didn't think the consequences or the cause and effect with their actions.

For me, love comes with trust, respect, dignity and a clear conscience. You have to trust each other, though we know how girls are. With the girl, their trust comes with doubt. I understand that because it really comes hand in hand. Just don't jump into conclusion.

Respect. You should respect not just the one you love but also yourself. Think things slowly and carefully. Respect each others decision and privacy. You should know your limitations. Don't nag them for everything you wanted, they have their own mind.

Dignity. There's no need to ruin your dignity just to have the person you love, love you back. Boost your moral, show how refine and worthy you are. Don't stoop to do immoral things. And don't reason out that you just did all that nasty things because of love.

Clear Conscience. To have a lasting happiness, you should have a clear conscience. How can you be totally happy if in the back of your mind you're guilty for something? Every once in a while you feel regrets? And in the deepest corner of your heart you are afraid that your past will haunt you? Or the wrong doing you've done to have that love will resurface? That's why you have to do things to acquire the love you wanted without hurting others. Not at the expense of other people. Karma is real!

That four is the things that I wanted to share for you, Hwarangs, to think and ponder. Not just #ShanAse love story or happy ending. The most important thing is what behind. Let's not focus the surface instead let's look deeper and analyze even the small details.


This story will not be possible without everyone's support, in your own different way. That's why I made sure that every time I finished my story there's a section where I can tell how much I am thankful to everyone.

Thank You So Much!!!

To my 500+ followers. Thank you for following me. For me, it means so much. It also means that I'm doing good and worthy enough, for you to click follow.

To all my silent readers. There's a lot of you, huh? Just a single read/views or vote from you is very much appreciated. Even if I really love to hear from you, I understand if you don't. I am a silent reader myself.

To all my readers who made an effort to comment. I am so glad you do. In that way I can interact with you. To know what think and what you feel. I consider all your comments, opinion and suggestions. I'm just stubborn enough to stick what I think is best. For that, I apologize.

To ZeiExsha, don't kill me... I know you're a certified Team Chase. Tch! You know the drill. I miss the time whenever I share to you my plans for a certain story. And I'm too lazy to buy a load and call you if I wanted to share something. You know how much of a lazy lass your big sister is when it comes to communication. Because I know whatever happens, you will always there for me, willing to listen. Love yah, Sis!

To PlayWright13, thank you for everything. For reading my story and for supporting me. It's great to know that somewhere, some people I personally know, appreciate my works. And it made a way for me to interact with you, my sister friend. If it's not because of my story, I don't think we ever have a conversation especially if I'm ocean apart. Thank you so much, Faith. Hope no one will ruin what you and my sister have, the friendship that you both nurtured.

Shout out for my Favorite Readers,

               I'm so glad to know that you have a tablet now after your phone got destroyed. You know you're my first favorite, right? We'll that's true. You never failed to show your support. Even that time you don't have a means to read my updates. I really appreciate and treasure it. Hope to still hear from you for my upcoming stories.

             We share something in common, one is our love of history. There is something cross my mind when I learned that, a collaboration with you. That is, if I got enough time and able to read your work. What do you think? Anyway, Thank you so much for the support. Hope you won't get tired of it.
PS: I let Faith, tell you my FB account so you can add me. She told me about it. It's just that, I'm busy that time so I'm not able to get back her.

         You're one of my favorite too, even though I haven't heard of you lately. I love to read your comments every time, your reaction and what you feel. I really appreciate it. Hope to hear from you again.


       Ah, you never went missing did you? Just like kathalvarado3, you're always there. You never failed to show your support with me and the story. I'm glad you do appreciate and always there. Thank you! Hope you too, won't get tired.

To Everyone, please accept my humblest heartfelt thanks to all of you. You all are my inspiration. Love you all! See you all to my next stories. Hoping you all still there and support me, in any way you can.

Hoping you enjoy this Hwarangs!!!

-- ArcheonJhane

A Fairy Tale Like World is now signing off.

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