Vampire! Bill x Reader

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**- Vampire! AU


3rd Person POV

(Y/n), a random girl that lives in Gravity Falls, is now walking through the forest. She was so tired, partying with her best friends, Mabel, Dipper, Wendy, Candy, and Grenda. They did karaoke and all that. She had fun but, its way past her bedtime, and she doesn't want to have the worst hang over the next morning. So here she was, walking alone in the forest.

(Y/n)'s POV

'Ugh, why did I decline Dipper's offer to take me home? It's so scary out here all alone.'

I was rubbing my arms because of the temperature. I checked my watch. It was almost 12:00 a.m.

I walked quickly because I was afraid in the dark, and guess what? It's midnight already.


Just, great.

Some wolves started howling, and hell it was so loud.


I don't remember passing this place before.

'Now I'm lost?!'


That's when I heard a rustling in the bushes beside me. I backed away then power walked until I was far enough. I looked behind to see nothing.

'The heck happened?'

I disregarded the thing and continued walking fast. I'm so freaking terrified right now. I looked behind me to see a shadow ran fast in front of me. In the distance I can see a black figure facing me. I stood, frightened. My legs froze as the figure starts walking to my direction. I walked backwards with my arms up as defense. The figure stopped walking, so I turned around.

My eyes landed on a man's chest. I tensed up so I jumped backwards and landed on my ass.

"The heck?!" I suddenly blurted. The man looked at me with a smirk. Now I can see the man's whole face. He has white, pale skin, jet black hair at the bottom, and yellow hair at the top part. He has an eyepatch by his right eye, and he has gold orbs. I find him, oddly attractive.

'(Y/n), he's a stranger, why the hell are you thinking like that?!'

"Why thank you dear! You're not bad yourself." He said, reaching his arm out to me. I hesitantly held it and he brought me up. Then I processed what he just said.

"Did you read my mind? What are you?" I asked while getting lost in his eyes. "Yes, yes I did, and you might wanna find that out by yourself." He said with a smirk. Then I noticed his canines. It was so, damn long. Then it hit me.

"Are you a vampire?!" I suddenly asked. He chuckled as a response. "Well yes, sweetcheeks." He answered. I started backing away from him. Then I ran past him. I just heard his snicker from behind. I've seen enough movies to know that vampires has super speed. And this one read my mind! This is a different level, for fuck's sake.

I felt an arm on my waist, so I stopped running and looked at the man. "The fuck are yah doing, Bastard?" I said squirming out of his grip. "What do you think I'm doing, babe?" He said.

"Look, I'm not saying 'eew', but 'babe'? I don't even know your name." I answered, giving up from thrashing because this man has a strong grip. "Names Bill Cipher, and no need for intros, (Y/n), I know who you are." He stated.

'I already heard that name before. Where did I get that name?'

'...Oh right! Dipper's journal! King of the Demon Vampire-- holy shit!!!'

"Hm, it seems you know me too." He said with a devilish grin,showing his fangs. I gulped.

"S-so, um, you ate yet?" I asked out of nowhere.


"I don't eat that much, but I love drinking." He replied. I'm sweating terribly right now, wrong question.

"What d-drink exactly?" 'SERIOUSLY (Y/N)?!' Well, its still a good thing I don't stutter a lot like Dipper.

"Blood, to be exact." He answered, looking down at me.

"So, you done drinking right? Might as well let go of me and lead me out of this mythical forest." I said squirming again.

"You're right, Snowflake." He said.'Snowflake? What?'

"But, I'm not here to hurt you." He continued.

"Then why are you here?" I asked.

"I'm offering you a lifetime shit..." He said then held both of my hands. I looked at his eyes.

The deep color of his orbs almost made me faint. It was hypnotizing and enticing. I couldn't look away from it, as much as I wanted to.

"Be my queen, (Y/n)," He said while staring at me. I blushed 90 shades of red. "I'm gonna say yes, but I barely know you Bill, let's take time to get to know each other, then in the right time, I'll agree with that offer of yours." I said with a smile, he smiled back.

More like smirked.

"Are you serious?" He said. "Yeah!" I replied. "Now please be a gentleman and lead me outta this forest." I said. He smiled at me.

While we were walking, I asked him what was like to be a vampire. "Well, it has perks, and being a king, I'm a day-walker, and I possess dream demon powers." He answered. I rubbed my arms because its already 12:23 a.m. and its freaking cold. Then I felt a warm arm wrapped around me. No doubt it was Bill's. It was damn warm. Of course, he's a bloodsucker, duh.

"How did you become a vampire? Did you get bitten or something?" I asked. "My family has a royal blood, and it passed down and it ends with me, so I'm gonna rule forever, without my physical form aging." He replied.

"How old are you?" I asked. Who knows, he maybe 20,000 years old or something.

"I'm 20 in demon years, but 20,000 in human years." See?

After a long walk, we finally arrived at my house. I turned to Bill and hugged him.

Don't blame me. I suddenly had the urge to do it, so why not?

I could definitely tell he was surprised, but hugged back. "Thanks Bill. If it wasn't for you, I was going to be lost forever in the woods." I said. "Anytime, Snowflake." He replied.

"Well, hoping to see you tomorrow then!" I said, waving goodbye. He waved back. "Me too."

If I'm not mistaken, I saw a rather pained smile etch on his features before he disappeared into the dark.

Then a sudden wave of nostalgia hit my consciousness. I knew I was right all along.

He is familiar.

I could feel my blood run cold as his words from the past came coming back to my memories.

"I'll look for you, my love. But until then, you must remember not to forget me, please."

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